Manages the description and auction status (created, auction, completed, cancelled) of an item.
- getItem - Gets an item by an ID.
- getItemsForUser - Gets a list of items in a provided status that are owned by a given user.
- AuctionStarted (public) - When the auction is started, in response to startAuction.
- ItemUpdated (private) - When user editable fields on an item are updated in response to createItem.
- AuctionCancelled (private) - When the auction is cancelled, in response to cancelAuction.
- AuctionFinished (private) - When the auction is finished, in response to BiddingFinished.
Event emitted publically are published via a broker topic named item-ItemEvent
- createItem - Creates an item - emits ItemUpdated.
- updateItem - Updates user editable properties of an item, if allowed in the current state (eg, currency can't be updated after auction is started), emits ItemUpdated.
- startAuction - Starts the auction if current state allows it, emits AuctionStarted.
- cancelAuction (not supported) - Cancels the auction if current state allows it, emits AuctionCancelled.
- BidPlaced - Updates the current price of the item.
- BiddingFinished - Completes the auction if current state allows, emits AuctionFinished.