The She Code Africa cloud School (in partnership with Deimos Cloud) is a 3months cohort-style, bootcamp program specifically targeted at ladies across Africa, looking to kick off or switch careers into the Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) field. Accepted participants are paired with Cloud experts and work with a well curated learning path inclusive of tasks, projects etc to help them grow required practical skills in the field. Upon Graduation, top 4 participants are offered Intern positions and next top 2 granted full nanodegree Cloud Engineering scholarships via Udacity.
The technical assessments below provides us an idea of the learning efforts you have put in towards your learning journey for the field. Feel free to use search engines and online resources - Do not aim for perfect but a working solution.
TO GET STARTED, PICK ANY OF THE FOLLOWING EXERCISES OF YOUR CHOICE (PS: We value candidates who go the extra mile in selecting and solving Exercise 2). Good luck!
Create a Github repository called
SCA Cloud School Application
Create a Dockerfile which displays a webpage (in your preffered language ) and a text:
Welcome to SCA Cloud School Application
Once done, run the container and test the application. Kindly Describe your test process and provide output
Create a branch named
and a folder nameddocker
Commit your Dockerfile and other files used in the
folder -
Make some changes to your Dockerfile so the webpage displays
Welcome to SCA Cloud School Application , this is my first assessment
Commit these changes to the repo into a branch called
and Merge yourfeature branch
to thestable branch
( do not delete the feature branch) -
Push your final docker image to dockerhub (
Your github repo
branch should only have a readme file with instructions/documentaion used for your deployment and a link to your docker hub repository
Create a repository on Github called
SCA Cloud School Application
Create/Build a Command-line interface (CLI) application which will install the following softwares: wget, curl, Node.js
The script should be able to check the operating system of the user and install them using the appropriate command(s)
The script should be able to check if any of the software has been installed, if it hasn't, then it should install it.
Use any scripting language of your choice such as Nodejs, Shell, Python, etc.
Ensure you add a
to this excercise
- Push your project to your github repo created (and dockerhub if applicable).
- submit your project github URL on the application form here: []
Good luck!