As explained in this Wiki article, nuBuilder Forte can track when records are Added, Accessed, Edited.
But how do we retrieve this information and display it in an Edit Screen?
Add a new Object (Type Text) to your from with the Object ID of your nulog Field. (e.g. mytable_nulog). Set its access to Hidden.
☛Add this JavaScript Code to your form’s Custom Code field. (Or in Setup -> Header, if you are planning to use the function in several forms)
function formatUnixDateTime(t, locales, dOptions, tOptions) {
if (typeof dOptions === 'undefined') {
var dOptions = {};
if (typeof tOptions === 'undefined') {
var tOptions = {};
var d = new Date(t * 1000);
return d.toLocaleDateString(locales, dOptions) + ' ' + d.toLocaleTimeString(locales, tOptions);
function getNuLogData(obj, type, what) {
var undef = (typeof obj === 'undefined');
var info = '<b>' + nuTranslate(type + ' ' + what) + ':</b> ';
if (what == 'User') {
return undef ? '' : info + obj.user + "<br>";
} else
if (what == 'Time') {
return undef ? '' : info + formatUnixDateTime(obj.time, "en-US") + "<br>";
Add a Button Object to your form with the Label ? and an onclick handler. JavaScript: showNuLogInfo('example_nulog');
When the button is clicked, the logging activity is displayed in a message box.
function showNuLogInfo(id) {
var nuLog = $('#' + id).val();
var obj = JSON.parse(nuLog);
var msg = getNuLogData(obj.added, 'Added', 'User') + getNuLogData(obj.added, 'Added', 'Time');
msg += getNuLogData(obj.viewed, 'Viewed', 'User') + getNuLogData(obj.viewed, 'Viewed', 'Time');
msg += getNuLogData(obj.edited, 'Edited', 'User') + getNuLogData(obj.edited, 'Edited', 'Time');
$('#nuMessageDiv').css('text-align', 'left');
Language locales list: