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272 lines (228 loc) · 22.1 KB

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272 lines (228 loc) · 22.1 KB

Styles v4.0.0 + Tiles v4.0.0

  • Remove medium_road
  • Move all current transit features into roads
  • pier is now kind=path kind_detail=pier
  • remove level and layer keys
  • change link=1 to is_link=true
  • change level=-1 and level=1 to is_bridge=true and is_tunnel=true
  • Remove transit_pier theme property
  • kind_detail in boundaries is the min admin level
  • add placeholder sort_rank to relevant layers
  • rename peak ele to elevation

Styles v4.0.0-alpha.1

  • remove all pmap: prefixes from style (breaking change) (#282)
  • refactor layers as described in tiles v4.0.0-alpha.3

Tiles v4.0.0-alpha.3

  • remove all pmap: prefixes (breaking change) [#282]
  • remove physical_point, natural and physical_line layers.
    • move into landuse, water, pois and earth layers to align with Tilezen.
    • Some layers are now mixed geometry types.

Styles v4.0.0-alpha.0

  • Add lang and script parameters to TypeScript style generation [#275]

Tiles v4.0.0-alpha.3

  • Replace Natural Earth places at low zooms with OSM [#289]

Tiles v4.0.0-alpha.2

  • Segment name by script via @wipfli [#273]

Tiles v3.7.1

  • change fountains in water layer to kind=fountain [#279]

Styles v3.1.0

  • change to tsup for building ESM/CJS/IIFE outputs via @iwpnd [#231]

Tiles v3.7.0

  • Use a positioned glyph font encoding for Devanagari via @wipfli [#265]

Tiles v3.6.0

  • More places kinds (port from Tilezen), refine zoom levels via @nvkelso [#259]
  • Add pmap:script for non-latin names via @wipfli [#254]

Tiles v3.5.2

  • Exclude buildings from transit layer. via @pietervdvn [#249]

Styles v3.0.0

  • introduce dependency on a spritesheet: - example for light theme` - Style deployments need to depend on the spritesheet assets in addition to fonts.
  • Migrate town labels to single "symbol" style layer to specify linked "icon" and "text", using the new spritesheet to source the icon's image. This resolves a bug where townspot icons in the old places_locality_circle "circle" style layer were often orphaned (still displayed) even if the related text in the places_locality "symbol" style layer couldn't be placed. The circle style layer has been removed and consolidated into the symbol style layer.

Styles v2.0.0

  • Standardize JS package.json on ES6 modules

Tiles v3.5.1

  • Order landcover by kind consistently [#154]

Tiles v3.5.0

  • Add Daylight Landcover from zooms 0-7. [#154]

Tiles v3.4.1

  • Improve boundaries generalization [#200]

Tiles v3.4.0, Styles v2.0.0-alpha.5

  • Add village_green, landuse, allotments to POI layer via @lenalebt [#204]
  • Add to styles via landuse_urban_green layer

Tiles v3.3.0

  • Improve water generalization detail by doing area filtering post-merge [#198]

Tiles v3.2.0

  • Add village_green and allotments to landuse layer via @lenalebt [#206]
  • Remove non-deterministic ordering ID from POIs
  • stricter parsing of building height values [#205]

Tiles v3.1.0

  • Boundaries admin_level 3 and 5 are included along with 4 and 6, respectively [#189]

Tiles v3.0.1

  • Fix pedestrian bridge areas

Styles v2.0.0-alpha.4

  • Fix ordering issues related to pedestrian bridges.

Tiles v3.0.0-pre4

  • Fix appearance of NE boundaries at low zooms.
  • Add pmap:kind=bus_stop to POIs. via @eikes

Tiles v3.0.0-pre3

  • Make disputed tag on boundaries consistent [#190]



  • landuse layer: Move national_park, protected_area, and nature_reserve to landuse layer from natural layer as they are not natural but cultural. #47
  • landuse layer: OSM features with leisure tag are now mapped to individual kind values instead of all erroneously to park. #47
  • landuse layer: Features with amenity tag are mapped to individual kind values instead of all erroneously to school when not hospital. #47
  • natural layer: Moved national_park, protected_area, and nature_reserve to landuse layer. #47
  • places layer: OSM state (province) is now region (preparing for v4 Tilezen changes) #47
  • places layer: OSM city is now locality (preparing for v4 Tilezen changes) #47
  • places layer: OSM town and village are now locality ("city") instead of neighbourhood (fixing v2 series bug and preparing for v4 Tilezen changes) #37


