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swaroopbalan edited this page Sep 21, 2018 · 38 revisions

Current platforms under development and validation are:





AOSP : android-9.0.0_r3 Kernel : 4.14 LTS

Environment Setup

Dont do this if you dont know what you are doing as you might even end up breaking your device.


Follow initial steps from here:

Additional Dependencies:

sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential lunch zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev ccache libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip squashfs-tools python-mako distcc ccache python2.7 python-mako gettext mtools qt-sdk libssl-dev sbsigntool

gcc 4.9 and above is needed.

Additional packages to be installed when developing in a Ubuntu chroot environment (created with debootstrap):

bc, dosfstools, mtools

Github Account and SSH Keys:

Ensure you have your ssh key setup with your Github account:

Setup CCache (Speeds up compilation):

Downloading the source code

Using SSH protocol:

repo init -u [email protected]:projectceladon/manifest.git

If you prefer using https:

repo init -u
<repo init -u -b master -m default.xml>

Sync Code

repo sync -c -jN

Building the OS image

. build/

lunch celadon-eng -->> Tablet

lunch cel_apl-eng -->> IVI

GRUB Enabled Build

make project_celadon-efi SPARSE_IMG=true -jN

Kernel Flinger Based Build

make SPARSE_IMG=true -jN flashfiles

Flash Image:

Grub UEFI Image

Unmount USB: sudo umount /dev/sdX (Check where usb is mounted and change appropriately)

sudo dd if=out/target/product/celadon/celadon.img of=/dev/sdX (Check where usb is mounted and change appropriately)

Kernel Flinger Image

  • We need to copy the kernel flinger related images into the EFI/FAT partition on a USB pen drive

cd <mount path of EFI/FAT partition>

unzip <ANDROID_IA_BASE_FOLDER_PATH>/out/target/produc/celadon/celadon.flashfiles.eng.${USER}.zip

  • Plug the pen drive into system and use BIOS Boot Manager to start EFI Shell
  • Press "ENTER" when asked to execute startup.nsh
  • Installation will start and reboot the system after finished. Remove the pen drive

Updating images using fastboot after Kernel Flinger install above

Currently adb reboot bootloader|recovery is not working so we can manually go into fastboot mode as below -

  • In BIOS -> Boot Option - > Internal EFI Shell
  • on the EFI shell type loader -f
  • This will boot into fastboot mode

Alternative you can directly go into fastboot mode using - BIOS -> Boot Options -> Fastboot

We can then easily burn any images using - fastboot flash <partition> <image-file>



Please file any bugs here: Note that you need to register at for this: file it under the right component of interest Tools, Kernel, connectivity, Bootloader, CTS, Media, CI, Functional, Vulkan, Audio, Mesa, HWComposer


If you see the error --> FAILED: out/target/product/celadon/bootloader_policy-oemvars.txt please run--> sudo apt-get install efitools

Mako --> pip install mako

irc (Freenode)


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