First you must read in the lines from standard input line-by-line and
construct some data structure that represents the tree. One easy
method is to represent each node using a distinct object that has
and right
variables to other nodes etc.
Next you must traverse the tree, from the root, level by level. A breadth first search is ideal, as its maximum space complexity is the number of nodes in the given level. Using a queue with a sentinel node is the simplest method.
The pseudo-code is:
current_level = []
queue = [A, <sentinel>]
while queue is not empty:
node = pop left most item from queue
if node is <sentinel>:
process the current level using the zig zag rules
reset current_level = []
if the queue is not empty:
add a sentinel to the right of the queue
add node to current_level
if node has a left child:
add node's left child to current_level
if node has a right child:
add node's right child to th current_level
Consider an example tree:
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
The values for current_level and queue at each stage is:
current_level = []
queue = [A, <sentinel>]
current_level = [A]
queue = [<sentinel>, B, C]
# process [A]
current_level = []
queue = [B, C, <sentinel>]
current_level = [B]
queue = [C, <sentinel>, D]
current_level = [B, C]
queue = [<sentinel>, D]
# process [B, C]
current_level = []
queue = [D, <sentinel>]
current_level = [D]
queue = [<sentinel>, F, E]
# process [D]
current_level = []
queue = [F, E, <sentinel>]
current_level = [F]
queue = [E, <sentinel>]
current_level = [F, E]
queue = [<sentinel>]
# process [F, E]
# end
Finally, what does "process" entail? Use a boolean flag to track
whether we're looking for the left-most or right-most element right now.
Depending on what the boolean flag's value is print index 0
or index
len(current_level) - 1
. Toggle the boolean flag each time we process
a level.