This file contains examples of workflows I use to illustrate how to combine the various elements of my setup.
In this tutorial, we'll create a new python package called spaghetti
start working on it.
- Press
<fk> <shift-c> spaghetti <enter>
to create a new tmux session for the project. c src<enter>
and answer the questions to create a new cookiecutter project. Make sure to answer1
to the Click question so we have a cli. Not always necessary, but we'll do it here. Read about Click; it's great.pyn spaghetti<enter>
to create a pyenv for this projectpys lf<space><enter>
to activate the pyenvc spa<tab><enter>
to switch to the spaghetti directoryl<enter>
to see a list of filesgit init .<enter>
to initialize a git repogn develop<enter>
to create adevelop
and press enter a bunch of times to initialize git flowga .<enter>
to add everything to the git repogc<space> Initial commit<enter>
to commit the repo with the message "Initial commit".- Link this repo with github by either following instructions on github or
creating new repo using
git create -d "Spaghetti"<enter>
. gp -u origin develop<enter>
to push and set up trackingpie<enter>
to install current repo into pyenv.pi <package><enter>
to install a depppv <package><enter>
to see what version was installed. SelectKeras==1.2.0
or whatever it is with mouse and press<cmd-c>
to copy to clipboard. This is basically the only time I use the mouse. Probably could eliminate it but hasn't been pressing enoughvim se<ctrl-j><enter><enter>
to find the requirements sectionjjdd<v-j>
to delete theTODO
line and save<shift-o>
to create a new line above the current<ctrl-[>
to escape from insert mode<g-j> p
to paste from system clipboard==
to fix indentationysi<shift-w>'
to surround with quotes. Try to understand this by looking up vim-surround and thinking about motions to understand what this is doing. In particular, why<shift-w>
instead ofw
?f= r> <v-j>
to replace==
and save<shift-a> , <v-j>
to add comma at the end then exit insert mode and savegsi]
to sort dependencies. Note this won't do anything, as they're already sorted. But good practice to do whenever you add a dep.<v-j>
to save<f-k> '
to create a new pane above the current. We'll use this one for git stuff and managing the directory.<f-k> z
to zoom the panej sp<enter><enter>
to change to thespaghetti
directorypys spa<tab><enter>
to activate thespaghetti
pyenvgca<space> Add deps<enter>
to add changed files and commitgp<enter>
to push changes to server<f-k> c
to create a new window. We'll use this one for running the cli.j sp<enter><enter>
to change to thespaghetti
directorypys spa<tab><enter>
to activate thespaghetti
to run thespaghetti
program<f-k> ;
to select the other windowffs improve-cli<enter>
to start a new feature branch calledimprove-cli
. At first, always read the output from git flow commands. These start withff
and expand togit flow ...
.<f-k> d
to zoom the vim pane<g-j> k cli
to search forspaghetti/
to open it in a vertical split}}}k<shift-v>kk
to select the three lines ofmain
to set the contents topass
and save<f-k> ;
to switch to the other window<ctrl-p><enter>
to runspaghetti
again and see that there is no longer any output.<f-k> ;<f-k> d
to switch to git terminalgs<enter>
to see the status of the branchgd<enter>
to see what exactly has changed. When this is long, it will let you navigate using vim-like shortcuts egj
gca Remove output.<enter>
to commit change.ffp<enter>
to publish branchpr<enter>
to create a pull request<shift-q>
to accept message and finish creating pull request. You could also edit it. It's vim. I don't often change this, but sometimes it's useful. You should follow the same guidelines here as for commit messages.- Hold down
and click on the link. You can see your pull request. You can send this link to others so that they can see what you've done and comment on it.