This is the Ansible Prometheus reverse proxy exposition role. It's designed for consumption by playbooks, not for consumption by itself. It adds additional configuration that allows the exporters to be exposed on a public interface with the nginx or apache webservers
Sitewards operates across a heterogeneous set of hardware on behalf of it's clients. There is not a centralised discovery mechanism, nor a "secure network" behind which metrics can be implemented. Unfortunately, metrics must be exposed to the public web.
This information is somewhat sensitive. Accordingly, it's not desirable to make it universally available. Thus, this role takes care of proxying the information behind basic auth and HTTPS. This secure tunnel over which to transfer the HTTP data prevents unauthorized access.
- Internet Access
This has been tested with the following additional roles:
- geerlingguy.nginx
- geerlingguy.apache
It is not guaranteed to work with anything else.
The module requires the following extensions to be enabled:
- proxy
- proxy_http
- proxy_http2
The way this works is to bind to a public interface, on the same port that the node exporter is listening to on the loopback. This works fine, however IF YOUR IP REGULARLY CHANGES THIS WILL BREAK YOUR WEBSERVER. So, if you're behind NAT with DHCP and are continually reallocated addresses, this is a bad idea -- Use another mechanism.
There are two ways to install this role:
$ cd path/to/playbook/root
$ cat >> requirements.yaml <<EOF
- src: ""
version: "master" # <----- Update this to a stable version
name: "sitewards.prometheus-proxy"
$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yaml
$ cd path/to/playbook/root
$ mkdir roles/
$ git submodule add roles/sitewards.prometheus-proxy
Include this in another ansible playbook. For sample, consider a generic server playbook:
# $PLAYBOOK_ROOT/server.yaml
- name: "server"
hosts: all
become: true
become_user: "root"
Add the reference for the role:
# $PLAYBOOK_ROOT/server.yaml
# ...
become_user: "root"
- "sitewards.prometheus-proxy"
This should work!
The variables that are available are defined in defaults/main.yml