Newspaper Agency Automation software is a web application aimed at automating newspaper subscriptions and unifying the data on one platform. The general procedure for newspaper subscriptions has been either via phone call or a physical visit to the agency office. In this pandemic-hit world, the physical constraints forbid us from a physical visit and phone calls can often be a tedious procedure notwithstanding the possibility of missing out on some details during the verbal procedure.
To ease the process for the customers and to simplify the subscription record management, we have come up with our website that gives a list of subscription choices of newspapers and magazines
- Displays different types of newspapers and magazine available for purchase.
- Uploading a new subsription from the given options.
- Edit, update and delete subscription information.
- Get total monthly price.
- Filter newspapers and magazines.
- User Management (Login, register, email verification before entering the system)
- Authenticated Routes and 404 error page.
Frontned: Reactjs
Additional NPM Libraries
- react-router-dom
- react-icons
- react-reveal
- react-bootstrap
- axios
- moment
- styled-components Styling: CSS, BootStrap, MaterialUI
Database: MongoDB
Authentication and Authorisation: JWT Authentication
Backend Server: ExpressJs
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