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File metadata and controls

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ETL openBIS dropboxes

This repository holds a collection of Jython ETL (extract-transform-load) scripts that are used at QBiC that define the behaviour of openBIS dropboxes. The ETL processes combine some quality control measures for incoming data and data transformation to facilitate the registration in openBIS.

Environment setup

1. Conda environment for the register-omero-metadata dropbox

To provide the dependencies for the register-omero-metadata dropbox to work properly, you can build a conda environment based on the provided environment.yaml:

conda env create -f environment.yaml

Make sure that the path to the executables provided in the environment are referenced properly in the register-omero-metadata Python script.

2. Dependencies for sample tracking functionality

OpenBIS loads Java libararies on startup, if they are provided in a lib folder of an openBIS dropbox. For the sample-tracking to work, you need to provide the sample-tracking-helper library and deploy it in one of the lib folders.

3. Dependencies for data transfer objects and parsers

We decoupled some shared functionality in the data-model-lib and the core-utils-lib. Please make sure to deploy them as well in of the lib folders, such that the classes are loaded by the etlserver class loader and available during runtime.

##4. Dependencies for the example dropbox written in pure Java/Groovy

Just deploy the compiled JAR of the [Java openBIS dropbox](https://github .com/qbicsoftware/java-openbis-dropboxes) in the lib folder of the dropbox ( ./register-example-java-dropbox/lib).

Data format guidelines

These guidelines describe the necessary file structure for different data types to be met in order to ingest and register them correctly in openBIS.


Illumina NGS single-end / paired-end data

Responsible dropbox: QBiC-register-fastq-dropbox

Resulting data model in openBIS
Q_TEST_SAMPLE -> Q_NGS_SINGLE_SAMPLE_RUN (with sample code) -> DataSet of type Q_NGS_RAW_DATA (directory with files contained)

Example sample ids are:

NGSQABCD001AE (Sequencing result, Q_SINGLE_SAMPLE_RUN)

If several runs are submitted with the same analyte id, then no new id for the run is generated, but a new dataset attached to the existing sequencing result id.

For paired-end sequencing reads in FASTQ format, the file structure needs to look like this

<QBIC sample code>.fastq // Directory
    |-- <QBIC sample code>_R1.fastq
    |-- <QBIC sample code>_R1.fastq.sha256sum
    |-- <QBIC sample code>_R2.fastq
    |-- <QBIC sample code>_R2.fastq.sha256sum

or in the case of gzipped FASTQ files:

<QBIC sample code>.fastq.gz // Directory
    |-- <QBIC sample code>_R1.fastq.gz
    |-- <QBIC sample code>_R1.fastq.gz.sha256sum
    |-- <QBIC sample code>_R2.fastq.gz
    |-- <QBIC sample code>_R2.fastq.gz.sha256sum

In the case of single-end sequencing data, the file structure needs to look like this:

<QBIC sample code>.fastq.gz // Directory
    |-- <QBIC sample code>.fastq.gz
    |-- <QBIC sample code>.fastq.gz.sha256sum

PacBio NGS data

Responsible dropbox: QBiC-register-pacbio

Resulting data model in openBIS
Q_TEST_SAMPLE -> Q_NGS_PACBIO_RUN" (with sample code) -> DataSet of type Q_NGS_PACBIO_DATA (directory with files contained)

Example sample ids are:

NGSQABCD001AE (Sequencing result, Q_NGS_PACBIO_RUN)

If several runs are submitted with the same analyte id, then no new id for the run is generated, but a new dataset attached to the existing sequencing result id.

