This snippet will show you how to conditionally change the color of an object (e.g. Display Object) in reference to the content. E.g. setting a red background color with a bold font if the display text is "danger".
☛ Add this JavaScript code to your form's Custom Code field
function setConditionalColors(id, conditions) {
obj = $('#' + id);
for (cond in conditions) {
if (obj.val() === cond) {
obj.css('background-color', conditions[cond]['bg']);
obj.css('color', conditions[cond]['fg']);
obj.css('font-weight', conditions[cond]['weight']);
Call the function setConditionalColors() when the Edit Screen is loaded. If the object contains the word danger, its background is going to be red with a white font and a bold font-weight.
// bg: background color, fg: foreground color, weight: font feight
var colorConditions = {
'danger': {'bg': 'red', 'fg': 'white', 'weight': 'bold'},
'fine': {'bg': 'green', 'fg': 'white', 'weight': 'normal'},
'other': {'bg': 'black', 'fg': 'white', 'weight': 'normal'}
if (nuFormType() == 'edit') {
setConditionalColors('objId ', colorConditions); // replace objId with your object id