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This is a terraform provider for the Vultr cloud.

See the example.

WARNING this is a work-in-progress. do not use in production.


  1. Download the plugin from the releases tab
  2. Put it somewhere were it can permanently live, it doesn't need to be in your path.
  3. Create or modify your ~/.terraformrc file. You'll need at least this:
providers {
    vultr = "terraform-provider-vultr"

If you didn't add terraform-provider-linode to your path, you'll need to put the full path to the location of the plugin.


NOTE: Go must be => 1.7.x. This means the default go package in Ubuntu 16.04.2 is NOT sufficient

Install the correct version of go:

sudo apt-get install golang-1.8-go

Setup the Go workspace:

mkdir -p terraform-provider-vultr/src/
cd terraform-provider-vultr
git clone src/
export GOPATH=$PWD
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
hash -r # reset bash path

Get the dependencies:

go get
go get

Build and test:

cd $GOPATH/src/
go build
go test

Copy it to the final directory:

cp terraform-provider-vultr* $GOPATH/bin

Try the example:

cd example
terraform plan
terraform apply
terraform show
terraform destroy

Using the vultr CLI

List available regions:

vultr regions

At time of writing these were the available regions:

DCID    NAME            CONTINENT       COUNTRY         STATE
4       Seattle         North America   US              WA
8       London          Europe          GB
24      Paris           Europe          FR
19      Sydney          Australia       AU
5       Los Angeles     North America   US              CA
1       New Jersey      North America   US              NJ
25      Tokyo           Asia            JP
9       Frankfurt       Europe          DE
6       Atlanta         North America   US              GA
2       Chicago         North America   US              IL
39      Miami           North America   US              FL
3       Dallas          North America   US              TX
12      Silicon Valley  North America   US              CA
7       Amsterdam       Europe          NL

List the plans available on the Amsterdam region:

vultr plans --region 7

At the time of writing these were the available plans:

VPSPLANID       NAME                                    VCPU    RAM     DISK    BANDWIDTH       PRICE
29              768 MB RAM,15 GB SSD,1.00 TB BW         1       768     15      1.00            5.00
87              512 MB RAM,125 GB SATA,1.00 TB BW       1       512     125     1.00            5.00
98              32768 MB RAM,600 GB SSD,10.00 TB BW     16      32768   600     10.00           256.00
90              3072 MB RAM,750 GB SATA,4.00 TB BW      2       3072    750     4.00            30.00
91              4096 MB RAM,1000 GB SATA,5.00 TB BW     2       4096    1000    5.00            40.00
93              1024 MB RAM,20 GB SSD,2.00 TB BW        1       1024    20      2.00            8.00
94              2048 MB RAM,45 GB SSD,3.00 TB BW        2       2048    45      3.00            16.00
95              4096 MB RAM,90 GB SSD,4.00 TB BW        2       4096    90      4.00            32.00
96              8192 MB RAM,150 GB SSD,5.00 TB BW       4       8192    150     5.00            64.00
89              2048 MB RAM,500 GB SATA,3.00 TB BW      1       2048    500     3.00            20.00
100             65536 MB RAM,700 GB SSD,15.00 TB BW     24      65536   700     15.00           512.00
88              1024 MB RAM,250 GB SATA,2.00 TB BW      1       1024    250     2.00            10.00
97              16384 MB RAM,300 GB SSD,6.00 TB BW      8       16384   300     6.00            128.00

List the available Operating Systems:

vultr os

At the time of writing these were the available Operating Systems:

OSID    NAME                    ARCH    FAMILY          WINDOWS
182     Ubuntu 14.10 i386       i386    ubuntu          false
191     Ubuntu 15.04 x64        x64     ubuntu          false
124     Windows 2012 R2 x64     x64     windows         true
159     Custom                  x64     iso             false
164     Snapshot                x64     snapshot        false
186     Application             x64     application     false
128     Ubuntu 12.04 x64        x64     ubuntu          false
160     Ubuntu 14.04 x64        x64     ubuntu          false
167     CentOS 7 x64            x64     centos          false
181     Ubuntu 14.10 x64        x64     ubuntu          false
192     Ubuntu 15.04 i386       i386    ubuntu          false
152     Debian 7 i386 (wheezy)  i386    debian          false
127     CentOS 6 x64            x64     centos          false
163     CentOS 5 i386           i386    centos          false
139     Debian 7 x64 (wheezy)   x64     debian          false
193     Debian 8 x64 (jessie)   x64     debian          false
140     FreeBSD 10.1 x64        x64     freebsd         false
179     CoreOS Stable           x64     coreos          false
180     Backup                  x64     backup          false
162     CentOS 5 x64            x64     centos          false
148     Ubuntu 12.04 i386       i386    ubuntu          false
194     Debian 8 i386 (jessie)  i386    debian          false
147     CentOS 6 i386           i386    centos          false
161     Ubuntu 14.04 i386       i386    ubuntu          false

Finally, create a new Server with CoreOS Stable:

vultr server create --name test --region 7 --plan 29 --os 179

Which should return something like:

Virtual machine created

SUBID           NAME    DCID    VPSPLANID       OSID
2098003         test    7       29              179

See its status:

vultr server show 2098003

Which should return something like:

vultr server show 2098003
Id (SUBID):             2098003
Name:                   test
Operating system:       CoreOS Stable
Status:                 pending
Power status:           running
Location:               Amsterdam
Region (DCID):          7
VCPU count:             1
RAM:                    768 MB
Disk:                   Virtual 15 GB
Allowed bandwidth:      1000
Current bandwidth:      0
Cost per month:         5.00
Pending charges:        0
Plan (VPSPLANID):       29
IP:                     0
Internal IP:
IPv6 IP:
IPv6 Network:
IPv6 Network Size:
Created date:           2015-06-21 14:16:26
Default password:       juqdotno
Auto backups:           no

Eventually it will change to the active state:

Id (SUBID):             2098003
Name:                   test
Operating system:       CoreOS Stable
Status:                 active
Power status:           running
Location:               Amsterdam
Region (DCID):          7
VCPU count:             1
RAM:                    768 MB
Disk:                   Virtual 15 GB
Allowed bandwidth:      1000
Current bandwidth:      0
Cost per month:         5.00
Pending charges:        0.01
Plan (VPSPLANID):       29
Internal IP:
IPv6 IP:
IPv6 Network:
IPv6 Network Size:
Created date:           2015-06-21 14:16:26
Default password:       jogdagni!4
Auto backups:           no
KVM URL:      

The server is only ready when its status is active and power_status is running:

Status:                 active
Power status:           running

NB As of 2015-06-21 there is no way to known if the server is shutdown. That is, if you do a poweroff you don't have a way to known that...

You can now try to access it:

vultr ssh 2098003

Unfortunately that fails on my machine with:

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal 0xc0000005 code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x5153ce]

goroutine 1 [running]:, 0xc082044050, 0xc08209d380, 0x11, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc0820224e0, 0x0, ...)
        c:/Users/rgl/.go/src/ +0x3fe, 0x3, 0xc08209d380, 0x11, 0x0, 0xc08209d380, 0x0, 0x0)
        c:/Users/rgl/.go/src/ +0x100

Just try again with a regular ssh client (use the password given in Default password attribute):

When you are finished playing with the server, You can now delete it:

vultr server delete 2098003

Which should return:

Virtual machine deleted

From this point onwards, you can no longer access the server from the API.