Chisel typically runs a simulation in the users $TMPDIR directory under a directory named for the Scala-Chisel source files and with a unique hash number. The following shell function will take you to the latest temporary directory of this sort. I have added this to my bash startup files
# Usage goto_chisel_temp <pattern>
# Example:
# >> goto_chisel_temp Small
Changing to latest tempdir for Small SmallOdds3Tester7903104241751344739/
# will place the user in latest temp directory associated with a chisel simulation
# >>>
function goto_chisel_temp {
dir=`\ls -ltr | awk "/$1/"' { print $NF }' | tail -1`
if test -n "4dir"; then
echo "Changing to latest tempdir for $1 $dir"
cd $dir
echo "Could not find latest tempdir for $1"