This is a Go client so restaurant suppliers can retrieve orders posted through Rekki. It is simply a wrapper around our HTTP API
Simply initialise the Rekki client with your API token, and start using it straight away!
Filters orders created at or after the given UNIX timestamp.
c := rekki.NewClient(nil, "", "<API token here>") // use the default http.Client created
orders, err := c.ListNotIntegratedOrders(ctx.TODO(), 730512000)
if err != nil {
for i, v := range orders {
fmt.Printf("Order: %+v\n", v)
Marks a set of orders as integrated in the Rekki platform.
c := rekki.NewClient(nil, "", "<API token here>")
err := c.SetOrderIntegrated(ctx.TODO(), []string{"order-id-1", "order-id-2"})
if err != nil {
Marks an order as failed to integrate in the Rekki platform.
c := rekki.NewClient(nil, "", "<API token here>")
// For brevity, we'll omit how to construct an order construct.
e := OrderIntegrationError{Order: order, Attempts: 5, Error: "Invalid product code"}
err := c.SetOrderIntegrated(ctx.TODO(), e)
if err != nil {