  • Significant performance improvements to reduce p99 file sizes globally (-XX%) at all zooms to under 200 kb. Changes include: ...
  • Core Tilezen schema properties added::
    • pmap:kind is present on every feature now in every layer
    • pmap:kind_detail is optionally present on some features in some layers
    • DEPRECATION WARNING: in v4, the pmap: prefix will be removed (so pmap:kind will become simply kind)
  • Core OSM tags for different kinds of places have been augmented, but...
    • DEPRECATION WARNING: These OSM tags are marked for deprecation in v4 schema, do not use these for styling. They aren't needed and take up extra file size.
    • If an explicate value is needed it should be a kind, or included in kind_detail. If there is a gap, please file an issue so it can be addressed.
  • Less names, now with label placements:
    • Names have been removed from most features at early and mid-zooms (to also reduce file size)
    • Names have been kept on some features at early- and mid-zooms when they are known to be used for map display
    • When features do have names, a pmap:min_zoom is added to achieve more predictable label collisions client side.
      • DEPRECATION WARNING: in v4, the pmap: prefix will be removed (so pmap:min_zoom will become simply min_zoom)
  • Zoom ranges of most features have been adjusted to remove details (and reduce file size) at early and mid-zooms. #47
  • boundaries layer: Add boolean indication of disputed lines #37
  • boundaries layer: Use Natural Earth for low zoom boundary lines, including disputed status #47
  • boundaries layer: Don't export admin_level 1, 3, 5, and 7 – those generally aren't styled and are taking up a lot of file size even at very low zooms #47
  • boundaries layer: Adjust zoom range of county lines to show starting at zoom 8 instead of 10. #47
  • buildings layer: Adjust zoom ranges, push building_part kind features to later zooms (to reduce file size) #47
  • buildings layer: Quantize height tag at mid-zooms so more buildings merge in post-processing (to reduce file size) #47
  • buildings layer: Add optional min_height property to enable 2.5D and 3D visualizations #47
  • earth layer: Add 8 px buffer for Natural Earth sourced features at low zooms. #47
  • landuse layer: Add new kind values for: beach, pier, zoo, military, naval_base, airfield, cemetery, recreation_ground, winter_sports, quarry, park, and forest. #47
  • landuse layer: Add new national_park kind (versus park), looking at operator tag to derive this from OSM to emphasize US National Park Service in United States of America and elsewhere #47
  • landuse layer: Improve detection of forest kind (versus wood), looking at operator tag to derive this from OSM to emphasize National Forests in United States of America and elsewhere #47
  • landuse layer: Remove names to reduce tile sizes (see the pois layer for calculated label points) #47
  • landuse layer: Reduce small polygons to improve figure-ground contrast and reduce file size. #47
  • landuse layer: Add boundary, landuse, leisure, and natural properties from OSM tags (though don't use them to be v4 safe) #47
  • natural layer: Add new kind value for grass #47
  • natural layer: Update to the same pmap:kind coallesce as in the landuse layer #47
  • natural layer: Remove boundary and leisure properties (they moved to landuse layer along with the relevant featurse) #47
  • natural layer: Remove small polygons to improve figure-ground contrast and reduce file size. #47
  • natural layer: Merge polygons with similar attributes to reduce file size. #37
  • natural_lines layer: Show river lines 3 zooms earlier at zoom 9. #47
  • natural_lines layer: For linear water features like rivers – add tunnel / bridge indicator with pmap:level (same as roads layer) #47
  • natural_lines layer: Add bridge, tunnel, and layer properties from OSM. #47
  • natural_lines layer: Add intermittent boolean indicators. #47
  • natural_points layer: Show ocean and sea label points much earlier. #47
  • natural_points layer: Add calculated label positions for water features (like lake, reservoir, swimming_pool and other terrestial water features; and bay, strait, fjord marine featuers) #47
  • natural_points layer: Add alkaline, intermittent, and reservoir boolean indicators. #47
  • natural_points layer: Add natural, landuse, leisure, water, and waterway properties from OSM (though don't use them to be v4 safe) #47
  • places layer: Use Natural Earth for low-zoom locality features (to reduce file size) #47
  • places layer: Add server-side label collisions with a label grid to reduce number of places in tiles, especially at mid-zooms. #47
  • places layer: Remove country and region labels from mid- and high-zooms (still present at low-zooms) #47
  • places layer: Add pmap:kind_detail for original OSM "place" tag values (including "city" instead of "locality") #47
  • places layer: Add pmap:population_rank for a quantized and backfilled population approximation. #47
  • places layer: Curate custom min_zooms for country and region (state/province) labels to removes many labels from early zooms when they couldn't reasonably be labeled anyhow (to reduce file size) #47
  • pois layer: Add new national_park kind (versus park), looking at operator tag to derive this from OSM to emphasize US National Park Service in United States of America and elsewhere #47
  • pois layer: Improve detection of forest kind (versus wood), looking at operator tag to derive this from OSM to emphasize National Forests in United States of America and elsewhere #47
  • pois layer: Add allow listed OSM features from natural (beach) and landuse (cemetery, recreation_ground, winter_sports, quarry, park, forest, military) tags. #47
  • pois layer: Add amenity, attraction, boundary (select), craft, historic, landuse (select), natural (select), shop, railway (select), and tourism features and exported OSM tag to schema property (though don't use them to be v4 safe) #47
  • pois layer: Add additional pasthru unrestricted OSM values from attraction, craft, historic, landuse, leisure, and natural tags. This augments amenity, railway, shop, and tourism. #47
  • pois layer: Add cuisine, religion tags (though use pmap:kind_detail instead to be v4 safe) #47
  • pois layer: Add iata property on airport kind features to indicate if they have international service. #47
  • pois layer: Derive label centroids from OSM ways and relations features to hugely increasing the number of included features #47
  • pois layer: Add server-side label collisions with a label grid to reduce number of features in tiles at mid-zooms (all features still included at max_zoom) #47
  • pois layer: Add smattering of higher priority (even within a kind) features at earlier zoom levels (eg based on feature area and/or height). This primarily effects aerodrome, airfield, cemetery, college, forest, golf_course, grocery, hospital, library, marina, military, national_park, nature_reserve, naval_base, park, post_office, protected_area, stadium, supermarket, townhall, university, and zoo, or very large building area derived labels, or very tall height building area derived labels. #47
  • pois layer: Indicate with pmap:min_zoom property when a feature first became eligible to be in tiles, and mark max_zoom features to hide until later display zooms. Use this pmap:min_zoom property to setup client-side labe collisions. NOTE: In v4 it'll be renamed to just min_zoom. #47
  • roads layer: Modify ref tag values to remove some prefix values and remove whitespace values (for easier construction into client side shields with narrower graphics). #37
  • roads layer: Add shield_text_length for the integer lenth of the ref tag (with transformations) to more quickly converge towards Tilezen syntax. Can be paired with new network property to display client-side road shields. #37
  • roads layer: Add network with values of US:I, US:US or other. Can be paired with new shield_text_length and ref properties to display client-side road shields. #37
  • roads layer: Add pmap:kind_detail for values of service tag for other kind roads (eg for parking_aisle features) #47
  • roads layer: Remove name and ref tags from low- and mid-zooms selectively by road class to improve merging and reduce file size. #47
  • roads layer: Add pier kind lines. See also new pier areas in the landuse layer. #47
  • roads layer: Remove small lines at low- and mid-zooms to improve figure-ground contrast and reduce file size. #37
  • transit layer: Show runway and taxiway kinds earlier (zoom 9 and 10), show pier, yard, siding, and crossover kinds later (zoom 13). #47
  • transit layer: Show certain kinds of railway (like light_rail and disused) later. #47
  • transit layer: Indicate with pmap:kind_detail the value of the relevant service, ferry, or aerialway tags. #47
  • transit layer: Add tunnel / bridge indicators with pmap:level (same as roads layer in v2), and layer property. #47
  • transit layer: Add network, ref, route, and service properties. #47
  • transit layer: Add aerialway, aeroway, highspeed, man_made, and railway properties (though don't use them to be v4 safe) #47
  • transit layer: Remove small lines at low- and mid-zooms to improve figure-ground contrast and reduce file size. #37
  • water layer: Use Natural Earth for low-zoom water polygons #47
  • water layer: Use better kind values to match new label points in physical points layer #47
  • water layer: Add tunnel / bridge indicator with pmap:level (same as roads layer in v2) and alkaline, intermittent, and reservoir boolean indicators #47
  • water layer: Reduce small polygons to improve figure-ground contrast and reduce file size. #47


