Menu3 is a simple Python 3.x command line menu system. It can create simple menus and return the value selected by the user. It supports default values, multiple choices, and colors (colors only work on Linux).
pip install menu3
Import the module
import menu3
Create the menu (True allows the user to quit the app with 'q', False does not allow quiting)
m = menu3.Menu(True)
Ask the user for favorite food, providing the menu title, the list of choices, and optionally the user prompt
food = ["Pizza", "Hot dog", "Salad", "Soup"]
c ="Please select a favorite food", food, "Your choice, 'q' to quit:")
Print the food selected using a success message (you can use 'success', 'fail', 'warn' and 'info' to get different colors)
m.success("You selected: " + food[c-1])
Create a dict of choices and default values then show a configuration menu, and update the choices
cfg = {'Your name': "John Doe", 'Your age': 24, 'Your favorite color': "blue", 'Your best friend': "Mickey Mouse"}
cfg = m.config_menu("Enter your personal details", cfg)
Show an info message with the new values