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node-red-contrib-oauth2 — це вузол Node-RED, який забезпечує потік автентифікації OAuth2. Цей вузол використовує протокол OAuth2 для отримання маркера доступу, який можна використовувати для виконання автентифікованих запитів API.

  participant User
  participant OAuth2Node
  participant OAuth2Server

  User->>OAuth2Node: Sends input request
  OAuth2Node->>OAuth2Node: Generate request options
  alt Credentials set by input request
    OAuth2Node->>OAuth2Server: POST request with input credentials
  else Credentials set by configuration
    OAuth2Node->>OAuth2Server: POST request with configured credentials
  OAuth2Server-->>OAuth2Node: Returns token
  OAuth2Node->>OAuth2Node: Add token to output
  OAuth2Node->>User: Sends output response

Ви можете встановити цей вузол безпосередньо з редактора Node-RED, перейшовши в меню «Керування палітрою» та ввівши пошуковий запит node-red-contrib-oauth2. Крім того, ви можете встановити його за допомогою npm:

$ cd ~/.node-red
$ npm install node-red-contrib-oauth2

Вузол вимагає URL-адресу маркера доступу та набір облікових даних клієнта для автентифікації за допомогою цієї URL-адреси. Вузол згенерує HTTP-запит до URL-адреси маркера доступу, щоб отримати маркер доступу за допомогою облікових даних клієнта. Маркер доступу може зберігатися у властивості повідомлення, яке можуть використовувати наступні вузли в потоці.

Вузол забезпечує два режими роботи:

  1. Статичні облікові дані: облікові дані клієнта можна встановити на сторінці конфігурації вузла.
  2. Динамічні облікові дані: облікові дані клієнта можна надіслати вузлу як частину корисного навантаження повідомлення.



Екпсорт потоку доуступний за посиланням

У цьому прикладі використано go-oauth2-server , реалізований за допомогою GO (Golang). від RichardKnop


Input Type Description
container string This refers to the name of the container that is intended to receive the message object. By default, it is set to oauth2Response.
grant type object This specifies the grant type used to obtain the access token.
access token url string This is the URL used to obtain the access token.
client id string This is the unique identifier for the client application.
client secret string This is the secret key used to authenticate the client application.
username string This is the username used for authentication. Grant Type: password
password string This is the password used for authentication. Grant Type: password
authorization endpoint string This is the URL of the authorization endpoint. Grant Type: authorization code
code (read only) string This is the authorization code. Grant Type: authorization code
scope string This specifies the scope of the access request.
use proxy boolean This specifies whether to use a proxy or not.
Proxy Configuration object This specifies the configuration for the proxy. User Proxy: true
only send non-2xx responses to catch node boolean This specifies whether to only catch non-2xx responses.
embedded credentials boolean This specifies whether to include the client credentials in the token request body for authentication purposes.
reject Unauthorized boolean This specifies whether to reject unauthorized requests. The rejectUnauthorized parameter controls SSL/TLS certificate validation for the server, with true enforcing validation and false disabling it.


  • If running behind a proxy, the standard http_proxy=... environment variable should be set and Node-RED restarted, or use Proxy Configuration. If Proxy Configuration was set, the configuration take precedence over environment variable.
  • The OAuth redirect URL is set by default to /oauth2/redirect, which is the endpoint responsible for receiving the authorization code.


Output Description
access_token This is the access token obtained from the OAuth2 server.
expires_in This is the duration of time, in seconds, until the access token expires.
token_type This is the type of the token. For example, "Bearer".
scope This specifies the scope of the access granted by the token obtained.
refresh_token This is the refresh token that can be used to obtain a new access token before the current one expires.

The msg.oauth2Request object contains the OAuth2 request details that are set by the node. The following are the different types of credentials that can be used for authentication:

Client Credentials

The client credentials can be sent as part of the message payload to the node. The msg.oauth2Request.credentials object should contain the following properties:

  • grant_type (string): This specifies the grant type. For dynamic credentials, the value should be set to "client_credentials".
  • client_id (string): This is the client ID of the OAuth2 client.
  • client_secret (string): This is the client secret of the OAuth2 client.
  • scope (string): This specifies the scope of the access requested.

Here's an example:

msg.oauth2Request = { 
    "access_token_url": "http://localhost:8080/v1/oauth/tokens",
    "credentials": {
        "grant_type": "client_credentials",
        "client_id": "test_client_1",
        "client_secret": "test_secret",
        "scope": "read_write"
return msg;


The username and password can be sent as part of the message payload to the node. The msg.oauth2Request.credentials object should contain the following properties:

  • grant_type (string): This specifies the grant type. For password credentials, the value should be set to "password".
  • client_id (string): This is the client ID of the OAuth2 client.
  • client_secret (string): This is the client secret of the OAuth2 client.
  • scope (string): This specifies the scope of the access requested.
  • username (string): This is the username of the user.
  • password (string): This is the password of the user.

Here's an example:

msg.oauth2Request = {
    "access_token_url": "http://localhost:8080/v1/oauth/tokens",
    "credentials": {
        "grant_type": "password",
        "client_id": "test_client_1",
        "client_secret": "test_secret",
        "scope": "read_write",
        "username": "test@user",
        "password": "test_password"
return msg;


A refresh token can be used to obtain a new access token without requiring the user to re-authenticate. The msg.oauth2Request.credentials object should contain the following properties:

  • grant_type (string): This specifies the grant type. For refresh token credentials, the value should be set to "refresh_token".
  • client_id (string): This is the client ID of the OAuth2 client.
  • client_secret (string): This is the client secret of the OAuth2 client.
  • scope (string): This specifies the scope of the access requested.
  • refresh_token (string): This is the refresh token obtained from a previous authentication.

Here's an example:

let refreshToken = global.get('refreshToken');

msg.oauth2Request = { 
    "access_token_url": "http://localhost:8080/v1/oauth/tokens",
    "credentials": {
        "grant_type": "refresh_token",
        "client_id": "test_client_1",
        "client_secret": "test_secret",
        "scope": "read_write",
        "refresh_token": refreshToken   
return msg;