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Asynchronous Game Query Library

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A game query library on steroids written for Java. It's an implementation of Valve's source Query, Rcon, Master and Steam Web API protocols. Built on top of Netty


  • Simple and easy to use API.
  • All operations are asynchronous. Every request returns a CompletableFuture
  • It's fast and capable of handling large transactions.
  • Resource efficient
    • Uses netty's off-heap pooled direct buffers (Helps reduce GC pressure for high volume/throughput transactions)
    • Built-in thread and connection pooling support. Takes advantage of netty's event loop model.
    • Makes use of native transports (if available) for increased performance (e.g. epoll, kqueue). Java's NIO is used by default.
  • Highly Configurable. Clients can be configured to satisfy your requirements (e.g. providing a custom executor, adjusting rate limit parameters, selecting connection pool strategy etc.)
  • Throws meaningful exceptions. For example, in RCON, A MaxAttemptsReachedException will be thrown instead of a ReadTimeoutException (or a ChannelClosedException) to indicate that the maximum number of login attempts has been reached.
  • Transactions are Failsafe (except web api). Resilience policies have been implemented to guarantee the delivery and receipt of queries. Below are the policies available by default.
    • Retry Policy: A failed query is re-attempted until a response has either been received or the maximum number attempts has been reached.
    • Rate Limiter Policy: This prevents overloading the servers by sending requests too fast causing the requests to timeout due to rate limits being exceeded.
    • Circuit Breaker Policy: When certain number of failures reach the threshold, the library will transition to an "OPEN" state, temporarily rejecting new requests.


For more examples, please refer to the site docs.

Blocking Queries

public class BlockingQueryExample {

    //Use a custom executor. This is not really necessary as the library 
    //provides it's own default executor, this only serves an example.
    ExecutorService customExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // - Change rate limiting method to BURST
      // - Used a custom executor for query client. We are responsible for shutting down this executor, not the library.
      SourceQueryOptions queryOptions = SourceQueryOptions.builder()
                                                          .option(FailsafeOptions.FAILSAFE_RATELIMIT_TYPE, RateLimitType.BURST)
                                                          .option(GeneralOptions.THREAD_EXECUTOR_SERVICE, customExecutor)

        //You can instantiate the client from the try-with block as it implements the interface
        try (SourceQueryClient client = new SourceQueryClient(queryOptions)) {
            InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("", 27016);
            SourceServer info = client.getInfo(address).join().getResult();
            System.out.printf("INFO: %s\n", info);

Non-Blocking Queries

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;

public class NonBlockingQueryExample {

    //Use a custom executor. This is not required as the library 
    //provides it's own default global executor shared across all clients, this only serves an example on how you can provide your own.
    ExecutorService customExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      //Example configuration
      // - Enabled rate limiting, so we don't send too fast
      // - Change rate limiting type to SMOOTH (Two available types SMOOTH and BURST)
      // - Used a custom executor for query client. We are responsible for shutting down this executor, not the library.
      SourceQueryOptions queryOptions = SourceQueryOptions.builder()
                                                          .option(FailsafeOptions.FAILSAFE_RATELIMIT_TYPE, RateLimitType.SMOOTH)
                                                          .option(GeneralOptions.THREAD_EXECUTOR_SERVICE, customExecutor)

        //create a countdown latch with value of 1 since we are only expecting to receive 1 result
        CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);

        //Instantiate the client (constructor argument is optional)
        try (SourceQueryClient client = new SourceQueryClient(queryOptions)) {
            //Create a user defined object which serves as an aggregate where all the resulting data will be stored
            SourceQueryAggregate result = new SourceQueryAggregate(address);
            CompletableFuture<SourceQueryInfoResponse> infoFuture = client.getInfo(address);

            //Check if the future is complete
            if (infoFuture.isDone()) {
                try {
                    SourceQueryInfoResponse response = infoFuture.getNow(null);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                } finally {
            //If not, register a callback to handle future response
            else {
                infoFuture.whenComplete(new BiConsumer<SourceQueryInfoResponse, Throwable>() {
                    public void accept(SourceQueryInfoResponse response, Throwable error) {
                        try {
                            if (error != null) {
                                throw new CompletionException(error);
                            assert response != null;
                            System.out.printf("INFO: %s\n", response.getResult());
                        } finally {

          //REMEMBER: Since we are executing an asynchronous operation, 
          // we need to wait until we have received a response from the server, 
          // otherwise the program might abruptly terminate. 

