##Current Version - 1.5.3
bower install jcountdown --save
Get any of the release from https://github.com/tomgrohl/jCountdown/releases
dataAttr - Default null
Can be used instead of date option when you want to specify the date on a data-* attribute on an element.
Just pass the name here.
Example: If attribute is data-cdate, pass "cdate"
date - Default: null
(Must be a valid date string or Date object)
digits - Default: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
(Array of numbers used for digits in countdown)
Example: Arabic would be ['٠', '١', '٢', '٣', '٤', '٥', '٦', '٧', '٨', '٩']
direction - Default: "down"
Countdown Direction, "down" for down to a date, and up for "up" from a date
yearText - Default: 'years'
Used by template
monthText - Default: 'months'
Used by template
weekText - Default: 'weeks'
Used by template
dayText - Default: 'days'
Used by template
hourText - Default: 'hours'
Used by template
minText - Default: 'mins'
Used by template
secText - Default: 'sec'
Used by template
yearSingularText - Default: 'year'
Used by template
monthSingularText - Default: 'month'
Used by template
weekSingularText - Default: 'week'
Used by template
daySingularText - Default: 'day'
Used by template
hourSingularText - Default: 'hour'
Used by template
minText - Default: 'min'
Used by template
secText - Default: 'sec'
Used by template
timeWrapElement - Default: 'span'
Used by template for building countdown
textWrapElement - Default: 'span'
Used by template for building countdown
timeWrapClass - Default: ''
Used by template for building countdown so you can style your countdown
textWrapClass - Default: 'cd-time'
Used by template for building countdown so you can style your countdown
timeSeparator - Default: ''
(String) Separator for each time section
spaceCharacter - Default: ' '
(String) Character for spacing between time, text, and separators
yearsAndMonths - Default: false
(Boolean. If set to true, jCountdown counts down the years/months as well)
***The 3 options below shouldn't be used together***
hoursOnly - Default: false
(Boolean. If set to true, jCountdown ignores days left and add converts to hours and adds this to the hours left)
minsOnly - Default: false
(Boolean. If set to true, jCountdown ignores days/hours and add converts to minutes and adds this to the minutes left)
secsOnly - Default: false
(Boolean. If set to true, jCountdown ignores days/hours/minutes left and converts to seconds and adds this to seconds left)
weeks - Default: false
(Boolean. When set to true, after months left are calculated, weeks left will be calculated.)
updateTime - Default: 1000
(Interval in milliseconds when the Countdown should update the time)
minus - Default: false
(Boolean. Whether the Countdown should have to go into minus figures, especially when counting down to a date)
onStart - Default: null
(Callback function for when the Countdown first starts)
onChange - Default: null
(Callback function for when the Countdown time updates)
onLocaleChange - Default: null
(Callback function for when the Countdown locale is changed)
onComplete - Default: null
(Callback function for when the Countdown time updates)
onPause - Default: null
(Callback function for when the Countdown Plugin is paused )
onResume - Default: null
(Callback function for when the Countdown Plugin is resumed from pause)
leadingZero - Default: false
(Boolean. Whether time values should have a leading zero for values < 10. e.g 09)
omitZero - Default: false
(When set to true, if one of the time values is 0, it will be hidden)
offset - Default: null
int or float (Offset in hours, can be used for setting countdown time to match server time)
serverDiff - Default: null
int (servertime in milliseconds, e.g (time() * 1000)
stopwatch - Default: false
(Boolean. When set to true, when has countdown is resumed from being paused, it carries on from the date it paused at, not the date it resumes from.)
isRTL - Default: false
(Boolean). Set to true when using a Right-To-Left language
template - Default: null
Tokens available: %y = years, %m = months, %w = weeks, %d = days, %h = hours, %i = minutes, %s = seconds
changeLocale (since 1.5.0) - Accepts a string
Example: $("#time").countdown("changeLocale", "fr");
changeSettings - Accepts an object map, the same as when first initialising the plugin
Example: $("#time").countdown("changeSettings", options);
getSettings - Returns setting/settings from countdown plugin, as well as the timer
Example: var currentSettings = $("#time").countdown("getSettings");
Example: var dateSetting = $("#time").countdown("getSettings", "date");
resume - Resumes the countdown, if previously pauses, otherwise this method does nothing
Example: $("#time").countdown("resume");
pause - Pauses the countdown, simple as
Example: $("#time").countdown("pause");
complete - Triggers the complete event and ends the countdown early. Also removes timer and unbinds any events.
Example: $("#time").countdown("complete");
destroy - Removes timer and unbinds any events, puts the DOM Element back to its original HTML state
Example: $("#time").countdown("destroy");
Settings you can access in all events through settings object:
timer (id for Interval)
hoursOnly (boolean)
yearsAndMonths (boolean)
minus (boolean)
You can bind/unbind to these events using .on and .off()
- countStart
- countChange
- countComplete
- countPause
- countResume
- localeChange
"date" : "july 30, 2011"
This plugin is licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE.txt).
Copyright (c) 2015 Tom Ellis