To be recognized as PacBio sequencing data by the script, at least one bam, the pacbio bam index (.bam.pbi) and the pacbio xml file needs to be contained:

<QBIC sample code>_<anything>_pacbio // Directory
    |-- <anyname1>.xml
    |-- <anyname2>.bam.pbi
    |-- <anybam1>.bam
    |-- <anybam2>.bam

HLA Typing data

Responsible dropbox: QBiC-register-hlatyping-dropbox

Resulting data model in openBIS
Q_TEST_SAMPLE -> Q_NGS_HLATYPING (with sample code) -> DataSet (directory with files contained)


Q_TEST_SAMPLE -> Q_NGS_SINGLE_SAMPLE_RUN (provided sample code) -> Q_NGS_HLATYPING -> DataSet (directory with files contained)

Example sample ids are: QABCD001AE (Analyte, Q_TEST_SAMPLE)
HLA1QABCD001AE (HLA-Typing result, Q_NGS_HLATYPING) for HLA MHC class I or HLA2QABCD001AE (HLA-Typing result, Q_NGS_HLATYPING) for HLA MHC class II

For HLA typing data in VCF format, the file structure needs to look like this:

<QBIC sample code> // Directory
    |-- <QBIC sample code>.txt
    |-- <QBIC sample code>.txt.sha256sum

NGS single-end / paired-end data with metadata


This data format is targeted for a single use case and should not be used for general data registration purposes. Please use the NGS single-end / paired-end data format for now.

Responsible dropbox: QBiC-register-imgag-dropbox

Resulting data model in openBIS
Q_TEST_SAMPLE -> Q_NGS_SINGLE_SAMPLE_RUN (with sample code) -> DataSet of type Q_NGS_RAW_DATA (directory with raw sequencing files contained)

Example sample ids:

NGS[0-9]{2}QABCS001AE (Sequencing Result, Q_NGS_SINGLE_SAMPLE_RUN) where the running two-digit number is taken from the identifier suffix from the genetics_id in the metadata file.

For paired-end sequencing reads in FASTQ format, the file structure needs to look like this

<QBIC sample code> // Directory
    |-- file1.fastq.gz
    |-- file2.fastq.gz
    |-- metadata
    |- ...

Expected metadata
Additional metadata is required in this format case and expected to be noted in JSON in a file called metadata and following the upload metadata schema. A valid JSON object can look like this:

    "files": [
    "type": "dna_seq",
    "sample1": {
        "genome": "GRCh37",
        "id_genetics": "GS000000_01",
        "id_qbic": "QTEST002AE",
        "processing_system": "Test system",
        "tumor": "no"

Attachment Data

Responsible dropbox: QBiC-register-exp-proj-attachment

openBIS structure:

Attachments are attached to the Q_PROJECT_DETAILS experiment type and its sample type Q_ATTACHMENT_SAMPLE.

Expected data structure The data structure needs to be a root folder, containing a file metadata.txt.

Incoming structure overview:

|-<anything> (top level folder name, normally a time stamp of upload time)
    |- metadata.txt

Expected metadata Metadata is expected to be denoted in line-separated key-value pairs, where key and value are separated by a '='. The following structure/pairs are expected:

user=<the (optional) uploading user name.>
info=<short info about the file>
barcode=<the sample code of the attachment sample>
type=<the type of attachment: information or results>

If a university user name is provided and the registration of data fails, the user will receive an email containing the error.

The info field must not contain line breaks, as each line in the metadata file must contain a key-value pair.

The code of the attachment sample is built from the project code followed by three zeroes, conforming to the regular expression "Q[A-Z0-9]{4}000", e.g. QABCD000.

See code examples:

Mass Spectrometry mzML conversion and registration

Responsible dropbox: QBiC-convert-register-ms-vendor-format

Resulting data model in openBIS
...Q_TEST_SAMPLE (-> Q_MHC_LIGAND_EXTRACT (Immunomics case)) -> Q_MS_RUN per data file --> 2 DataSets per data file, one for raw data, one converted to mzML

Expected data structure In every use case, the data structure needs to contain a top folder around the respective data in order to accommodate metadata files.

The sample code found in the top folder can be of type Q_TEST_SAMPLE or Q_MS_RUN. In the former case, a new sample of type Q_MS_RUN is created and attached as child to the test sample.

Valid folder/file types:

  • Thermo Fisher Raw file format
  • Waters Raw folder
  • Bruker .d folder

Incoming structure overview for standard case without additional metadata file:

|-- QABCD102A5_20201229145526_20201014_CO_0976StSi_R05_.raw
|-- QABCD102A5_20201229145526_20201014_CO_0976StSi_R05_.raw.sha256sum

In this case, existing mass spectrometry metadata is expected to be already stored and the dataset will be attached.