A slightly advanced example demonstrating how to combine all three asynchronous queries into one call. For more advanced examples (e.g. sending requests by batch, using synchronization barriers etc), please check out the examples module in the project source.

public class NonBlockingQueryExample {

    //Use a custom executor. This is not required as the library 
    //provides it's own default global executor shared across all clients, this only serves an example on how you can provide your own.
    ExecutorService customExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Example configuration
        // - Enabled rate limiting so we don't send too fast
        // - Change rate limiting type to SMOOTH (Two available types SMOOTH and BURST)
      // - Used a custom executor for query client. We are responsible for shutting down this executor, not the library.
      SourceQueryOptions queryOptions = SourceQueryOptions.builder()
                                                          .option(SourceQueryOptions.FAILSAFE_RATELIMIT_TYPE, RateLimitType.SMOOTH)
                                                          .option(GeneralOptions.THREAD_EXECUTOR_SERVICE, customExecutor)
        //Instantiate the client (constructor argument is optional)
        SourceQueryClient client = new SourceQueryClient(queryOptions);

        //Create a user defined object which serves as an aggregate where all the resulting data will be stored
        SourceQueryAggregate result = new SourceQueryAggregate(address);

        //Combining all queries in one call
        //Note: `Functions::selectFirst` is simply a utility function which returns the first argument of the callback (Refer to the examples section for the source) 
        CompletableFuture<SourceQueryAggregate> resultFuture = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(result)
                                                                                .thenCombine(client.getInfo(address).handle(result.ofType(SourceQueryType.INFO)), Functions::selectFirst)
                                                                                .thenCombine(client.getPlayers(address).handle(result.ofType(SourceQueryType.PLAYERS)), Functions::selectFirst)
                                                                                .thenCombine(client.getRules(address).handle(result.ofType(SourceQueryType.RULES)), Functions::selectFirst);

        //Display result
        resultFuture.whenComplete(new BiConsumer<SourceQueryAggregate, Throwable>() {
            public void accept(SourceQueryAggregate result, Throwable error) {
                if (error != null) {
                    throw new CompletionException(error);
      "INFO: {}, PLAYERS: {}, RULES: {}", result.getInfo(), result.getPlayers(), result.getRules());

Failsafe Demo

A couple of demonstration videos showcasing the built-in failsafe features provided by this library.

Retry Feature

  • A batch of 5000 requests were sent to a single instance and changelevel was issued, triggering active connections to get dropped by the remote server. The failed requests were retried and recovers successfully. All futures transitioned to a completed state.

Circuit Breaker (Fail-fast)

  • A batch of 5000 requests were sent to a single instance. In the middle of the operation, the server was restarted triggering all remaining futures to timeout, resulting with the internal circuit breaker to transition in OPEN state.

Project Resources

Discussion Platforms

If you have any inquiries,concerns or suggestions please use one of the official communication channels for this project


Below is the list of what is currently implemented on the library

  • Valve Master Server Query Protocol
  • Valve Source Query Protocol
  • Valve Steam Web API
  • Valve Steam StoreFront Web API
  • Valve Dota 2 Web API
  • Valve CS:GO Web API
  • Valve Source Log Service (A service which allows you to recive server log events)
  • Supercell Clash of Clans Web API (Deprecated)


  • Java JDK 8 or above


Just add the following dependencies to your maven pom.xml. Only include the modules you need.

Install from Maven Central

Aggregate (All modules included in this artifact)


Valve Master Server Query Protocol


Valve Source Query Protocol


Valve Source Log Listener Service


Valve Source Rcon Protocol


Valve Steam Web API


Valve Dota 2 Web API


Valve CS:GO Web API


Supercell Clash of Clans Web API (Deprecated)

NOTE: As of 1.0.0, this has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in the next major release


Install from Source

Clone from remote repository then mvn install. All the modules will be installed to your local maven repository.

git clone
cd async-gamequery-lib
mvn install

Interactive Examples

RCON interactive example video

To run the available examples, I have included a convenience script ( or run-example.cmd) that will allow you to pick a specific example you could run.

The script accepts a "key" that represents an example application. To get a list of keys, simply invoke the script without arguments, for example:

$ ./
Error: Missing Example Key. Please specify the example key. (e.g. source-query)

List of available examples
- Source Server Query Example      (key: source-query)
- Master Server Query Example      (key: master-query)
- Source Rcon Example              (key: source-rcon)
- Clash of Clans Web API Example   (key: coc-webapi)
- CS:GO Web API Example            (key: csgo-webapi)
- Steam Web API Example            (key: steam-webapi)
- Steam Storefront Web API Example (key: steam-store-webapi)
- Source Log Listener Example      (key: source-logger)
- Steam Econ Web API Example       (key: steam-econ-webapi)
- Dota2 Web API Example            (key: dota2-webapi)

If you are running a web service type example, you will be prompted with an API key. Simply copy and paste the key to the console.

$ ./ coc-webapi
Running example for coc-webapi
$ Please input your API Token:


  • Don't forget to perform a mvn clean install before running an example

Protocol Specifications

References you might find helpful regarding the implementations

Demo Application

Coming soon (Currently working on a desktop application showcasing the features provided by this library). For now, refer to the interactive examples.


Fork it and submit a pull request. Any type of contributions are welcome.

Special Thanks

  • ej Technologies - Developer of the award-winning JProfiler, a full-featured "All-in-one" Java Profiler. Click on the icon below to find out more.


  • JetBrains - For providing the open-source license for their awesome Java IDE.

    IntelliJ IDEA