This repository contains the scripts for videos and content for the WD201 course, to be hosted at Pupilfirst School.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
© Pupilfirst Pvt. Ltd.
More details regarding the licensing history of this content can be found in the relevant section of the current version of the WD201 course.
- Why is there a need for a library ecosystem?
- What is NPM?
- What is package.json
- What are NPM scripts
- Explore built in fs module
- Explore streams
- Working with npm install
- Accepting command line arguments
- Let's write a program!
- What is testing, and why do we need it?
- TDD workflow
- What is jest?
- Git hooks: pre-commit hook
- Running tests, and linting automatically as pre-commit hook using Husky, lint staged
- Milestone
- Why Database?
- Setting up Postgres
- Connect to Database and create table
- Creating Sequelize model and manipulating data
- Database migrations
- Using separate database for testing
- Milestone
- Hello world with Express.js!
- Connect our PostgreSQL database to the Express.js application
- Routes in Express.js
- Add two features: create a new to-do, and mark an existing to-do as completed
- Add tests to Express.js application
- Milestone
- Render dynamic data inside HTML with EJS templates
- Using view templates
- What is MVC?
- Heroku: deploy your application
- Milestone
- Converting a design into a webpage
- Create an interface for accepting a new to-do
- Create an interface for listing the todos
- Create an interface to delete a to-do
- Milestone
- Adding a new to-do with the help of form
- Updating a to-do with help of form
- Deleting a to-do with help of form
- What are APIs
- Send JSON or HTML response based on request headers
- What is Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and why should we care?
- Use csurf package in express.js application
- Milestone
- Creating a user sign-up page
- Add user authentication using passport.js
- Storing passwords with bcrypt