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Tablab - Parser

The Parser class provides methods to parse a text input of instructions, converting them to structured data.

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Table of content

Accepted instructions

Basic instructions

A basic instruction has the format {string}-{fret} where the fret represents the instruction that should be written at the nth string of the tablature. Check out some examples below:

  • 1-0: First string, open;
  • 2-0: Second string, open;
  • 3-5: Fifth fret of the third string;
  • 1-3: Third fret of the first string;
  • 4-5h7: Fifth fret of the fourth string followed by a hammer-on at the seventh fret;
  • 3-5b6: Fifth fret of the third string followed by a half bend.

Once written to a tablature, these instructions will be written as notes to the tablature.

Method instructions

A method instruction is composed of up to 3 parts:

  • The method alias (required): It is a text of alphanumeric characters used to identify the method instruction. It must not start with a number;
  • The method arguments (optional): A set of values enclosed by brackets and separated by commas. These values may be used by some method instructions to perform the writing operation on a tablature. The default brackets for arguments are parentheses;
  • The method targets (optional): A set of instructions, either basic or method ones, enclosed by brackets. These instructions will be parsed with the method instruction and may be used by some method instructions to perform the writing operation on a tablature. The default brackets for targets are curly braces.

Available method instructions

  • break: Once written to a tablature, this instruction will add a tablature block to it.
    • Alias: break.
    • Arguments: None.
    • Targets: None.
  • footer ( footerMessage ): Once written to a tablature, this instruction will write a footer to it.
    • Alias: footer.
    • Arguments:
      • footerMessage: The message to be written at the footer section of the tablature.
    • Targets: None.
  • header ( headerMessage ): Once written to a tablature, this instruction will write a header to it.
    • Alias: header.
    • Arguments:
      • headerMessage: The message to be written at the header section of the tablature.
    • Targets: None.
  • merge { instructionsToMerge }: Once written to a tablature, this instruction will write in parallel the given target instructions to the tablature.
    • Alias: merge.
    • Arguments: None.
    • Targets: The instructions to be written to the tablature in parallel. Only basic instructions are acceptted.
  • repeat ( numberOfRepetitions ) { instructionsToRepeat }: Once written to a tablature, this instruction will write the given target instructions to the tablature n times, where n is the given numberOfRepetitions.
    • Alias: repeat.
    • Arguments:
      • numberOfRepetitions: The number of repetitions.
    • Targets: The instructions to be written to the tablature.
  • spacing (spacingValue): Once written to a tablature, this instruction will set its spacing property to the given spacing value.
    • Alias: spacing.
    • Arguments:
      • spacingValue: The new spacing value to be set at the tablature.
    • Targets: None.

Parsing instructions

The Parser class provides a few strategies on how to parse basic and method instructions. In the following example, a Parser instance is created, and the parseAll method is used to parse all the instructions from a text input of instructions:

const { Parser } = require('tablab');

const instructions =
  '1-0 2-0 3-5 1-3 4-5h7 3-5b6 break header(Example Header) ' +
  'footer(Example Footer) merge{ 1-0 2-0 } repeat(2){ 1-0 2-3h5 } ' +

const parser = new Parser();

const parsedInstructions = parser.parseAll(instructions);

Check out the other strategies available for parsing instructions.

Writing a tablature with the parsed instructions

With your text input of instructions parsed, use the writeOnTab method of the parsed instructions to write each instruction a tablature instance. Check out the example below:

const { Parser, Tab } = require('tablab');

const instructions =
  '1-0 2-0 3-5 1-3 4-5h7 3-5b6 break header(Example Header) ' +
  'footer(Example Footer) merge{ 1-0 2-0 } repeat(2){ 1-0 2-3h5 } ' +

const tab = new Tab();
const parser = new Parser();

const parsedInstructions = parser.parseAll(instructions);
parsedInstructions.forEach((parsedInstruction) => {
  const writeResult = parsedInstruction.writeOnTab(tab);

  if (!writeResult.success) {
      `Failed to write instruction < ${parsedInstruction.value} > at position ` +
        `${parsedInstruction.readFromIndex}. ${writeResult.failureMessage} ` +



