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Move align checker to surf
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bengineerd committed Oct 6, 2023
1 parent 78b55eb commit 3e9ef96
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Showing 2 changed files with 294 additions and 4 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -23,9 +23,6 @@ library surf;
use surf.StdRtlPkg.all;
use surf.AxiLitePkg.all;

library lcls_timing_core;
use lcls_timing_core.TimingPkg.all;

library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -365,7 +362,7 @@ begin
mAxiReadMasters => axilReadMasters,
mAxiReadSlaves => axilReadSlaves);

U_AlignCheck : entity lcls_timing_core.GthRxAlignCheck
U_AlignCheck : entity surf.GtRxAlignCheck
generic map (
Expand Down
293 changes: 293 additions & 0 deletions xilinx/general/rtl/GtRxAlignCheck.vhd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
-- Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
-- Description: GTH RX Byte Alignment Checker module
-- This file is part of 'LCLS Timing Core'.
-- It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the
-- top-level directory of this distribution and at:
-- No part of 'LCLS Timing Core', including this file,
-- may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to
-- the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

library surf;
use surf.StdRtlPkg.all;
use surf.AxiLitePkg.all;

entity GtRxAlignCheck is
generic (
TPD_G : time := 1 ns;
GT_TYPE_G : string := "GTHE3"; -- or GTYE3, GTHE4, GTYE4
DRP_ADDR_G : slv(31 downto 0));
port (
-- Clock Monitoring
txClk : in sl;
rxClk : in sl;
-- GTH Status/Control Interface
resetIn : in sl;
resetOut : out sl;
resetDone : in sl;
resetErr : in sl;
locked : out sl;
-- Clock and Reset
axilClk : in sl;
axilRst : in sl;
-- Master AXI-Lite Interface
mAxilReadMaster : out AxiLiteReadMasterType;
mAxilReadSlave : in AxiLiteReadSlaveType;
mAxilWriteMaster : out AxiLiteWriteMasterType;
mAxilWriteSlave : in AxiLiteWriteSlaveType;
-- Slave AXI-Lite Interface
sAxilReadMaster : in AxiLiteReadMasterType;
sAxilReadSlave : out AxiLiteReadSlaveType;
sAxilWriteMaster : in AxiLiteWriteMasterType;
sAxilWriteSlave : out AxiLiteWriteSlaveType);
end entity GtRxAlignCheck;

architecture rtl of GtRxAlignCheck is

-- GTHE3 = x"0000_0540" (DRP_ADDR=0x150, see UG576 (v1.5) on page 508)
-- GTYE3 = x"0000_0940" (DRP_ADDR=0x250, see UG578 (v1.3) on page 396)
-- GTHE4 = x"0000_0940" (DRP_ADDR=0x250, see UG576 (v1.5) on page 421)
-- GTYE4 = x"0000_0940" (DRP_ADDR=0x250, see UG578 (v1.3) on page 443)
constant COMMA_ALIGN_LATENCY_OFFSET_C : slv(31 downto 0) := ite((GT_TYPE_G = "GTHE3"), x"0000_0540", x"0000_0940");

constant LOCK_VALUE : integer := 16;
constant MASK_VALUE : integer := 126;

type StateType is (

type RegType is record
locked : sl;
rst : sl;
rstlen : slv(3 downto 0);
rstcnt : slv(3 downto 0);
tgt : slv(6 downto 0);
mask : slv(6 downto 0);
last : slv(15 downto 0);
sample : Slv8Array(39 downto 0);
sAxilWriteSlave : AxiLiteWriteSlaveType;
sAxilReadSlave : AxiLiteReadSlaveType;
req : AxiLiteReqType;
state : StateType;
end record;
constant REG_INIT_C : RegType := (
locked => '0',
rst => '1',
rstlen => toSlv(3, 4),
rstcnt => toSlv(0, 4),
tgt => toSlv(LOCK_VALUE, 7),
mask => toSlv(MASK_VALUE, 7),
last => toSlv(0, 16),
sample => (others => (others => '0')),
state => READ_S);

signal r : RegType := REG_INIT_C;
signal rin : RegType;

signal ack : AxiLiteAckType;

signal txClkFreq : slv(31 downto 0);
signal rxClkFreq : slv(31 downto 0);

-- attribute dont_touch : string;
-- attribute dont_touch of r : signal is "TRUE";
-- attribute dont_touch of ack : signal is "TRUE";
-- attribute dont_touch of txClkFreq : signal is "TRUE";
-- attribute dont_touch of rxClkFreq : signal is "TRUE";


U_txClkFreq : entity surf.SyncClockFreq
generic map (
REF_CLK_FREQ_G => 156.25E+6, -- Units of Hz
REFRESH_RATE_G => 1.0, -- Units of Hz
CNT_WIDTH_G => 32) -- Counters' width
port map (
-- Frequency Measurement and Monitoring Outputs (locClk domain)
freqOut => txClkFreq,
-- Clocks
clkIn => txClk,
locClk => axilClk,
refClk => axilClk);

