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Radu Ioan Ciobanu edited this page Sep 13, 2016 · 14 revisions

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MobEmu’s functionality is relatively straightforward. It parses a mobility trace and, at every step of the trace (given by the time unit the trace was measured in), it checks whether a contact between two nodes occurs. If this is the case, then the desired routing or dissemination algorithm is applied for each node, in regard to the encountered node. Moreover, various statistics are collected. Aside from checking for contacts, MobEmu checks at every tick whether a node should generate messages for other nodes, an action which is controlled by the user. Thus, the amount of messages sent, their destinations, priorities, number of copies, TTL, etc., can be configured according to each user’s desire. At each step, the emulator also computes a node’s community according to the k-CLIQUE algorithm, as well as its local and global centralities (i.e. inside its community, or outside of it).

Regarding the execution of a routing or dissemination algorithm, the user is able to control the data memory size of each node, the amount of history it can store, the speed with which messages can be exchanged, a node’s level of altruism, etc. When a trace run is completed, the desired statistics are printed.


There are two main components of MobEmu: the Trace (along with the Parser, Context, and Contact components) and the Node (containing information regarding Altruism, Battery, Messages, Network, etc.), as shown in the figure.

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