    '                                                  ',
    '                                                  '
    '   | Example Header   |                           ',
    '   |   Example Footer |                           '

Handling invalid instructions

There are a few scenarios that could cause a parsed instruction not to be written to your tablature, among which:

  • An instruction that is in an invalid syntax;
  • A method instruction with an invalid alias, arguments, or targets;
  • An instruction that cannot be written to the given tablature.

Because of that, you should always check the result of the writeOnTab method call to determine whether it was a successfully written instruction or a failed one.

Below are the properties available on a write result object, returned by the writeOnTab method call:

interface WriteResult {
  childResults: WriteResult[] | null;
  failureMessage: string | null;
  failureReasonIdentifier: string | null;
  success: boolean;

The field success indicates whether the instruction was successfully written to the tablature (true) or not (false).

The fields failureReasonIdentifier and failureMessage can be used to identify the failure reason. The former uniquely identifies a failure reason, and the latter provides some descriptive information regarding the failure.

The field childResults contains the results of each target instruction specifically. It is configured for method instructions that use target instructions and sequentially write them to a tablature. In that sense, it is currently only configured for the repeat instruction. The parsed target instruction related to each child write result can be obtained as shown below:

const { Parser, Tab } = require('tablab');

const instructions = 'repeat (3) { 0-1 1-1 3 2-1 }';

const tab = new Tab();
const parser = new Parser();

const parsedInstructions = parser.parseAll(instructions);

parsedInstructions.forEach((parsedInstruction) => {
  const writeResult = parsedInstruction.writeOnTab(tab);

  if (!writeResult.success) {
      `Failed to write instruction < ${parsedInstruction.value} > at position ` +
        `${parsedInstruction.readFromIndex}. ${writeResult.failureMessage} ` +

    if (writeResult.childResults) {
      writeResult.childResults.forEach((childResult) => {
        // gets the parsed instruction related to the child result
        const childParsedInstruction = childResult.instructionWriter.parsedInstruction;

        if (!childResult.success) {
            `\tFailed to write instruction < ${childParsedInstruction.value} > at position ` +
              `${childParsedInstruction.readFromIndex}. ${childResult.failureMessage} ` +




Failed to write instruction < repeat (3) { 0-1 1-1 3 2-1 } > at position 0. Failed to write the given target instructions to the tab (REPEAT_INSTRUCTION_WITH_INVALID_TARGETS)
        Failed to write instruction < 0-1 > at position 13. String value must be between 1 and 6 (BASIC_INSTRUCTION_WITH_NON_WRITABLE_NOTE)
        Failed to write instruction < 3 > at position 21. Invalid basic instruction (BASIC_INSTRUCTION_INVALID)

    '                                                  ',
    '                                                  '

The list with all possible failure reasons can be verified here.

Parser options

The following options can be set to customize your tablature:

Mapped method instructions

The available method instructions section lists the default method instructions that can be read by the parser. This list can be customized to disable method instructions, change its aliases and add new ones to use them.

The methodInstructionAlias2IdentifierMap option is used to perform these customizations. Its value is an object where each key is an alias, and the associated value is the method instruction identifier mapped for it.

Its default value, indicated below, results in the mapping described in the available method instructions section.

  break: MethodInstruction.Break,
  footer: MethodInstruction.Footer,
  header: MethodInstruction.Header,
  merge: MethodInstruction.Merge,
  repeat: MethodInstruction.Repeat,
  spacing: MethodInstruction.SetSpacing

Method instructions identifiers

Each one of the method instructions described in the available method instructions section has a unique string identifier. The MethodInstruction enumerator can be used for easy access to the method instructions identifiers. Below, the identifier of each method instruction and the corresponding member value of the MethodInstruction enumerator:

Method Instruction Method Instruction Identifier MethodInstruction Member
Break Break Break
Footer Footer Footer
Header Header Header
Merge Merge Merge
Repeat Repeat Repeat
Spacing SetSpacing SetSpacing

The MethodInstruction enumerator is available to be required, as indicated below:

const { MethodInstruction } = require('tablab');

Disabling method instructions

One of the use cases of the methodInstructionAlias2IdentifierMap option is to disable the parser to identify some method instructions.

