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The Main Changelog File

sisbase Himenokōji Akiko 1.0.0

  • Feature parity with old lolibase project

  • Added SMC (System Management Controller) for disabling and enabling of systems

  • Project works as a standalone library

Patch 1.0.1

What broke :

  • Nothing This version is fully backwards compatible

sisbase Kasugano Sora 1.1.0 Now Available on nuget!

  • Added mutation to DiscordEmbeds via the Mutate extension method.
  • Added PrefixAttribute for commands to only be executed with a specific prefix
  • Added Behaviour System
  • Help command now hides commands with the HiddenAttribute (Unless -h is added to the end of the command)
  • Fixed help command showing commands to unauthorized users

What broke :

  • Nothing This version is fully backwards compatible with 1.0.1

sisbase Hashima Chihiro 1.2.0

  • Added Custom Settings to Sisbase

Ever wanted to add your own settings to the config.json file? Now you can!

Using the new Extesion Methods from sisbase.Utils you too can add anything onto the configuration file and request at will.

  • Added RequireSystemAttribute

IF you need that a system be active for a command to execute, you now can just add this simple attribute to it (providing the Type of said system of course) and it will only be executed if said system exists.

  • Simplified way to register a bot.

Now you need to register a bot with #SisbaseBot.RegisterBot() isntead of manually registering the commands and systems.

What broke :

  • If you used the token value anywhere in your bot (which of course you shouldn't do anyways), you now can't since that property is internal.
  • Registering all systems from an assembly is now inaccessible since its internal , just replace it with the new unified way.

Patch 1.2.1

  • Fixes system registration in order to follow RequireSystemAttribute logic.
  • Adds more documentation

sisbase Chigusa Asuha 1.3.0

  • Added IScheduler

If you need that a system executes something every other X (hours/minutes/seconds) you now can set an Action and a TimeSpan on your systems and let the SMC do the dirty job for you.

IScheduler is fully compatible with all available ISystem interfaces.

  • Added disable and reload commands for managing the systems insude Discord

    • If your pre initialization checks At Initialize() of course! fails, you can now reload all the unregistered systems once the conditions could be met.
      • Eg : A system depends on a connection to a database, but such connection could not be made at run time since the database were offline.

To reload the systems, the owner of the bot's application must run [prefix]system reload.

    • If you ever need to disable a system you also can do that.

To disable a system, the owner of the bot's application must run [prefix]system disable and follow the instructions sent to chat by the bot.

What broke