Organigram shows the structure and relationships of nodes as a hierarchy.
Width and height of the container
type: shape[object Object]
Accessor function to return array of data representing the children
type: func
defaultValue: d => d.children
Additional class name for styling
type: string
defaultValue: ''
Hierarchical data to be visualized
type: shape[object Object]
defaultValue: {}
defaultValue: false
Access the id of each data element
type: func
defaultValue: d =>
Access the individual label of each data element
type: func
defaultValue: d =>
Margin object with properties for the four sides(clockwise from top)
type: shape[object Object]
defaultValue: { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, }
Cluster minimum layout's node size
type: shape[object Object]
defaultValue: { minNodeWidth: 150, minNodeHeight: 50, }
Handle selection of nodes
type: func
defaultValue: () => []
Function to pass save function to parent component
type: func
defaultValue: () => {}
Selected values (nodes)
type: array
defaultValue: []