A straightforward framework built solving every problem which a college student faces.
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Local Setup
- Architecture
- Design
- Demonstration & Features
- Technologies Used
- Local Setup & Contributing
- License
- Authors
There are many websites and apps available today for publishing announcements such as Instagram, Facebook, etc. But they are not intended for this, as their primary job is to entertain us by share photos, and reels.
Many juniors ask their doubts on watsaap group which has capacity of only 250 members.How can all the juniors be on same group same goes for seniors.This leads to lack of connectivity and knowledge.
After sems get over the need of that sem’s book is no more . They can be sold to juniors but who will connect them with seniors.
Problems with the exisiting sytem?
The current solutions assumes to have 2 platforms
Another, Many juniors ask their doubts on watsaap group which has capacity of only 250 members.How can all the juniors be on same group same goes for seniors.This leads to lack of connectivity and knowledge.
There are many websites and apps available today for publishing event related announcements such as Instagram, Facebook, etc. But they are not intended for this, as their primary job is to entertain us by share photos, and reels.
And another, after sems get over the need of that sem’s book is no more . They can be sold to juniors but who will connect them with seniors.
I wanted to solve this issue by developing a website that solves each of the above problems efficiently.
- On market research, the products available found, are not college specific.
- On user research and feedback from students, UX of such platforms isn't upto the mark.
- Committee Heads wanted to bring their post on top of user's feed.
- Client wanted a scaled doubt solving platform.
That's where we come into picture.
The tradeoff in a Passion: Strive strive till you succeed
But something that I am proud of is,I tried to follow ideal software development practices.
- Architecture
- Design
- Code
The presentation for College Zone can be found here.
- The architecture and workflow was built using excalidraw and it is freaking brilliant.
Landing Page
Register & Login For Committe Head
Registration - Fill out the form. |
Login with proper credentials. |
Register & Login For User
Registration - Fill out the form. |
Login with proper credentials. |
Uploading Post
Provinding platform for various committees to post their announcements, wherein students can login to get information about various events such as hackathons and participate in them.
After logging in and entering the unique post upload page.
Filling out the neccessary details to market upcoming events:
- Event Name
- Description
- Registration Link
- Thumbnail
- Contact info
Surfing all the post
- Surf committee’s posts to find your’s interseted one
- The uploaded posts then can be easily accessed by students interested in them. One can get notified when a new event has occurred. They don’t have to rely on other social platforms such as instagram, facebook for getting notification.
Asking Doubts
Ask n no of doubts shich will be solved by expertise all across the world.
Get advice by knowledgeble fellow
During entire course of enginnering, students face lots of problems and diificulties. For which they sometimes need a golden advice or a simple solution. Here students can post their query and get advice from the knowledgeble friend or senior.
Put your doubts with nesessare details :
- Doubt Title
- Doubt
Doubts viewing and answering page
Sell Books
Sell your used books.
Provision for buying used books of seniors for cheap. This helps both, the senior to get money from book and the student to get book for less price, thereby reducing the wastage of paper.
Market your books by sharing :
- Book Name
- Price
- Description
Browsing books page
Confess Something
Confess about anything with no hasitation
Confession serves as a gate to let ourselves out, and let in whatever we need. It strengthens a person's sense of empowerment. You feel less helpless, less hopeless, less negative about yourself.
Confess this by :
- Confession Name
- Confession
See all the confessions at one page
Information Center
- Share your valuable information with people across the world.
- Share it by filling out :
- Information about
- Information
See all the valuable resources at one page
Easily access free or paid E-books on click of fingers
Reference books online . We provide free as well as paid e-books for the students
Details provided about each book are :
- Book name
- Book Description
- Sold By
- Reviews
Surf through free as well as paid books
Get a source of income & experience
Find your relevant internship, and spend time working on relevant projects, learning about the field, making industry connections, and developing both hard and soft skills. Also get a chance to earn full-time job offers.
Details provided about each internships are :
- Company name
- Post offered
- Description
- Location
- Apply Link
Surf through all internships at one go
Donate sources to the needy
Students can donate their non required belonging or money in charity and to relieve the needs of indigent, ill, or helpless persons, or of animals. And do something good for society.
Details provided about each Charity are :
- Charity name
- Website to donate
- Description
Surf through all charities at one go
Complementary Pages
Also, ideas rejected: These were rejcted due to false positives and load on website seamless functionality.
- Chat Bot
- Like botton on doubts and post page.
- Specalist Dashboard to check if the given ans is correct or not
Committee Head Dashboard
- Can only view and upload event Posts.
User Dashboard
- Can view/upload Information,Doubts,Confession and Books.
- Can view Event Posts,Charities,Jobs and Ebooks
- Workflow and Architecture Design
- Excalidraw
- Prototyping and Frontend Design
- Figma
- Frontend
- Backend
- Node.js (Express.js)
- MongoDB Atlas
- Middleware
A freaking huge shoutout to:
- "bcrypt": "^5.0.1",
- "bcryptjs": "^2.4.3",
- "body-parser": "^1.20.0",
- "cookie-parser": "^1.4.6",
- "dompurify": "^2.3.6",
- "dotenv": "^16.0.0",
- "expres": "^0.0.5",
- "express": "^4.17.3",
- "form-data": "^4.0.0",
- "fs": "0.0.1-security",
- "google-search-results-nodejs": "^2.1.0",
- "hbs": "^4.2.0",
- "https": "^1.0.0",
- "isomorphic-unfetch": "^3.1.0",
- "jsdom": "^19.0.0",
- "jsonwebtoken": "^8.5.1",
- "mongoose": "^6.1.6",
- "mongoose-slug-generator": "^1.0.4",
- "multer": "^1.4.4",
- "nodemailer": "^6.7.2",
- "nodemon": "^2.0.15",
- "path": "^0.12.7"
Local Setup || Project Structure
NOTE: Individual instructions can be found in respective directories.
- The project contains 4 broad directories.
: The frontend for the application.middleware
: Authenticating the user and admin.model
: Model APIs for Machine Learning.server
: The backend for the application.
Root directory
Individual Component & Container Structure example
The complete setup can be found in the Database directory.
For local setup of backend:
npm i
npm run devStart
- Go to
The complete setup can be found in the package.json.
GNU General Public License v3.0
Changing lives through technology.