Provides access to files in ISO-9660 images, FTP-servers, SFTP-servers, WebDAV-servers by standard file system interfaces. Contains cache with reusable connections to endpoints.
You can read the contents of a folder on an FTP-server either sequentially through one connection, but then this will take a lot of time, or by opening multiple connections, in which case too many connections will be opened for multiple requests. This library uses joints, which hold the connection to the FTP-server after reading a file, or some kind of access, after closing the file, they are placed into the cache, and can be reused later. If the connection has not been used for a certain time, it is reset.
package main
import (
jnt ""
// Open http://localhost:8080/ in browser
// to get a list of files in WebDAV-server for given user.
func main() {
var sp = jnt.NewSubPool(nil, "https://music:[email protected]/webdav/")
defer sp.Close()
http.Handle("/", http.FileServer(http.FS(sp)))
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
package main
import (
jnt ""
// Open http://localhost:8080/ in browser
// to get a list of files in ISO-image.
func main() {
// create map with caches for all currently unused joints
var jp = jnt.NewJointPool()
defer jp.Close()
// file system, that shares content of "testdata" folder
// and all embedded into ISO-disks files
var sp, err = jp.Sub("testdata")
if err != nil {
http.Handle("/", http.FileServer(http.FS(sp)))
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
package main
import (
jnt ""
// http://localhost:8080/iso/ - content of ISO-image
// http://localhost:8080/dav/ - content of WebDAV-server
// http://localhost:8080/ftp/ - content of FTP-server
// http://localhost:8080/sftp/ - content of SFTP-server
func main() {
// create map with caches for all currently unused joints
var jp = jnt.NewJointPool()
defer jp.Close()
// handle list of resources as binded file systems
http.Handle("/iso/", http.StripPrefix("/iso/", http.FileServer(
http.FS(jnt.NewSubPool(jp, "testdata/external.iso")))))
http.Handle("/dav/", http.StripPrefix("/dav/", http.FileServer(
http.FS(jnt.NewSubPool(jp, "https://music:[email protected]/webdav/")))))
http.Handle("/ftp/", http.StripPrefix("/ftp/", http.FileServer(
http.FS(jnt.NewSubPool(jp, "ftp://music:[email protected]:21")))))
http.Handle("/sftp/", http.StripPrefix("/sftp/", http.FileServer(
http.FS(jnt.NewSubPool(jp, "sftp://music:[email protected]:22")))))
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
package main
import (
jnt ""
func main() {
var err error
// Create joint to ISO-9660 image.
var j jnt.Joint = &jnt.IsoJoint{}
if err = j.Make(nil, "testdata/external.iso"); err != nil {
// Cleanup drops joint's link at the end. Any not cached joints
// should be destroyed by Cleanup call.
defer j.Cleanup()
// Working with file object returned by Open-function.
// Open-function returns joint casted to fs.File.
var f fs.File
if f, err = j.Open("fox.txt"); err != nil {
var b []byte
if b, err = io.ReadAll(f); err != nil { // read from file
// Working with joint explicitly. If joint is received from cache,
// Close-call will return joint back to cache.
if _, err = j.Open("data/lorem1.txt"); err != nil {
if _, err = io.Copy(os.Stdout, j); err != nil { // read from joint
j.Close() // f.Close() and j.Close() do the same work
package main
import (
jnt ""
func main() {
var err error
// Create joint to external ISO-image.
// This joint will be removed by top-level joint.
var j1 jnt.Joint = &jnt.IsoJoint{}
if err = j1.Make(nil, "testdata/external.iso"); err != nil {
defer j1.Cleanup() // Cleanup or Close can be called twice
// Create top-level joint to internal ISO-image placed inside of first.
var j2 jnt.Joint = &jnt.IsoJoint{}
if err = j2.Make(j1, "disk/internal.iso"); err != nil {
// Top-level joint calls inherited Cleanup, so this call can be one.
defer j2.Cleanup()
// Open file at internal ISO-image.
var f fs.File
if f, err = j2.Open("fox.txt"); err != nil {
defer f.Close() // Close file and joint can be reused
io.Copy(os.Stdout, f)
package main
import (
jnt ""
var jp = jnt.NewJointPool()
func main() {
// Open file and get the joint by one call.
var j, err = jp.Open("testdata/external.iso/disk/internal.iso/docs/doc1.txt")
if err != nil {
defer j.Cleanup()
io.Copy(os.Stdout, j)
Unit tests for services runs on real FTP, SFTP and WebDAV services, not on any emulations. Before run go test
command it should be set 3 environment variables:
with address of FTP-service and credentials. As in patternset JOINT_FTP=ftp://user:[email protected]:21
with address of SFTP-service and credentials. As in patternset JOINT_SFTP=sftp://user:[email protected]:22
with URL of WebDAV-service and credentials. As in patternset JOINT_DAV=https://user:[email protected]/webdav/
If some environment variables not set or empty, those tests will be skipped.
Then copy testdata
folder with ISO-file to the services root folder as is.
(c) schwarzlichtbezirk, 2023-2024.