KMeans Clustering on Cancer Data Set
Data Set Description:
Number of Attributes: 10 plus the class attribute
Attribute Information: (class attribute has been moved to last column)
- Sample code number id number
- Clump Thickness 1 - 10
- Uniformity of Cell Size 1 - 10
- Uniformity of Cell Shape 1 - 10
- Marginal Adhesion 1 - 10
- Single Epithelial Cell Size 1 - 10
- Bare Nuclei 1 - 10
- Bland Chromatin 1 - 10
- Normal Nucleoli 1 - 10
Mitoses 1 - 10
Class: (2 for benign, 4 for malignant)
Missing attribute values: 16
There are 16 instances in Groups 1 to 6 that contain a single missing (i.e., unavailable) attribute value, now denoted by "?".
Class distribution:
Benign: 458 (65.5%)