import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cerebro import cerebro_brain_utils as cbu
from cerebro import cerebro_brain_viewer as cbv
Initialise brain viewer object. From this point onwards, use to visualise the object.
my_brain_viewer = cbv.Cerebro_brain_viewer()
Alternatively, specify background colours and view angle
my_brain_viewer = cbv.Cerebro_brain_viewer(background_color=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0),view='R', null_color=(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.3), no_color=(0., 0., 0., 0.))
Add a surface mesh specified as a .gii filepath. 'leftsurface.gii' is an example here.
surface_model = my_brain_viewer.load_GIFTI_cortical_surface_models('leftsurface.gii','rightsurface.gii')
Alternatively, use one of the template surfaces. Options flat, pial, midthickness, inflated, very_inflated, sphere
surface_model = my_brain_viewer.load_template_GIFTI_cortical_surface_models('pial')
Add cifti space. By default, no volumetric structures are included
cifti_space = my_brain_viewer.visualize_cifti_space()
Optionally, visualise volumetric structures. volumetric_structures options are 'none' (default), 'subcortex' or 'all'. volume_rendering options are 'surface' (default), 'spheres','spheres_peeled'
cifti_space = my_brain_viewer.visualize_cifti_space(volumetric_structures='subcortex',volume_rendering='spheres')
Add a scalar surface map specified as a dscalar.nii filepath. 'file.nii' is an example.
dscalar_layer = my_brain_viewer.add_cifti_dscalar_layer(dscalar_file='file.nii',, opacity=1)
Alternatively, use one of the example dscalars actually provided
dscalar_file = cbu.get_data_file(f'templates/HCP/dscalars/S1200.curvature_MSMAll.32k_fs_LR.dscalar.nii')
dscalar_layer = my_brain_viewer.add_cifti_dscalar_layer(dscalar_file=dscalar_file,, opacity=1)
You can superimpose more layers with further calls of add_cifti_dscalar_layer
Change the view
Add some spherical ROIs
node_coordinates = [[0,0,0],[25,0,50],[25,25,25]]
my_brain_viewer.visualize_spheres(node_coordinates, radii=3, color=[0,1,0,0.5])
Add a ball and stick network with same ROIs as above
node_coordinates = [[0,0,0],[25,0,50],[25,25,25]]
adjacency = [[0,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,1,0]]