These are our recommendations. If you know what you're doing, feel free to deviate from them.
Install the GitHub CLI:
- Outside Google:
- Inside Google: http://go/gh-cli
Log in:
gh auth login
(Optional): Add these useful aliases to your GitHub CLI config:
# Rebase your current branch on the upstream main with "gh sync" gh alias set --shell sync 'git pull upstream main --rebase && git push -f' # Sync the main branch (local and remote fork) with "gh syncmain" # WARNING: This is destructive to any changes in "main", so do your work in # a branch! gh alias set --shell syncmain 'git fetch upstream main && git push -f origin upstream/main:main && git push -f . upstream/main:main'
Fork and clone the repository you are working on:
# This will clone the repo with "origin" as your fork, and "upstream" as the # upstream remote. gh repo fork shaka-project/shaka-player --clone
📝 TODO: Add links to per-project development setup docs