  • See also the "Breaking Changes" section above...
  • buildings layer: Drop all names from buildings. #47
  • buildings layer: Exclude "no" features from building and building_part. #47
  • places layer: Fix parsing of OSM population values to be comma safe. #38
  • places layer: Fix parsing of OSM population values to be null safe. #22
  • roads layer: Remove OSM highway features that have been "abandoned", "razed", "demolished", or "removed". #35
  • transit layer: Remove OSM transit features that have been "razed", "demolished", "removed", or "proposed". #35
  • Fix project path in #24
  • Fix Markdown in link formatting #24


  • Update default Protomaps style in MapLibre JS so it shows off the new features (and any impactful changes). #37 and #47
  • Update default Protomaps style in MapLibre JS so road casing layers are below other road layers #42
  • Update default Protomaps style in MapLibre JS so country boundary lines are solid #45
  • Update default Protomaps style in MapLibre JS with new "basic" color theme #46
  • Update OpenLayers plugin example to use official olpmtiles library instead of custom library #49
  • landuse layer: Allow fallback coallese of allow-listed OSM tags into pmap:kind. #47
  • roads layer: Significant refactor of the kind and other property logic.
  • Add Usage section to README: #20
  • Update Usage section to README for building tiles and applying code linting (formatting): #37
  • Add Makefile with common build commands for easier development #47
  • Add ability to build GeoFabrik named area regions (eg "monaco") in the CLI. #20
  • Improve consistency of internal private variable names in Planetiler profile #47
  • Add SonarCloud linting... #31
  • Add Spotless #25
  • Don't version track target, YARN, DStore, or PMTiles artifacts: #20



  • Release date: 2020-10-26

  • Credits: @bdon

  • Last closed source version of the Protomaps Basemap vector tile schema

  • Add build script


  • Release date: 2020-03-05.

  • Credits: @bdon

  • Initiial closed source version of the Protomaps Basemap vector tile schema

NOTE: Release numbers follow Semantic Versioning. See also current project VERSION, the release notes here are for tagged releases; pre-release development changes are often not summarized until a tagged release.