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Examples of the librasp library usage

  • blink: GPIO input/output test (I/O version).

  • gpio_poll: Polling GPIO for an event (SYSFS version).

  • dht_probe: Command line utility to probe DHT 11/22 temperature sensors.

  • dsth_list: List and probe all Dallas family sensors connected via 1-wire to the platform. One by one probing example with optional resolution setting.

  • dsth_list2: List and probe all Dallas family sensors connected via 1-wire to the platform. Single probe, many reads example.

  • hcsr_probe: HC SR04 distance sensor probe.

  • piso: Read PISO shift register example.

  • usleep_stc: Accuracy check for STC's usleep() implementation.

  • w1_list: List all 1-wire masters and slaves connected to the platform.

  • ./nrf24: Contains nRF24L01 transceiver examples.