When deleting a form within nuBuilder, its objects and other associated data (like JS & PHP Events, Tabs etc.) remain in the database. If you want to delete a form completely with all linked data, you can execute the SQL below.
To do so,
☛ Open phpMyAdmin or a similar database tool.
☛ In the query below, replace 5f2eaff5eada6d5 with your Form Id.
You can retrieve it by executing nuCurrentProperties().form_id in the Developer Console (F12) or by looking in database table zzzzsys_form
, column zzzzsys_form_id.
☛ Make sure to create a backup of your database before running the SQL query in order to have a version of the database to revert to in case of any problems.
Click to view the SQL!
SET @form_id = '5f2eaff5eada6d5'; -- Form id to delete
SET @form_id_like = CONCAT(@form_id,'%');
-- Events
DELETE FROM zzzzsys_event WHERE sev_zzzzsys_object_id in
(SELECT zzzzsys_object_id FROM zzzzsys_object where sob_all_zzzzsys_form_id = @form_id);
-- PHP
zzzzsys_php_id LIKE @form_id_like
OR sph_zzzzsys_form_id = @form_id
OR LEFT(zzzzsys_php_id,length(zzzzsys_php_id)-3)
IN (SELECT zzzzsys_object_id FROM `zzzzsys_object` WHERE sob_all_zzzzsys_form_id = @form_id);
-- Browse
DELETE FROM zzzzsys_browse WHERE sbr_zzzzsys_form_id = @form_id ;
-- Select
DELETE FROM zzzzsys_select WHERE zzzzsys_select_id LIKE @form_id ;
-- Select Clause
DELETE FROM zzzzsys_select_clause WHERE ssc_zzzzsys_select_id LIKE @form_id_like ;
-- Form Tabs
DELETE FROM zzzzsys_tab WHERE syt_zzzzsys_form_id = @form_id;
-- Form objects
DELETE FROM zzzzsys_object WHERE sob_all_zzzzsys_form_id = @form_id OR sob_run_zzzzsys_form_id = @form_id;
-- Finally, delete the form
DELETE FROM zzzzsys_form WHERE zzzzsys_form_id = @form_id ;