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Moderator/Extra Utilities Discord Bot

With very simple, fun, and useful commands that are very easy-to-use and intuitive!


  • Set edit your configurations in the example_config.json file and rename it to config.json.
  • The default prefix is '!' so this guide will be written with that in mind.

Easy-to-use Commands!

  • Tons of (optional) arguments, and helpful defaults if no arguments are provided. ** Required arguments are given in angle brackets <required>, while optional arguments are in parenthesis (optional).
  • <user> doesn't have to be a mention! Can be a mention @spartan or all or part of the user's name spar. Do note that the bot will find the first user that has spar in their name, so using a @mention is preferred when multiple users have spar in their name, such as jealousparkingspot.
  • Note: <channel-name> can either be a mention #general or just the channel's name in plain text general. This will not search for channels containing your input such as gen for #general.
  • Note: <voice-channel-name> however, can be partial, since it is very difficult to mention a voice channel. For example, music can find the voice channel ♬ Music Channel.

Helpful Commands


  • Prints the available commands, along with their usage and description.

!<command> help

  • Gives the usage of the command, aliases for the command, and the required permissions to use it!

!avatar <user>

  • Returns a link to the <user>'s profile photo.


  • Replies with pong, and gives you the response time in ms.

Moderation Commands

!announce <channel-name> <message>

  • Says the <message> in a specified channel.
  • Requires the message author to have the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission.

!alert <user> (optional: channel-name) (optional: message)

  • Says <@user>, <sender> says (message) in the specified channel.
  • If (channel-name) is unspecified, defaults to this channel.
  • If (message) is unspecified, then says <@user>, <sender> pinged you!.

!myperms (optional: user) (optional: channel-name)

  • Returns all of the <user>'s permissions in the <channel>.
  • If <user> is unspecified, then it defaults to you.
  • If (channel-name) is unspecified, defaults to this channel.

!purge (optional: channel-name) <number>2

  • Deletes <number> of messages from (channel-name).
  • If (channel-name) is unspecified, defaults to this channel.
  • Note: Requires the message author to have the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission.

!userinfo <user>

  • Prints a bunch of useful information about the <user>, such as their highest role, server join date, and when their account was created.

!warn <user> (optional: channel-name) (optional: message)

  • Warns the user in the format @user This is a warning. (message) in the specified channel.
  • If (channel-name) is unspecified, then it will default to this channel.

Fun Commands

!activity (optional: playing/streaming/listening/watching) (optional: activity-name/

  • Sets the bot's activity.
  • If (playing/streaming/listening/watching) is unspecified, defaults to playing.
  • If (activity-name) is unspecified, clears the activity.

!annoy (optional: user or "voice channel name") (optional: number-of-times) (optional: slow/normal/fast/instant)

  • Joins and immediately leaves the specified voice channel.
  • Double quotes around "voice channel name" are optional, but in case you have voice channels with numbers in them, this helps to differentiate.
  • If (voice-channel-name) is unspecified, defaults to the voice channel the message author is in.
  • If (number-of-times) is unspecified, defaults to the config option in the config.json file (default: 5).
  • The maximum (number-of-times) can be specified in the config.json file (default: 10).
  • If (slow/normal/fast/instant) is unspecified, defaults to normal.


  • Says a randomized hello message, from the config.json file.

!join (optional: voice-channel-name)

  • Joins and chills in the specified voice channel.
  • If (voice-channel-name) is unspecified, defaults to the voice channel the message author is in.


  • Disconnects from the current voice channel the bot is in.

!say (optional: channel-name) <message>

  • Says <message> in the specified channel.
  • If (channel-name) is unspecified, then it will default to this channel.
  • Note: Requires the message author to have the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission.

!status <online/idle/invisible/dnd>

  • Sets the bot's status.

!slap (optional: user slapping) <user target being slapped> (optional: channel-name)

  • Says <@target>, <user slapping> slapped you! in the specified channel. If the <target> is in a voice channel, joins them and plays a slapping noise.
  • If (user slapping) is unspecified, then it defaults to you.
  • If (channel-name) is unspecified, then it will default to this channel.


!connect4 <target>

  • Sets up a Connect 4 game between you and your target.
  • You can even play against yourself!

!tictactoe <target>

  • Sets up a Tic Tac Toe between you and your target.
  • You can even play against yourself!

