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224 lines (179 loc) · 10.1 KB

Fωμ type checker — Syntax summary

Below is an approximation of the detailed grammar of the language:

  : eid | nat | string                            // Label

  : '(' kind ')'
  | '_'                                           // Infer kind
  | '*'                                           // Type
  | kind '' kind                                 // Type constructor

  : ('_' | tid) (':' kind)?                       // Type binding

  : 'type' (    typ_pat '=' typ, 'and')+          // Parallel type bindings
  | 'type' ('μ' typ_pat '=' typ, 'and')+          // Recursive type bindings
  | 'include' string                              // Include type bindings

  : typ_def
  | typ_def 'in' typ_defs                         // Sequential type binding
  | 'local' typ_def 'in' typ_defs                 // Local type binding

  : tid                                           // Type variable (*1)
  | typ ':' kind                                  // Kind annotation
  | typ '' typ                                   // Function type
  | typ '' typ                                   // Join of types (*2)
  | typ '' typ                                   // Meet of types (*2)
  | '(' (typ, ',')* ')'                           // Tuple type (*3)
  | '{' (lab (':' typ)?, ',')* '}'                // Product type
  | '[' (typ, ',')* ('' typ)? ']'                // Aggregate type
  | '|'? ("'" lab typ?, '|')*                     // Sum type
  | typ typ                                       // Apply type level function
  | 'λ' typ_pat '.' typ                           // Type level function
  | '' (typ_pat '.' typ | '(' typ ')')           // Existential type
  | '' (typ_pat '.' typ | '(' typ ')')           // Universal type
  | 'μ' (typ_pat '.' typ | '(' typ ')')           // Recursive type
  | typ_def 'in' typ                              // Type bindings (*4)
  | 'import' string                               // Import type

  : eid                                           // Variable pattern
  | '_'                                           // Wildcard pattern
  | pat ':' typ                                   // Type annotation
  | '(' (pat, ',')* ')'                           // Tuple pattern (*3)
  | '{' (lab (':' typ)? ('=' pat)?, ',')* '}'     // Product pattern
  | '«' typ_pat ',' pat '»'                       // Existential pack pattern

  : typ_def                                       // Type bindings (*4)
  | 'let' (    pat '=' exp, 'and')+               // Parallel bindings (*7)
  | 'let' ('μ' pat '=' exp, 'and')+               // Recursive bindings (*7)

  : eid                                           // Variable (*1)
  | exp ':' typ                                   // Type annotation
  | (nat | string)                                // Literals
  | '(' (exp, ',')* ')'                           // Tuple introduction (*3)
  | '{' (lab (':' typ)? ('=' exp)?, ',')* '}'     // Product introduction
  | '[' (exp, ',')*  ('' exp)? ']'               // Aggregate introduction
  | exp '.' (lab | '(' exp ')')                   // Product elimination
  | "'" lab exp?                                  // Sum introduction
  | 'case' exp                                    // Sum elimination (*5)
  | '«' typ ',' exp '»'                           // Existential packing
  | exp exp                                       // Apply function
  | exp '' exp                                   // (R) Apply forward (*6)
  | exp '' exp                                   // (L) Apply backward (*6)
  | exp '' exp                                   // (L) Apply (*6)
  | uop exp                                       // Apply unary operator
  | exp bop exp                                   // Apply binary operator
  | def 'in' exp                                  // Bindings
  | exp ';' exp                                   // Sequence (*8)
  | 'if' exp 'then' exp 'else' exp                // Conditional
  | 'λ' pat '.' exp                               // Function (*7)
  | 'μ' pat '.' exp                               // Recursive expression (*7, *9)
  | 'Λ' typ_pat '.' exp                           // Generalization
  | exp '«' typ '»'                               // Instantiation
  | 'target' '«' typ '»' string                   // Inline JavaScript code
  | 'import' string                               // Import value

