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Inference and Results

  • At date 22/05
  • Toppers are in library more of the time. Some during the night also
  • Lab is always crowded.
  • U32,u30 toppers are the major group in library
  • U13 u36 are the major group in lab
  • Completely different group characteristics in day 22 04 and day 22 05

  • At date 22/04

  • Less population in backer-berry
  • North main population more
  • U19 , another topper in spends mostly backer-berry.
  • Less number of users are participating in groups with time.
  • Users spending time with friends in north-main or ssliby-rocky are seen to spend more time in other places together. Some exceptions are there.
  • Users attending classes tend to have more gpa
  • With time user groups are spending more time in library and lab(sudikoff)
  • Users within the same group tend to have almost close gpas.
  • Students with low gpa are seen to less tendency in participating in a group.
  • Students with a medium gpa have high tendency in participating in a group.
  • Students with a high gpa have a bit lower tendency of particiating in a group.