Incoming structure overview for the use case of Immunomics data with metadata file:

|-- QABCD090B7
|   |-- file1.raw
|   |-- file2.raw
|   |-- file3.raw
|   `-- metadata.tsv
|-- QABCD090B7.sha256sum
`-- source_dropbox.txt

The source_dropbox.txt currently has to indicate the source as one of the Immunomics data sources.

The metadata.tsv columns for the Immunomics case are tab-separated:

file1.raw   THERMO_QEXACTIVE    171010  10      QEX_TOP07_470MIN    DDA_Rep1    DDA

Filename - one of the (e.g. raw) file names found in the incoming structure

Q_MS_DEVICE - openBIS code from the vocabulary of Mass Spectrometry devices

Q_MEASUREMENT_FINISH_DATE - Date in YYMMDD format (ISO 8601:2000)

Q_EXTRACT_SHARE - the extract share

Q_ADDITIONAL_INFO - any optional comments

Q_MS_LCMS_METHODS - openBIS code from the vocabulary of LCMS methods

technical_replicate - free text to denote replicates

workflow_type - DDA or DIA

Mass Spectrometry with preconverted mzML

Responsible dropbox:

Resulting data model in openBIS
...Q_TEST_SAMPLE -> Q_MS_RUN per data file --> 2 DataSets per data file, one for raw data, one for the provided mzML

Expected data structure The data structure needs to contain a top folder around the respective files in order to accommodate both the raw and the converted file.

The sample code found in the top folder can be of type Q_TEST_SAMPLE or Q_MS_RUN. In the former case, a new sample of type Q_MS_RUN is created and attached as child to the test sample.

Valid folder/file types:

  • Thermo Fisher Raw file format
  • Waters Raw folder
  • Bruker .d folder

Incoming structure overview:

|-- QABCD102A5_20201229145526_20201014_CO_0976StSi_R05.raw
|-- QABCD102A5_20201229145526_20201014_CO_0976StSi_R05.mzML

In this case, existing mass spectrometry metadata is expected to be already stored and the dataset will be attached.

BioImage data with OMERO server

Responsible dropbox: QBiC-register-omero-metadata

Resulting data model in openBIS:
For each biological sample, multiple images (the data files) can be created, so multiple Q_BMI_GENERIC_IMAGING_RUN samples are created and attached to that biological sample, Q_BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE -> one Q_BMI_GENERIC_IMAGING_RUN per data target (e.g. an image file, or folder containing image files).

Expected data structure: The structure of the input data needs to contain a top (root) folder, named after the corresponding biological sample code, this code (ID) is of type Q_BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE. This data folder must contain a metadata_table.tsv file to specify image-level metadata, by defining a table where each row indicates an image data target, i.e. a path to an image file, or a sub-folder containing image files (IMAGE_DATA_PATH). The columns of the table are used to specify names (keys) of metadata properties, or ETL parameters (e.g. IMAGE_DATA_PATH, SAMPLE_ID, ETL_TAG).

Valid file types: Valid files in the folder are any bioimage files that can be handled by Bio-Formats and an OMERO server. This ETL process uses the Python package omero-bifrost to register the input data into an OMERO server, this package depends on the omero-py CLI and remote API for image data and metadata transfer.

Incoming data structure overview:

|-- QABCD002A8
|   |-- Est-B1a.lif
|   |-- Image_1.czi
|   |-- dataset_1
|   |   |-- Image_2.czi
|   |   |-- sub_tomo_1.mrc
|   |-- dataset_2
|   |   |-- Est-B2c.lif
|   |   |-- Image_3.czi
|   |   |-- sub_tomo_2.mrc
|   `-- metadata_table.tsv
|-- QABCD002A8.sha256sum
`-- source_dropbox.txt

The metadata annotations are specified in the TSV file metadata_table.tsv. This file ends in .tsv, it has tab-separated columns that create the following table structure:

./                  NCIT_C18113         cell            *              tag-x,tag-y     *            FEI                        Dr. Horrible       01.03.2021
dataset_1/          NCIT_C18113         cell            *              tag-y           *            FEI                        Max Mustermann     01.04.2021
dataset_2/          NCIT_C18216         leaf            QABCD002F5     *               dicom-vol    Zeiss                      Max Mustermann     23.02.2021

The SAMPLE_ID field provides a way to override the sample ID parameter (Q_BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE) for a specific data sub-folder (row in the metadata table).