U_rxClkFreq : entity surf.SyncClockFreq
generic map (
REF_CLK_FREQ_G => 156.25E+6, -- Units of Hz
REFRESH_RATE_G => 1.0, -- Units of Hz
CNT_WIDTH_G => 32) -- Counters' width
port map (
-- Frequency Measurement and Monitoring Outputs (locClk domain)
freqOut => rxClkFreq,
-- Clocks
clkIn => rxClk,
locClk => axilClk,
refClk => axilClk);

comb : process (ack, axilRst, r, resetDone, resetErr, resetIn, rxClkFreq,
sAxilReadMaster, sAxilWriteMaster, txClkFreq) is
variable v : RegType;
variable axilEp : AxiLiteEndpointType;
variable i : natural;
-- Latch the current value
v := r;

-- Reset the flags
v.rst := '0';
v.locked := '0';

-- AXI-Lite Transactions

-- Determine the transaction type
axiSlaveWaitTxn(axilEp, sAxilWriteMaster, sAxilReadMaster, v.sAxilWriteSlave, v.sAxilReadSlave);

for i in 0 to r.sample'length-1 loop
axiSlaveRegister(axilEp, toSlv(4*(i/4), 9), 8*(i mod 4), v.sample(i));
end loop;
axiSlaveRegister(axilEp, toSlv(256, 9), 0, v.tgt);
axiSlaveRegister(axilEp, toSlv(256, 9), 8, v.mask);
axiSlaveRegister(axilEp, toSlv(256, 9), 16, v.rstlen);
axiSlaveRegister(axilEp, toSlv(260, 9), 0, v.last);
axiSlaveRegisterR(axilEp, toSlv(264, 9), 0, txClkFreq);
axiSlaveRegisterR(axilEp, toSlv(268, 9), 0, rxClkFreq);

-- Close out the transaction
axiSlaveDefault(axilEp, v.sAxilWriteSlave, v.sAxilReadSlave, AXI_RESP_OK_C);

-- State Machine
case r.state is
when RESET_S =>
-- Set the flag
v.rst := '1';
-- Check the counter
if (r.rstcnt = r.rstlen) then
-- Wait for the reset transition
if (resetDone = '0') then
-- Reset the counter
v.rstcnt := (others => '0');
-- Next state
v.state := READ_S;
end if;
-- Increment the counter
v.rstcnt := r.rstcnt+1;
end if;
when READ_S =>
-- Wait for the reset transition and check state of master AXI-Lite
if (resetDone = '1') and (ack.done = '0') then
-- Start the master AXI-Lite transaction
v.req.request := '1';
v.req.rnw := '1'; -- read operation
v.req.address := COMMA_ALIGN_LATENCY_ADDR_C;
-- Next state
v.state := ACK_S;
end if;
when ACK_S =>
-- AXI-Lite transaction handshaking
if (ack.done = '1') then
-- Reset the flag
v.req.request := '0';
-- Get the index pointer
i := conv_integer(ack.rdData(6 downto 0));
-- Increment the counter
v.sample(i) := r.sample(i)+1;
-- Save the last byte alignment check
v.last := ack.rdData(15 downto 0);
-- Check the byte alignment
if ((ack.rdData(6 downto 0) xor r.tgt) and r.mask) = toSlv(0, 7) then
-- Next state
v.state := LOCKED_S;
-- Set the flag
v.rst := '1';
-- Next state
v.state := RESET_S;
end if;
end if;
when LOCKED_S =>
-- Set the flag
v.locked := '1';
end case;

-- Check for software controlled sampler reset
if (axilEp.axiStatus.writeEnable = '1') and (sAxilWriteMaster.awaddr(8 downto 0) = toSlv(256, 9)) then
v.sample := (others => (others => '0'));
end if;

-- Check for user reset
if (resetIn = '1') or (resetErr = '1') then
-- Setup flags for reset state
v.rst := '1';
v.req.request := '0';
-- Reset the counter
v.rstcnt := (others => '0');
-- Next state
v.state := RESET_S;
end if;

-- Reset
if (axilRst = '1') then
v := REG_INIT_C;
end if;

-- Register the variable for next clock cycle
rin <= v;

-- Outputs
sAxilReadSlave <= r.sAxilReadSlave;
sAxilWriteSlave <= r.sAxilWriteSlave;
locked <= r.locked;
resetOut <= r.rst;

end process comb;

seq : process (axilClk) is
if rising_edge(axilClk) then
r <= rin after TPD_G;
end if;
end process seq;

U_AxiLiteMaster : entity surf.AxiLiteMaster
generic map (
port map (
req => r.req,
ack => ack,
axilClk => axilClk,
axilRst => axilRst,
axilWriteMaster => mAxilWriteMaster,
axilWriteSlave => mAxilWriteSlave,
axilReadMaster => mAxilReadMaster,
axilReadSlave => mAxilReadSlave);

end rtl;

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