In the following example, the parser is set to read the repeat instruction only, under the alias repeat. The other aliases described in the available method instructions section are disabled, resulting in unidentified method instructions.

const { Parser, Tab, MethodInstruction } = require('tablab');

const tab = new Tab();
const parser = new Parser({
  methodInstructionAlias2IdentifierMap: {
    repeat: MethodInstruction.Repeat, // maps only the repeat instruction under the alias "repeat"

const instructions = 'header(Example) repeat(2){ 1-0 2-0 } merge { 1-0 2-0 }';

parser.parseAll(instructions).forEach((parsedInstruction) => {
  const writeResult = parsedInstruction.writeOnTab(tab);

  if (!writeResult.success) {
      `Failed to write instruction < ${parsedInstruction.value} > at position ` +
        `${parsedInstruction.readFromIndex}. ${writeResult.failureMessage} ` +



Failed to write instruction < header(Example) > at position 0. No method instruction identified for alias "header" (UNIDENTIFIED_METHOD_INSTRUCTION)

Failed to write instruction < merge { 1-0 2-0 } > at position 37. No method instruction identified for alias "merge" (UNIDENTIFIED_METHOD_INSTRUCTION)

    '                                                  ',
    '                                                  '

Changing the alias of method instructions

The methodInstructionAlias2IdentifierMap option can also be used to change the alias used for each method instruction.

In the following example, the parser is set to read the repeat instruction under the alias r instead of the default repeat alias.

const { Parser, Tab, MethodInstruction } = require('tablab');

const tab = new Tab();

// copies the default mapping
const customAlias2IdentifierMap = Object.assign(

delete customAlias2IdentifierMap.repeat; // removes the mapping for the alias "repeat"
customAlias2IdentifierMap.r = MethodInstruction.Repeat; // maps the repeat instruction under the alias "r"

const parser = new Parser({
  methodInstructionAlias2IdentifierMap: customAlias2IdentifierMap,

const instructions = 'repeat(2){ 1-0 2-0 } r(2){ 1-0 2-0 }';

parser.parseAll(instructions).forEach((parsedInstruction) => {
  const writeResult = parsedInstruction.writeOnTab(tab);

  if (!writeResult.success) {
      `Failed to write instruction < ${parsedInstruction.value} > at position ` +
        `${parsedInstruction.readFromIndex}. ${writeResult.failureMessage} ` +



Failed to write instruction < repeat(2){ 1-0 2-0 } > at position 0. No method instruction identified for alias "repeat" (UNIDENTIFIED_METHOD_INSTRUCTION)

    '                                                  ',
    '                                                  '

Adding new aliases for method instructions

Another use case of the methodInstructionAlias2IdentifierMap option is to add new custom aliases for the available method instructions.

In the following example, the parser is set to read all the predefined aliases as described in the available method instructions section but with one difference: It can also read the repeat instruction under the alias r, besides the default repeat alias.

const { Parser, Tab, MethodInstruction } = require('tablab');

const tab = new Tab();
const parser = new Parser({
  methodInstructionAlias2IdentifierMap: {
    ...Parser.DEFAULT_METHOD_INSTRUCTION_ALIAS_2_IDENTIFIER_MAP, // extends the default mapping
    r: MethodInstruction.Repeat, // maps the repeat instruction under the alias "r"

const instructions = 'repeat(2){ 1-5 2-5 } r(2){ 1-0 2-0 }';

parser.parseAll(instructions).forEach((parsedInstruction) => {
  const writeResult = parsedInstruction.writeOnTab(tab);

  if (!writeResult.success) {
      `Failed to write instruction < ${parsedInstruction.value} > at position ` +
        `${parsedInstruction.readFromIndex}. ${writeResult.failureMessage} ` +