The OMERO_TAGS field is used to specify OMERO tags, this will annotate all images in the data folder with the specified tags in the OMERO server (tag values separated by the character ,).

The ETL_TAG field is used to specify a modality-specific subprocess within the ETL process for a specific data sub-folder. Modality-specific subprocesses aim to provide additional support for specialized data processing (e.g. transform DICOM fileset into NIfTI file) in a range of bioimaging modalities (e.g. MRI/DICOM, CODEX/MACSima, light-sheet microscopy).

The placeholder value * for a property (table column) is used to indicate that the property has no valid value for the data folder specified in the table row (line in the TSV file). If the value ./ is provided for IMAGE_DATA_PATH, the relative root directory will be asumed (targets the root folder).

Using file and sub-folder registration targets: The following use-case exemplifies a metadata table with both image file and sub-folder targets. For the same data structure (see above), it is possible to specify metadata for individual images and sub-folder, using the following metadata file:

Metadata table:

Est-B1a.lif                    NCIT_C18113         leaf            FEI                        Dr. Horrible       01.03.2021
Image_1.czi                    NCIT_C18113         leaf            Zeiss                      Dr. Horrible       01.03.2021
dataset_1/Image_2.czi          NCIT_C18113         cell            Zeiss                      Max Mustermann     01.04.2021
dataset_1/sub_tomo_1.mrc       NCIT_C18113         cell            FEI                        Max Mustermann     01.04.2021
dataset_2/                     NCIT_C18216         leaf            Zeiss                      Max Mustermann     23.02.2021

Description of image-level metadata table:

column name description
IMAGE_DATA_PATH Path to data target. The relative path to one of the image files, or data sub-folders found in the incoming root folder (one data target per line).
IMAGING_MODALITY Ontology Identifier for the imaging modality, currently from the NCI Thesaurus. The EBI-OLS can be used to search for NCIT terms, the following values are valid examples:
NCIT_C16855 (Scanning Electron Microscopy)
NCIT_C18216 (Transmission Electron Microscopy)
NCIT_C18113 (Cryo-Electron Microscopy)
NCIT_C17995 (Light Microscopy)
NCIT_C16856 (Fluorescence Microscopy)
NCIT_C17753 (Confocal Microscopy)
NCIT_C23011 (Hematoxylin and Eosin Staining Method)
NCIT_C23020 (Immunohistochemistry Staining Method)
NCIT_C181928 (Multiplexed Immunofluorescence)
NCIT_C16809 (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
NCIT_C17204 (Computed Tomography)
IMAGED_TISSUE The imaged tissue or cell type.
INSTRUMENT_MANUFACTURER The imaging instrument manufacturer.
INSTRUMENT_USER The person who measured the data file using the imaging instrument.
IMAGING_DATE The date of the measurement in format (days and months with leading zeroes).
SAMPLE_ID Overrides the sample ID (Q_BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE) for a specific data target (Optional).
OMERO_TAGS Used to specify OMERO tags, this will annotate all images in the data target (Optional).
ETL_TAG Used to specify a modality-specific ETL subprocess (e.g. for DICOM data, CODEX/MACSima, or light-sheet microscopy) for a data target. Each subprocess type expects a particular sub-folder structure or file type as input, and applies a set of image processing, file format conversion, and metadata curation tasks, as required by the technical specification the data generated by the bioimage modality (Optional). The following values are valid examples:
dicom-vol (DICOM Volume)
highly-mti (Highly Multiplexed Tissue Imaging)
big-hist (Large Image of Histology Slide)
lsfm-vol (Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy)