All arguments are std::string
type, Termi will convert it later if needed;
List of arguments in "C++ style":
= argument,i
represents order
When typing arguments, don't use brackets and commas!
string encode = "-e";
string decode = "-d";
base64((do_encode == 1) ? encode : decode, text);
Encodes plain text or decoding base64 text and printing result to
calc(operator, num1, num2);
Based on operator (+, -, *, /) Termi will perform an math operation and print result to console.
Enters directory by passed argument
dencalc(mass, volume, density);
mass - grams
volume - cm3
density - g/cm3
Use x if that value requires calculation
echo(text, text2);
Prints to console all passed arguments
find(path, file);
Searches file or directory in folder/directory.
geocalc(std::vector<std::string>& vect);
Perform geo calculations and Termi
will print output to console
SUR = surface
EXT = extent
REC = rectangle
SQU = square
TRI = triangle
1. vect[1] == "SUR"
1. vect[2] == "REC"
1. x = vect[3]
2. y = vect[4]
2. vect[2] == "SQU"
1. x = vect[3]
3. vect[2] == "TRA"
1. x = vect[3]
2. Vx = vect[4]
2. vect[1] == "EXT"
1. vect[2] == "TRA"
1. x = vect[3]
2. y = vect[4]
3. z = vect[5]
2. vect[2] == "REC"
1. x = vect[3]
2. y = vect[4]
3. vect[2] == "SQU"
1. x = vect[3]
List all files and directories in folder/directory.
loadtp(path, function_name, value)
Calls third party command or application.
path - path of .dll or .so file
function_name - name of function to be called
value - argument, more arguments can be passed but they will be combined in one string
Creates new folder/directory which given name.
Displays all content from file line by line.
Removes file which given name.
Displays computer informations, all passed arguments will be ignored.
Displays time, all passed arguments will be ignored.
Displays current logged user, all passed arguments will be ignored.
writefile(file, content)
Writes given content to given file.
Displays word `yes` 100000, all passed arguments will be ignored.
This function can slow down Termi
Thank you for choosing Termi.
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