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File metadata and controls

21 lines (17 loc) · 1.03 KB


My first Android app created with Kotlin language for learning and improving my skills. The app is like Tinder which is dating-app but it's for matching with dogs not people.



This app is based on MVVM + Repository Pattern.

It gets images of a dog from Dog API and random names from Random User Generator.
Dogs the app got are displayed in order on the first screen and a user can fav or skip them. Those favored by a user are registered in a local database.

Main Libraries

  • Kotlin Coroutines - simplify code that executes asynchronously
  • ViewModel - storing and managing UI-related data in a lifecycle conscious way
  • LiveData - observable data holder class respecting the lifecycle of other app components
  • Room - providing an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow fluent database access
  • Retrofit - type-safe HTTP client for Android
  • Hilt - for Dependency Injection
  • Glide - fast and efficient media management and image loading