Monitor one or more Cardano addresses for transactions and receive events with the transactions information. Designed to avoid processing a transaction twice.
When a transaction received by specified addresses is considered immutable the monitor sends an event into a PosgtreSQL channel. You can subscribe to the PostgreSQL channel to receive the events. The events contain information about the transactions received.
A transaction is immutable when there are k
blocks added on top of the block containing the transaction. k
is the Cardano security parameter.
Since different applications can consider a different probability of being immutable, you can configure k
for the monitor, i.e. you can configure how many blocks must be added on top of the block containing a transaction before the monitor sends the event. By default it is 2160
The address monitor is installed just by deploying a PostgreSQL schema in the same database that cardano-db-sync uses.
psql -U<user> -d<database> -h<host> -f ./monitor-schema/schema.sql -v address='<address>' -v k=2160
The database name must be the database used by cardano-db-sync. It is usually called
Executing the restart script deletes the PostgreSQL volume
You may need to change the ownership of test/pgpass-mainnet
and test/ledger-state/mainnet
to belong to user 1001
The bove command will use test/docker-compose.yaml
to deploy a Shareslake node, shareslake-db-sync, postgresql and install the monitor.
You can edit the docker-compose images and substitute the configuration and genesis files under test
to deploy a Cardano mainnet node instead.
NOTE: shareslake-db-sync is the same as cardano-db-sync but used to connect to the Shareslake network instead of Cardano mainnet.
Subscribe with the example NodeJS listener to watch events. You can take the file as a base to build your custom scripts:
cd listener && node index.js
It will just listen events and log them.
You can listen events just by subscribing to the address_monitor
channel in PostgreSQL.
As far as you don't delete data from PostgreSQL, an even't should never be send twice.
[ ] Support for tracking multiple addresses.