!tttt <target>

  • 5x5 Tic Tac Toe!

!chopsticks <target>

  • Sets up a game of Chopsticks between you and your target.

!roulette <bet> <guess>

  • Lets you play around with the coins the bot awards you for Discord participation!
  • bet can be a number, half, or all.
  • guess can be even/odd/red/black/high/low/green
  • green (0 or 00) is a 17-to-1 multiplier. Columns and dozens are 2-to-1 multipliers. All the other guesses are a 1-to-1 multiplier.

!blackjack <bet> (optional: dealerMovesInstantly? true/false)

  • Plays blackjack against the bot!
  • bet can be a number, half, or all. Uses the coins you earned from Discord participation.
  • `(dealerMovesInstantly) defaults to false. If true, then the dealer won't wait 3 seconds in between its moves, allowing for faster games.

Keeps Track of Discord Participation!

  • Coins system - spend coins on giveaway entry tickets!
  • Points system - keep track of someone's total points!
  • Leaderboards system - keep track of who has the most coins/points!

!leaderboards (optional: stat-name)

  • Prints out the entire leaderboards, sorted from most to least.
  • Defaults to points if no (stat-name) is provided. Some stat names include points, coins, and tickets. You can view the stat-name of every stat when using !stats.

!stats (optional: user) (optional: dontDelete? true/false)

  • Prints out the stat card of a user (displaying their time spent in vc, coins, points, and more!)
  • If (user) is unspecified, then it defaults to you.
  • The stats embed deletes itself after 2 minutes. If you don't want to delete it, then (dontDelete) should be true.

!addstats <user> <amount> <stat-name>

  • Adds a specific stat to the target. Requires the message author to have KICK_MEMBERS permission.

!removestats <user/everyone> <amount/all> <stat-name> (optional: delete entry: true/false)

  • Removes a specific stat from the target. Requires the message author to have the KICK_MEMBERS permission.
  • Delete entry: defaults to false. Essentially, stats.json will have "0" as the number for that stat. If delete entry is true, then the stat will not exist in stats.json.
  • Example on how to clear tickets after a giveaway: !removestats everyone all tickets true.

!shop purchase ticket (optional: amount/all)

  • Purchases a giveaway entry ticket from the shop. Requires the message author to have the CHANGE_NICKNAME permission. Costs the coins you got from Discord participation.
  • If amount is unspecified, then defaults to 1. If all is specified, then purchases as many tickets as the user can.

!shop upgrade

  • Takes you to the upgrades system. Costs the coins you got from Discord participation.
  • Purchase upgrades to earn coins faster, improve your odds in roulette, and help you maintain your !daily streak!

!giveaway (optional: numberOfWinners)

  • Randomly selects three unique winners from everyone who has giveaway entry tickets. Essentially, draws 3 names out of a hat, starting from 1st place, discarding duplicates. Also prints out the participants list. If you want a different number (say, 1), then specify.
  • Note: this command does not change any user's ticket totals. If you want to clear all the tickets after each giveaway, then use !removestats everyone all tickets true.

Misc. Commands


  • Flips an imaginary coin, and tells you what it lands on.


  • Rolls the slot machine.
  • There are 4 colors and 3 wheels.

!ghostping <user> <channel-name>

  • Pings the user, and then deletes the message as fast as possible. Also deletes your command as fast as possible.
  • Note: Requires the message author to have ADMINISTRATOR permissions.

Hypixel Skyblock Role Management!

  • Verification system with !verify - everyone's usernames will be set to their current IGN ** Server nickname will be set to their current IGN (previousIGN) if the name was changed within the last 2 weeks. ** Mods can !forceverify <user> <IGN> to forcefully link a Discord account to a Minecraft IGN
  • Create roles in your server and set them in config.json. ** Whenever someone runs !claim, skyblock stats are fetched and roles are updated! ** Run !updateeveryone to update everyone's server nicknames.

Guild Management

  • Use !guild set <guildName> to initially set the Hypixel Guild the Discord Server is for.
  • Use !guild update to update the bot's knowledge of the guild data.
  • Use !guild inguild <user> to check if the user is in the guild or not.
  • Use !guild updateroles <user> to update the guild membership roles (bridge role, retired/guild member, guest roles)
  • Use !guild updateeveryone to run !guild updateroles for each individual verified user.