    '                                                  ',
    '                                                  '

Enclosure type for method instructions arguments

As indicated in the method instructions definition section, the arguments of method instructions must be given inside enclosures. The methodInstructionArgsEnclosure option can be used to specify which type of enclosure should be used to identify the method instructions arguments. Its value must be a member of the Enclosure enumerator and must not have the same value indicated for the enclosure type for the method instructions targets option. Below, a description of the available members of the Enclosure enumerator and its effect on the argument's representation:

Enclosure Enumerator Member Method Instruction Arguments Representation
AngleBrackets < ...args >
CurlyBrackets { ...args }
RoundBrackets ( ...args )
SquareBrackets [ ...args ]
Parentheses ( ...args )

Its default value is set to Parentheses.

In the following example, the parser is set to read the arguments of method instructions from within SquareBrackets enclosures:

const { Parser, Enclosure } = require('tablab');

const parser = new Parser({
  methodInstructionArgsEnclosure: Enclosure.SquareBrackets,

const parsedInstruction = parser.parseOne('repeat [ 3 ] { 1-0 2-0 }');

Enclosure type for method instructions targets

As indicated in the method instructions definition section, the targets of method instructions must be given inside enclosures. The methodInstructionTargetsEnclosure option can be used to specify which type of enclosure should be used to identify the method instructions targets. Its value must be a member of the Enclosure enumerator and must not have the same value indicated for the enclosure type for the method instructions arguments option. Below, a description of the available members of the Enclosure enumerator and its effect on the target's representation:

Enclosure Enumerator Member Method Instruction Targets Representation
AngleBrackets < ...targets >
CurlyBrackets { ...targets }
RoundBrackets ( ...targets )
SquareBrackets [ ...targets ]
Parentheses ( ...targets )

Its default value is set to CurlyBrackets.

In the following example, the parser is set to read the targets of method instructions from within AngleBrackets enclosures:

const { Parser, Enclosure } = require('tablab');

const parser = new Parser({
  methodInstructionTargetsEnclosure: Enclosure.AngleBrackets,

const parsedInstruction = parser.parseOne('repeat ( 3 ) < 1-0 2-0 >');

Parser Methods

A parser instance exposes the following methods to parse the instructions from a text input of instructions:

Parse one instruction

The parseOne method is responsible for parsing only the first instruction from a text input of instructions.

const { Parser } = require('tablab');

const parser = new Parser();

const parsedInstruction = parser.parseOne('1-0');

Parse one instruction (async)

The parseOneAsync method is the asynchronous implementation of the parseOne method. It returns a Promise that will resolve to the parsed instruction.

const { Parser } = require('tablab');

const parser = new Parser();

parser.parseOneAsync('1-0').then((parsedInstruction) => {
  // handle parsed instruction

Parse all instructions

The parseAll method is responsible for parsing all the instructions from a text input of instructions, returning an array of parsed instructions.

const { Parser } = require('tablab');

const parser = new Parser();

const instructions = '1-0 2-0 break 3-0 4-0 break 5-0 6-0';

const parsedInstructions = parser.parseAll(instructions);

parsedInstructions.forEach((parsedInstruction) => {
  // handle parsed instructions

Parse all instructions (async)

The parseAllAsync method is the asynchronous implementation of the parseAll method. It returns a Promise that will resolve to the array of parsed instructions.

const { Parser } = require('tablab');

const parser = new Parser();

const instructions = '1-0 2-0 break 3-0 4-0 break 5-0 6-0';

parser.parseAllAsync(instructions).then((parsedInstructions) => {
  parsedInstructions.forEach((parsedInstruction) => {
    // handle parsed instructions