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Releases: ray-project/ray


19 Apr 05:47
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  • Add delete_creating_tasks option for #4588


  • Add filter flag for Tune CLI. #4337
  • Better handling of tune.function in global checkpoint. #4519
  • Add compatibility to nevergrad 0.2.0+. #4529
  • Add --columns flag for CLI. #4564
  • Add checkpoint eraser. #4490
  • Fix checkpointing for Gym types. #4619


  • Report sampler performance metrics. #4427
  • Ensure stats are consistently reported across all algos. #4445
  • Cleanup TFPolicyGraph. #4478
  • Make batch timeout for remote workers tunable. #4435
  • Fix inconsistent weight assignment operations in DQNPolicyGraph. #4504
  • Add support for LR schedule to DQN/APEX. #4473
  • Add option for RNN state and value estimates to span episodes. #4429
  • Create a combination of ExternalEnv and MultiAgentEnv, called ExternalMutliAgentEnv. #4200
  • Support prev_state/prev_action in rollout and fix multiagent. #4565
  • Support torch device and distributions. #4553


  • TestNG outputs more verbose error messages. #4507
  • Implement GcsClient. #4601
  • Avoid unnecessary memory copy and addd a benchmark. #4611


  • Add support for separate docker containers on head and worker nodes. #4537
  • Add an aggressive autoscaling flag. #4285


25 Mar 21:18
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  • Build system fully converted to Bazel. #4284, #4280, #4281
  • Introduce a set data structure in the GCS. #4199
  • Make all arguments to _remote() optional. #4305
  • Improve object transfer latency by setting TCP_NODELAY on all TCP connections. #4318
  • Add beginning of experimental serving module. #4095
  • Remove Jupyter notebook based UI. #4301
  • Add ray timeline command line command for dumping Chrome trace. #4239


  • Add custom field for serializations. #4237
  • Begin adding Tune CLI. #3983, #4321, #4322
  • Add optimization to reuse actors. #4218
  • Add warnings if the Tune event loop gets clogged. #4353
  • Switch preferred API from tune.run_experiments to #4234
  • Make the logging from the function API consistent and predictable. #4011


  • Breaking: Flip sign of entropy coefficient in A2C and Impala. #4374
  • Add option to continue training even if some workers crash. #4376
  • Add asynchronous remote workers. #4253
  • Add callback accessor for raw observations. #4212


  • Improve single-process mode. #4245, #4265
  • Package native dependencies into jar. #4367
  • Initial support for calling Python functions from Java. #4166


  • Restore error messages for setup errors. #4388

Known Issues

  • Object broadcasts on large clusters are inefficient. #2945


06 Mar 01:03
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  • Removed redirect_output and redirect_worker_output from ray.init, removed deprecated _submit method. #4025
  • Move TensorFlowVariables to ray.experimental.tf_utils. #4145


  • Stream worker logging statements to driver by default. #3892
  • Added experimental ray signaling mechanism, see the documentation. #3624
  • Make Bazel the default build system. #3898
  • Preliminary experimental streaming API for Python. #4126
  • Added web dashboard for monitoring node resource usage. #4066
  • Improved propagation of backend errors to user. #4039
  • Many improvements for the Java frontend. #3687, #3978, #4014, #3943, #3839, #4038, #4039, #4063, #4100, #4179, #4178
  • Support for dataclass serialization. #3964
  • Implement actor checkpointing. #3839
  • First steps toward cross-language invocations. #3675
  • Better defaults for Redis memory usage. #4152


  • Breaking: Introduce ability to turn off default logging. Deprecates custom_loggers. #4104
  • Support custom resources. #2979
  • Add initial parameter suggestions for HyperOpt. #3944
  • Add scipy-optimize to Tune. #3924
  • Add Nevergrad. #3985
  • Add number of trials to the trial runner logger. #4068
  • Support RESTful API for the webserver. #4080
  • Local mode support. #4138
  • Dynamic resources for trials. #3974


  • Basic infrastructure for off-policy estimation. #3941
  • Add simplex action space and Dirichlet action distribution. #4070
  • Exploration with parameter space noise. #4048
  • Custom supervised loss API. #4083
  • Add torch policy gradient implementation. #3857

Autoscaler and Cluster Setup

  • Add docker run option (e.g. to support nvidia-docker). #3921


Known Issues

  • Object broadcasts on large clusters are inefficient. #2945
  • IMPALA is broken #4329


06 Mar 00:11
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  • Support for BayesOpt. #3864
  • Support for SigOpt. #3844
  • Support executing infinite recovery retries for a trial. #3901
  • Support export_formats option to export policy graphs. #3868
  • Cluster and logging improvements. #3906


  • Support for Asynchronous Proximal Policy Optimization (APPO). #3779
  • Support for MARWIL. #3635
  • Support for evaluation option in DQN. #3835
  • Bug fixes. #3865, #3810, #3938
  • Annotations for API stability. #3808

Autoscaler and Cluster Setup


Known Issues

  • Object broadcasts on large clusters are inefficient. #2945


17 Jan 09:13
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Breaking Changes

  • The timeout argument of ray.wait now uses seconds instead of milliseconds. #3706


  • Limit default redis max memory to 10GB. #3630
  • Define a Node class to manage Ray processes. #3733
  • Garbage collection of actor dummy objects. #3593
  • Split profile table among many keys in the GCS. #3676
  • Automatically try to figure out the memory limit in a docker container. #3605
  • Improve multi-threading support. #3672
  • Push a warning to all users when large number of workers have been started. #3645
  • Refactor code ray.ObjectID code. #3674


