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Sanyam Khurana edited this page Dec 21, 2016 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the Confluence wiki!

Here is the discussion on how to automate various conference all around the world. Our primary focus is right now on automating PyCon India & PyDelhi Conference. We'll be trying to make this as generic as possible so that all other conference would be able to use this.

Raw notes

  • Automate as much as possible:

    • Talks selection as soon as the talks get selected:
      • Volunteers assigned get a automated mail introducing them to speakers
    • Schedule announcement: json schedule - Website & App use this json
    • Automate mail sending before conference to attendees & Speakers
    • Feedback
    • MoM,
  • Work Assignment -- Trello

  • Standup --partially done --

  • TDD

  • Junction -- improve

  • Volunteers management

  • Lightening Talks registration, selection -- Akkshay

    • Register through conference app / website through REST API
    • FCFS talk selection; Select talk with buffer and send mails.
    • Volunteer can override that setting.
    • Submit your slides -- provide it later on a single laptop.
  • Registration via mobiles, distribution of swags -- QR Mobile app -- Akkshay

  • Social Media -- Twitter & Fb API one click share

Tech Stack: Django + MySQL + Celery

RESTful API + Logging

Registration + auth - Volunteers + Users + Speakers - permission

MailSender - templates - volunteers, users, speakers Talks -- Junction SocialMedia -- One Click post - Most volunteers can post to the queue. - One single lead volunteer can approve and then it would be posted. Lightening Talks


Use Case:

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