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Thunderbird Woman triptych by Isaac Murdoch

Thunderbird Woman triptych (2017) by Isaac Murdoch

Sign the petition to Stop LINE 3

  1. Abolish Columbus Day
  2. Clean Up Navajo Land and Water Contaminated by Uranium Mining
  3. Make A Promise To Protect
  4. Make Billionaries Pay
  5. Protect Juristac
  6. Rematriate the Land: Give Shuumi
  7. Restore Buffalo to Indian Country
  8. Restore Justice for California MMIW and Native Youth
  9. Save the West Berkeley Shellmound
  10. Stop Further Construction on Mauna Kea
  11. Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline
  12. Stop Line 3
  13. Stop Junípero Serra Sainthood
  14. Support the John Trudell Scholarship and Archive Funds
  15. Take the Indigenous Futures Survey
  16. Virtual Drum and Dance Practice

Abolish Columbus Day

Zinned Project

It is time to stop celebrating the crimes of Columbus and stand in solidarity with the Indigenous people who demand an end to Columbus Day. Instead of glorifying a person who enslaved and murdered people, destroyed cultures, and terrorized those who challenged his rule, we seek to honor these communities demanding sovereignty, recognition, and rights. We encourage schools to petition their administration and for communities to introduce legislation to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Below we provide information and resources to join the campaign to Abolish Columbus Day.

See also: articles/

Clean Up Navajo Land and Water Contaminated by Uranium Mining

Groundswell Educational Films

Our new Navajo Boy webisode series introduces environmental stories–like the contamination of Navajo water–from the point of view of Navajos with flip video cameras. Each episode offers a witness and a way to make a difference. You can help today by contributing to Groundswell for shooting, editing, and a paid college internship that will bring this program into Navajo communities. Your support enables Groundswell to keep Navajo environmental concerns in front of policy-makers, responsible agencies, and mainstream media.

Make A Promise To Protect

Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota

Join the Promise to Protect and get updates about the resistance to Keystone XL.

The Promise to Protect is a commitment to engage in peaceful, creative resistance to Keystone XL along the route when called upon by frontline and Indigenous leaders.

We will make a series of stands along the route – nonviolent but resolute displays of our continued opposition to a project that endangers the land, water, climate, and all of us.

Make Billionaires Pay

Native Organizers Alliance

Between mid-March and August 5, 2020 when the pandemic took hold in the U.S., 467 of the nation’s nearly 650 billionaires have seen their collective wealth ballooned by 30%―an increase of $732 billion, or $5.2 billion a day, according to research from Americans for Tax Fairness and the Institute for Policy Studies.

At a time when millions of U.S. families are stretched to the breaking point, our tax fairness champions U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders and U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar, have introduced the Make Billionaire’s Pay Act to place a one-time tax on the growth of billionaire wealth between March 18, 2020 and the end of the year.

  • Place a one-time 60% tax on the growth in billionaire wealth between March 18 - December 31, 2020.
  • Use that revenue ($422 billion based on Aug. 5 wealth estimates from Forbes) to cover the out-of-pocket medical expenses of all those who are uninsured and those who are under-insured Medicare beneficiaries over the next 12 months during the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Leave $310 billion (on Aug. 5) in wealth gains for these 467 billionaires ― an extraordinary sum over 4 1/2 months.

Make Billionaires Pay Act

Protect Juristac

Amah Mutsun Tribal Band

Petition to Santa Clara County: Protect Amah Mutsun Sacred Grounds from Proposed Quarry. We invite you to stand with the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band in saying NO to sand and gravel mining at Juristac. Please sign our petition here.

Rematriate the Land: Give Shuumi

Sogorea Te Land Trust

The Shuumi Land Tax directly supports Sogorea Te’s work of rematriation, returning Indigenous land to Indigenous people, establishing a cemetery to reinter stolen Ohlone ancestral remains and building urban gardens, community centers, and ceremonial spaces so current and future generations of Indigenous people can thrive in the Bay Area. Shuumi means gift in the Ohlone language Chochenyo.

The Shuumi Land Tax is a voluntary annual contribution that non-Indigenous people living on traditional Lisjan Ohlone territory make to support the critical work of the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust.

Restore Buffalo to Indian Country

To reestablish healthy buffalo populations on Tribal lands is to reestablish hope for Indian people. By returning the buffalo to Tribal lands will help heal the land, the animal, and the spirit of the Indian people.

ITBC has a membership of 69 tribes in 19 states and has restored more than 20,000 buffalo to Tribal lands. ITBC is committed to reestablishing buffalo herds on Indian lands in a manner that promotes cultural enhancement, spiritual revitalization, ecological restoration, and economic development.

Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and will be used to assist in the restoration of the Buffalo to American Indian Lands.

Restore Justice for California MMIW and Native Youth

Restoring Justice for Indigenous Peoples

Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women California is one of the top 10 states that Indigenous women are facing a crisis of survival. RJIP has been providing support to impacted families through advocacy, healing circles, and helping to create survivor centered spaces.

Media Protocol Issues facing Indigenous peoples are severely underrepresented in news/media platforms or have a very low degree of cultural competency. RJIP holds trainings on how to accurately and impactfully discuss these issues, as well as workshops on empowering our communities to leverage new media to tell their own stories.

Native Youth Our Indigenous youth in California face some of the most disproportionate numbers of school suspensions and juvenile detentions. RJIP is dedicated to Indigenous pathways to heal for system impacted youth.

Save the West Berkeley Shellmound

Indian People Organizing for Change (IPOC)

Save West Berkeley Shellmound and Village Site is a coalition of Ohlone tribes, indigenous organizations, and individuals who advocate for historic preservation, indigenous sovereignty and environmental justice.

We [1] are currently working on trying to protect the West Berkeley Shellmound in Berkeley, the oldest of the Shellmounds (~5700 years old). Please help us in this effort by donating by clicking here [2] Please visit our Facebook page called "West Berkeley Shellmound" [3].

A history of cultural desecration of Native American shellmounds, and the plans for construction of a parking facility on land known to be an ancestral site, led to the creation of an organization called the Indian People Organizing for Change (IPOC) in 1999. The organization seeks to defend and restore sacred sites for communal use through community engagement. In 2011 IPOC occupied the sacred site Sogorea Te on the Carquinez Strait for 109 days to prevent construction at the site. [1]


Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline

Stand with Standing Rock

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe this week landed what supporters are calling an unprecedented win in their fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline, with a judge ordering the pipeline shut down for additional environmental review. (August 2020)

Over the years, the #NoDAPL movement has captivated all of Indian Country, with Indigenous people and allies the world over joining together to support the “Oceti Sakowin” camp on the Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota.

Further reading:

  1. An Introduction to the Dakota Access Pipeline Issue

Oceti Sakowin Camp

The Oceti Sakowin Camp is a historic gathering of tribes, allies and people from all walks of life standing in solidarity to halt the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Sacred Stone Camp Iŋyaŋ Wakháŋagapi Othí

"The smaller camp"

Red Warrior Camp

Red Warriors are self-sufficient, with minimal impact to the land and resources. These principles are utilized in our actions, both at the NoDAPL direct action in North Dakota, and in other actions and trainings throughout Turtle Island.

Red Warrior Society’s mantra is “Everything for Everyone, Nothing for Ourselves.” We acknowledge the long legacy of warrior societies’ continued struggle for indigenous liberation and environmental justice.


Native Organizing

The Native Organizers Alliance (NOA) supports grassroots-driven social change rooted in Native traditional practices and values to advance sovereignty and the health and wellbeing of rural and urban Native communities and reservations across Indian Country.

Stop LINE 3

Since 2014, thousands of Minnesotans have shown up at hearings, talked to neighbors, written letters, and organized in their communities to oppose Enbridge’s Line 3 tar sands oil pipeline. Line 3 is a clear danger to our climate, water, and land in Minnesota, and would undermine the Indigenous treaty rights of the Anishinaabe people.

Water Protector Welcome Center


We welcome all water protectors and supporters to come to the Mississippi River to pray, to witness, and to resist the destruction of these public lands and waterways in Anishinaabe territory.

Stop Further Construction on Mauna Kea

Mauna Kea is ancestrally, culturally and spiritually sacred to Kanaka Maoli, and the spiritual and physical health of the mountain, is reflective of the spiritual and physical health of her people.

Mauna Kea is significant to the entire world, connected to all mountains and waters, all places and all people. This is not just about one mountain in Hawai’i. This is a global movement and the world is watching.

Sign the petition for "The Immediate Halt to the Construction of the TMT telescope on Mauna Kea"

Stop Junípero Serra Sainthood

Amah Mutsun Tribal Band

California Indians Demand Cruelty to Ancestors be Disclosed as California Mission Foundation tries to Declare El Camino Real a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A proposal by the California Mission Foundation to have the state’s famed El Camino Real route declared a UNESCO Heritage Site is being bitterly opposed by state Indians who said it would only "honor and glorify the brutal conquest" of Indian lands.

Support the John Trudell Scholarship and Archive Funds

John Trudell Archives, Inc.

John Trudell Archives, Inc. was created as a non-profit organization to serve as a library for the thousands of words and writings created by Native American poet, actor, spoken word artist, and activist John Trudell.

Your donations will help cover the costs for inventorying and archiving Trudell’s words, as well as to provide scholarships to Native communities and international poetry and literature youth programs.

Take the Indigenous Futures Survey

Indigenous Futures Survey Until now, Native people have never been asked about what issues matter to us. The Indigenous Futures Survey centers Native voices and provides an opportunity for all Native peoples to be a part of shaping the future. Native Organizers Alliance has partnered with IllumiNative and Aspen Institute’s Center for Native American Youth to conduct the largest survey of Native people ever conducted.

The survey will explore the impact of Covid-19 on Native peoples, their families and community, issue priorities for the upcoming election, how racism and discrimination impact Native peoples’ lives and visions for the future of Indian Country. Take the 10-minute survey now and become eligible to win raffle prizes like Nike N7 shoes, beaded jewelry, original artwork, and gift cards to your favorite Native brands. Your voice matters.

Virtual Drum and Dance Practice

Intertribal Friendship House

Every Thursdays 6:00pm-7:00pm
RingCentral Meeting ID: 6878203823
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
