diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6950e07d --- /dev/null +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +# Changelog + +All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/standard-version) for commit guidelines. + +## [3.0.1](https://github.com/prjctimg/huetiful/compare/v2.3.0...v3.0.1) (2024-08-30) + + +### Performance Improvements + +* added missing file ([3069d35](https://github.com/prjctimg/huetiful/commit/3069d35f5a75908050e0afd6acde8e96545f5791)) +* created index file for palettes subdir ([046f770](https://github.com/prjctimg/huetiful/commit/046f7709d05cb2dee490e3eb20ef6fa41acda5c7)) +* created index file for palettes subdir ([4b312c4](https://github.com/prjctimg/huetiful/commit/4b312c4ad8c226e7804c46409521d1482a07a573)) + + +### Miscellaneous Chores + +* release 3.0.0 ([67391c2](https://github.com/prjctimg/huetiful/commit/67391c29a60ed5964c98e7e27f73d051bdacbc22)) +* release 3.0.1 ([253655e](https://github.com/prjctimg/huetiful/commit/253655ec1dcf65752160a93f453fcc7d27a81975)) + +## [2.3.0](https://github.com/xml-wizard/huetiful/compare/v2.2.0...v2.3.0) (2024-04-08) + + +### Features + +* fixed icon not rendering ([54c66d6](https://github.com/xml-wizard/huetiful/commit/54c66d6430b3b981e41f8228edbb71a56c66165f)) + +## [2.2.0](https://github.com/xml-wizard/huetiful/compare/v2.1.0...v2.2.0) (2024-03-26) + + +### Features + +* added distribution function ([9432c30](https://github.com/xml-wizard/huetiful/commits/9432c300618f412b0f7d04727005a70f0b1fff36)) + + +### Documentation changes + +* moved docs to generators.js from declaration file ([a994e94](https://github.com/xml-wizard/huetiful/commits/a994e9418588a767bb282bc2f6ea0900e0d4948c)) + + +### Bug fixes + +* fixed base distribution function to handle overrides with defaults ([f8c7c7c](https://github.com/xml-wizard/huetiful/commits/f8c7c7cd951bbd107fae2e686039edc40c672b45)) +* fixed type errors in generators ([fce44cb](https://github.com/xml-wizard/huetiful/commits/fce44cbbe004e2cbfada167a32ad1292f7128585)) + +## [2.2.0](https://github.com/xml-wizard/huetiful/compare/v2.1.1...v2.2.0) (2024-03-28) + + +### Features + +* added release-please-npm.yml workflow to publish when a new release is merged ([fce329a](https://github.com/xml-wizard/huetiful/commit/fce329a84a60b2eb44adcdb16799bb8235e33fc5)) + +### 2.0.0 (stable) + +##### Notable changes + +- Stylish new look on the docs :rocket: . [See the updated docs :scroll: here][home] +- The codebase is now pure JavaScript. Types now live seperately in `.d.ts` files. This is eliminate the need for a build step just to be able to test our code. It will also make it possible to run this library on [NPM+Runkit][npm] +- More automated workflow. Testing,publishing to NPM and deploying the docs is all automated via GitHub Actions +- Full test coverage of the public API with Jasmine :herb: +- Updated the contributing guidelines. See the [CONTRIBUTING :open_hands: file](./CONTRIBUTING.md) here +- Wiki with some example use cases and in depth explanations of some the library behaviours. + +##### New features :toolbox: + +- **Added 6 utilities:** + +1. `getFarthestChromaFrom` +2. `getFarthestHueFrom` +3. `getFarthestLightnessFrom` +4. `getNearestChromaFrom` +5. `getNearestHueFrom` +6. `getNearestLightnessFrom` + +Which are similar to i.e `getNearestChroma` but take an additional against param which takes every color in the collection as a subtrahend and returning the specified extremum of the factor being queried. + +##### Enhancements :pill: + +- The array methods for example any function that took an array as the first argument now accepts any `ArrayLike` objects as well as plain objects and `Map` objects. In short its fully generic. If a plain object is passed as the collection it returns a `Map`. This is true for in `filterBy` functions which will return a `Map` with the falsy colors removed. In `sortBy` functions, an ordered `Map` is returned because this object remembers insertion order and is more effecient if you want to perform frequent actions on the collection. +- Converters have been enhanced to take an additional `colorspace` parameter for example `num2rgb`. [See the updated converters here][converters] +- `isAchromatic` now checks if a color is achromatic in additional colorspaces as well. This is optional via a second param `colorspace`. The default colorspace is 'lch' + +##### Bug fixes :snail: + +- Fixed precision issue when working with color tokens as plain objects. by first converting all colors to hex. + +... And more!!! + + +[npm]: https://npmjs.org/package/huetiful-js +[home]: https://prjctimg.io/huetiful +[converters]: https://prjctimg.io/huetiful/converters.html diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 831b52ec..f422ba0d 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,108 +1,168 @@ { - "name": "huetiful-js", - "version": "2.3.0", - "type": "module", - "module": "./build/huetiful.esm.js", - "browser": "./build/huetiful.min.js", - "jsdelivr": "./build/huetiful.min.js", - "types": "./build/types/index.d.ts", - "description": "JavaScript utility library for simple 🧮, fast ⏱️ and accessible ♿ color manipulation.", - "dependencies": { - "culori": "^4.0.1" - }, - "devDependencies": { - "@types/culori": "^2.1.0", - "commitizen": "^4.3.0", - "cz-emoji-conventional": "^1.0.2", - "esbuild": "^0.17.19", - "eslint": "^8.57.0", - "github-markdown-css": "^5.6.1", - "jasmine": "5.1.0", - "prettier": "^3.2.0", - "tsup": "^8.2.4", - "typescript": "^5.0.2" - }, - "scripts": { - "test": "npx jasmine", - 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