- jenkins core
- install-plugins.sh - build stability/retry logic from upstream
- ansicolor:0.6.2
- blueocean:1.13.1
- credentials-binding:1.18
- git:3.9.3
- github:1.29.4
- github-branch-source:2.4.2
- google-oauth-plugin:0.7
- junit:1.27
- kubernetes:1.14.8
- metrics:
- monitoring:1.76.0
- timestamper:1.9
- workflow-cps:2.63
- jenkins core
- ansicolor:0.6.0 -> ansicolor:0.6.1
- kubernetes:1.13.5 -> kubernetes:1.14.3
- pipeline-aws:1.35 -> pipeline-aws:1.36
- workflow-cps:2.61 -> workflow-cps:2.62
- blueocean:1.9.0 -> blueocean:1.10.1
- editing Dockerfile gpg --no-tty in order to build with cloudbuilder
- downgrading kubernetes plugin from v1.14.1 to v1.13.5 (re: DEVOPS-4276)
- jenkins.war upgraded to v2.141
- upgrading plugins
- prometheus:2.0.0
- pipeline-aws:1.30
- modified jenkins.sh (entrypoint) to clear out plugins directory
- establishing forked repo baseline, Jenkins.war v2.140 + plugins.txt
- ansicolor:0.5.2
- basic-branch-build-strategies:1.0.1
- blueocean:1.8.2
- branch-api:2.0.20
- cobertura:1.12.1
- credentials-binding:1.16
- git:3.9.1
- github:1.29.2
- github-branch-source:2.3.6
- ghprb:1.42.0
- google-login:1.4
- google-oauth-plugin:0.6
- google-storage-plugin:1.2
- jira:3.0.1
- junit:1.24
- kubernetes:1.12.4
- metrics:
- pipeline-aws:1.29
- prometheus:1.2.2
- timestamper:1.8.10
- workflow-aggregator:2.5
- workflow-cps:2.54