  • Change log handling for Tune. #3661
  • Tune now supports resuming from cluster failure. #3309, #3725, #3657, #3681
  • Support Configuration Merging for Suggestion Algorithms. #3584
  • Support nested PBT mutations. #3455


  • Add starcraft multiagent env as example. #3542
  • Allow development without needing to compile Ray. #3623
  • Documentation for I/O API and multi-agent improvements. #3650
  • Export policy model checkpoint. #3637
  • Refactor PyTorch custom model support. #3634


  • Add an initial_workers option. #3530
  • Add kill and get IP commands to CLI for testing. #3731
  • GCP allow manual network configuration. #3748

Known Issues:

  • Object broadcasts on large clusters are inefficient. #2945


24 Dec 03:32
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  • Added experimental option to limit Redis memory usage. #3499
  • Added option for restarting failed actors. #3332
  • Fixed Plasma TensorFlow operator memory leak. #3448
  • Fixed compatibility issue with TensorFlow and PyTorch. #3574
  • Miscellaneous code refactoring and cleanup. #3563 #3564 #3461 #3511
  • Documentation. #3427 #3535 #3138
  • Several stability improvements. #3592 #3597


  • Multi-GPU support for Multi-agent PPO. #3479
  • Unclipped actions are sent to learner. #3496
  • rllib rollout now also preprocesses observations. #3512
  • Basic Offline Data API added. #3473
  • Improvements to metrics reporting in DQN. #3491
  • AsyncSampler no longer auto-concats. #3556
  • QMIX Implementation (Experimental). #3548
  • IMPALA performance improvements. #3402
  • Better error messages. #3444
  • PPO performance improvements. #3552


Ray Tune

  • Lambdas now require tune.function wrapper. #3457
  • Custom loggers, sync functions, and trial names are now supported. #3465
  • Improvements to fault tolerance. #3414
  • Variant Generator docs clarification. #3583
  • trial_resources now renamed to resources_per_trial. #3580


Known Issues

  • Object broadcasts on large clusters are inefficient. #2945


01 Dec 20:04
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Breaking Changes

  • Renamed _submit to _remote. #3321
  • Object store memory capped at 20GB by default. #3243
  • Now ray.global_state.client_table() returns a list instead of a dictionary.
  • Renamed ray.global_state.dump_catapult_trace to ray.global_state.chrome_tracing_dump.

Known Issues

  • The Plasma TensorFlow operator leaks memory. #3404
  • Object broadcasts on large clusters are inefficient. #2945
  • Ape-X leaks memory. #3452
  • Action clipping can impede learning (please set clip_actions: False as a workaround) #3496


  • New raylet backend on by default and legacy backend removed. #3020 #3121
  • Support for Python 3.7. #2546
  • Support for fractional resources (e.g., GPUs).
  • Added ray stack for improved debugging (to get stack traces of Python processes on current node). #3213
  • Better error messages for low-memory conditions. #3323
  • Log file names reorganized under /tmp/ray/. #2862
  • Improved timeline visualizations. #2306 #3255


  • Modin is shipped with Ray. After running import ray you can run import modin. #3109


  • Multi agent support for Ape-X and IMPALA. #3147
  • Multi GPU support for IMPALA. #2766
  • TD3 optimizations for DDPG. #3353
  • Support for Dict and Tuple observation spaces. #3051
  • Support for parametric and variable-length action spaces. #3384
  • Support batchnorm layers. #3369
  • Support custom metrics. #3144


  • Added ray submit for submitting scripts to clusters. #3312
  • Added --new flag for ray attach. #2973
  • Added option to allow private IPs only. #3270


  • Support for fractional GPU allocations for trials. #3169
  • Better checkpointing and setup. #2889
  • Memory tracking and notification. #3298
  • Bug fixes for SearchAlgorithms. #3081
  • Add a raise_on_failed_trial flag in run_experiments. #2915
  • Better handling of node failures. #3238


  • Experimental support for distributed SGD. #2858 #3033


28 Sep 16:36
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  • Add ray.is_initialized() to check if ray.init() has been called. #2818

Fixes and Improvements

  • Fix issue in which ray stop fails to kill plasma object store. #2850
  • Remove dependence on psutil. #2892


  • Set better default for VF clip PPO parameter to avoid silent performance degradation. #2921
  • Reward clipping should default to off for non-Atari environments. #2904
  • Fix LSTM failing to train on truncated sequences. #2898


  • Fixed a small bug in trial pausing and cleaned up error messages. #2815


29 Aug 21:44
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Breaking Changes

  • Local mode has changed from ray.init(driver_mode=ray.PYTHON_MODE) to ray.init(local_mode=True) to improve clarity.

Autoscaler and Cluster Setup

  • Added many convenience commands such as ray up, ray attach, ray exec, and ray rsync to simplify launching jobs with Ray.
  • Added experimental support for local/on-prem clusters.


  • Added the IMPALA algorithm.
  • Added the ARS algorithm.
  • Added the A2C variant of A3C.
  • Added support for distributional DQN.
  • Made improvements to multiagent support.
  • Added support for model-based rollouts and custom policies.
  • Added initial set of reference Atari results.


  • SearchAlgorithms can now be used separately from TrialSchedulers and are found in ray.tune.suggest.
  • All TrialSchedulers have been consolidated under ray.tune.schedulers.
  • Minor API changes:
    • For Experiment configuration, repeat has been renamed to num_samples.
    • Now, register_trainable is handled implicitly.


07 Jul 05:32
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Bump version to 0.5.0. (#2351)