set custom LS_COLORS
export LS_COLORS='fi=00;38;5;202:di=01;34'
# export LS_COLORS='xx=nn;nn;n;nnn:*.xxx=nn;nn'
# 'xx=' element code, '*.xxx' file extension, 'nn' color/style code, ';' combine codes, ':' elements separator
show default LS_COLORS
dircolors -p
show current assigned LS_COLORS
for each in $LS_COLORS; do
element=$(echo $each | cut -d"=" -f1)
color=$(echo $each | cut -d"=" -f2)
case $element in
rs) text="Reset to default colors";;
no) text="Global for non-assigned";;
di) text="Directory - Normal";;
ow) text="Directory - Writable by others (drwxrw-rw-)";;
st) text="Directory - No delete/rename by others (drwxrw-rwt) 'sticky'";;
tw) text="Directory - Writable + no delete/rename by others (drwxrwxrwt)";;
su) text="Directory - set-user-ID";;
sg) text="Directory - set-group-ID";;
fi) text="File - Normal";;
ex) text="File - Executable";;
mi) text="File - Missing from orphaned link (or -> mi)";;
ca) text="File - With capability (-rwxrwxrwx+) 'xattr'";;
pi) text="File - Named pipe (prwx------) 'fifo'";;
so) text="File - Socket (srwx------)";;
do) text="File - Door (Drwx------)";;
ln) text="Link - Symbolic";;
or) text="Link - Orphaned";;
mh) text="Link - Multi-Hardlink";;
bd) text="Device - Block";;
cd) text="Device - Character";;
*) text="File extension - $element";;
printf "%12s=%-7s \e[${color}m$text\e[0m\n" $element $color