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The script uses supervised classification techniques to identify stars from noisy astronomical catalogs containing stars, galaxies and noise from many different sources. With all dependencies installed (python3, scikit-learn, Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, AstroPy, Matplotlib, graphviz etc.) the simplest use case is:

./ $path/filename.phot

where filename.phot is the raw DOLPHOT photomtery output. Please see the IPython notebooks Quick_Demo and Code_Details for details on the functions and parameters as well as the required and optional input files.


This tool is built as part of the WFIRST simulations, analysis and recommendation pipeline under development at the University for Washington primarily for carrying out Nearby Galaxies projects. However, its functionalities are broadly reusable for a varity of tasks, as summarized toward the bottom of this page.

Prior implementation of this tool ( has similar top level capability, but was implemented as an iterative quality parameter outlier removal tool. While highly effective, that implementation proved both computationally inefficient less adoptable for general use. Howevever, it serves as an useful baseline estinator and validator for this implementation.

The Recommendation Pipeline

In practice, on the order of 100,000 sets (18 detectors on the telescope, various distance of galaxies, many galaxy morphologies etc.) of simulations will be run on a hybrid system of HPC facilities and cloud resources, to generate a reference library for the recommendation system. The pipeline backbone is currently being prototyped.

Key steps and components of the WFIRST pipeline are outluned below. This module primarily concern item 4 below.

  1. Generate input source list
  • Dynamical galaxy simulation and stellar evolution models generate point source lists
  • Hubble Deep Field background galaxy profiles and photometry interpolated to WFIRST filters to generate realistic background source lists
  • Stars and galaxy lists combined appropriately and converted to STIPS ingestable synthetic input source catalog
  1. The Space Telescope Image Products Simulator (STIPS) produces simulated WFIRST Wide Field Images (WFI) images

  2. DOLPHOT's WFI package produces photometric measurements of all plausible sources using a pre-generated Point Spread Function libraries for each filter produced using WebbPSF

  3. The synthetic input source list and measured output photometry are anylsed to evaluate effectiveness of the observation strategy (this module; please see below for details)

  4. Recommend optimal resource allocation (integration times, filters) to maximize science return

Photometry Cleaning Workflow

  1. Read in the files ( read_data() )
  • Input: sythetic photometry file for image generation, IPAC format
  • Output: DOLPHOT measured raw photometry, ASCII format
  1. Prepare the data for classification ( prep_data() )
  • Clean and validate output data ( validate_output() )
  • Remove measurements with unphysical values, such as negative countrate
  • Remove least informative entries, such as magnitude errors >0.5 (log scale)
  • Remove missing value indicators such as +/- 9.99
  • Create Pandas Dataframes for input source lists and output source list including quality parameters ( pack_input(), pack_output() )
  • Label output data entries ( label_output() )
  • Match each remaining output entry with the closest valid (<valid_mag) input entry within matching radius specified by 'tol'. Those matched to point source input are labeled '1', everything else get '0' label. Optionally: use sky_soordinates from the simulated images since the images may not be aligned to each other. [(match_in_out(), match_lists(), match_cats() etc.)
  1. Initiate a classifier and train/test/evaluate the model for each filter for the selected features ( classify() )
  • Features selected out of the box, based on domain knowledge to likely use cases and to avoid over-cleaning of data
  • Inititate, e.g., DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=4, min_samples_split=50, min_samples_leaf=10)
  • Optimized parameters. Greater depth does not help
  • RandomForest and AdaBoost did not imporve performance
  • Do train/test split for specified test_size, fit the model and predict labels for "test" dataset.
  • Evaluate the classification model
    • Score the classifier for both classes and each class separately.
    • Manually calculate Precision, Recall, Specficity etc. as sanity check.
    • Determine feature importances
  • Produce new labels for all output entries, both train and test. This is to enable the next step, which examines practical implications of using the model.
  1. Produce figures and text to demonstrate practicality of the model for the intended use case ( makePlots(), print_report() etc. )
  • Consider each possible pairs of filters, since all data will be available in at least two filters. Keep only sources originally added to both filter above valid_mag threshold and those classified at both filters as point sources. ( input_pair(), output_pair() )
  • Match the two pairs against each other to ensure validity. Mark sources added and classified at both filters as point sources to be 'Stars', and those classfied at both filters as point sources but not added likewise as 'Others'.
  1. Draw qualititative conclusions from the figures and text reports, such as:
  • Which filter pairs perform best at correctly classifying stars?
  • Among pairs with comparable performance, which would also be of most utility to scientists using the telescope?
  • Which features are most influential? What is the science implication of the that?
  • Do the Decision Tree representation appear reasonable and/or consistent with conventionally accepted approaches?

Proposed Enhancements / Generalization

Since for real astronomical data there are no input source lists, and unsupervised classification schemes can become noise dominated in this context, a semi-supervised recursive classfier can be implemented. For example, a conservative implementation of the old 'outlier removal' implementation can be used to create custom train/test datasets. The "stars" class can then be gradually broadened up to some predefined stooping criteria.

A more general enhancement would be classifying based on features in multiple filters, However, two distinct complications need to be resolved. First, even with feature scaling, the distribution of the various quality parameters are and the information they encapsulate are very different and often causally related. Second, same features in different filters are by definition highly correlated. As such, multi-filter classification asymptotes to the outliers removal solution, albeit faster.

Related Repositories

Pipeline Backend Development

Input Source List Generation

PSF Library Generation

WFI Filters