  : '¬'                                           // Logical negation
  | '+' | '-'                                     // Sign (*10)

  : '' | ''                                     // (L) Logical connectives (*11)
  | ('=' | '') '«' typ '»'                       // (-) Polymorphic equality
  | '>' | '' | '<' | ''                         // (-) Comparison
  | ''                                           // (L) Merge (*12)
  | '+' | '-' | '^'                               // (L) Additive
  | '*' | '/' | '%'                               // (L) Multiplicative

mods                                              // Syntax of .fom modules
  : exp eof

sigs                                              // Syntax of .fomt signatures
  : typ eof

incs                                              // Syntax of .fomd includes
  : typ_defs eof


  • An empty file is not valid syntax.

  • To reduce noise, end of line commas (,) inside braces ({ ... }) and brackets ([ ... ]), semicolons (;), in keywords, and parentheses around binding constructs ( Λ, λ, μ, , and ), conditionals ( if … then … else … ), and type annotations ( : … ) are automatically inserted based on layout.

  • An identifier, right brace }, right bracket ]', right double angle quote », or right paren ) followed without space by a left brace {, left bracket [, left double angle quote « or a left paren ( is treated as a high precedence instantiation, application, or introduction. For example, (o.f x).g y can also be written as o.f(x).g(y).

  • Binary operators are listed above in order from lowest to highest precedence and with associativity {L, -, R}.

  • # begins comment to end-of-line.

  • #line LINE "FILE" is recognized as a line directive where LINE is a decimal line number and "FILE" is a JSON encoded file name that must be immediately followed by a newline. The following line will then be considered to come from the specified file and line.

  • String literals are JSON strings with a couple of additions. See example in sandbox for details.

  • The initial type environment has bindings for the builtin types

    • bool: *,
    • int: *, and
    • string: *

    and the initial value environment has bindings for the values

    • false: bool, and
    • true: bool

    and there are some other initially bound types and values that are for more esoteric uses.

  • Underscore _ is allowed in place of a variable in bindings. Also, identifiers starting with an underscore, e.g. _not_used, are not flagged as unused in the online editor.

  • String literals, natural numbers, and identifiers are allowed to serve as labels.

  1. Type variables are distinct from value variables. The lexical syntax of identifiers is similar to JavaScript except that $ is not allowed in identifiers and that type variables allow some additional Unicode symbols.

  2. Structural joins and meets are eliminated during type checking and are not allowed over unrelated or unknown types.

  3. For type checking side-effecting operations, the unit value and pattern () of unit type () is neither a tuple nor a product. There are no zero nor single element tuples.

  4. Bindings of types simply substitute the type into the body expression. System Fωμ does not have singleton kinds, for example.

  5. The expression given to case must be a record of functions corresponding to the sum to be eliminated. The result of case is a sum eliminating function.

  6. fₙ ◁ … ◁ f₁ ◁ x, x ▷ f₁ ▷ … ▷ fₙ, and f ◇ x₁ ◇ … ◇ xₙ are special syntax for function application.

  7. Sufficient type annotations must be specified in function parameters and recursive expressions and are optional in parallel let bindings. Existential unpacking has the usual side condition of not allowing the type variable to escape.

  8. exp₁ ; exp₂ is equivalent to let () = exp₁ in exp₂.

  9. Recursive expressions are currently not fully statically checked meaning that some obviously diverging expressions that should preferably be rejected are allowed.

  10. When applied to literals, sign operators are interpreted at compile-time.

  11. Binary logical connectives, and , evaluate their arguments lazily.

  12. Disjoint merge is allowed between nested disjoint products.

Alternative tokens

Unicode symbol ASCII mnemonic
. =>
« <<
¬ !
» >>
Λ gen
λ fun
μ rec

Additionally, in the online editor, a backslash \ followed by a symbol name, e.g. \alpha, is considered an escape to be replaced with a unicode character, e.g. α, on space.