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File metadata and controls

71 lines (57 loc) · 4.14 KB


Generate is a program that downloads data from the Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG). Generate processes the data is downloads to create three Level 2P datasets.

Generate downloads the following data:

The API for searching and downloading data can be found here:

Generate outputs the following data:


Generate Component Data Flow Diagram

Generate consists of several components:

  • download list creator: Creates list of files to download (search and download from OBPG).
  • partition and submit: Partitions downloads into jobs and submits the Generate workflow as AWS Batch jobs.
  • downloader: Downloads files from lists created by the download list creator.
  • combiner: Combines downloaded files into a single NetCDF file.
  • processor: Processes combined files into final L2P granule NetCDF file.
  • uploader: Uploads final L2P granules to an S3 bucket and kick offs archive ingestion.
  • cnm_responder: Processes CNM messages (responses) published to a SNS Topic.
  • token_creator: Periodically creates or renews the EDL bearer token required to preform CMR queries.
  • license returner: Returns IDL licenses that were used in the current execution of the Generate workflow.
  • error_handler: Handles AWS Batch job failures by logging and notification.
  • error_checker: Checks for any files that have been quarantined and restarts the Generate worfklow for those files.
  • reporter: Generates daily reports on the number of L2P granules that were processed for MODIS Aqua, MODIS Terra, and VIIRS.
  • purger: Deletes files from the EFS mount archive, downloader, combiner, and processor components that are older than a specific threshold.

Component repo links:

aws infrastructure

The Generate workflow includes the following AWS services:

  • AWS Batch compute environment with launch template and user-data script, job queue, and scheduling policy for each dataset.
  • Elastic file system for the following components: downloader, combiner, processor.
  • IAM roles and policies for Batch and ECS permissions.
  • S3 bucket to hold final L2P output.
  • Security groups to support EFS network traffic in VPC.


Deploys AWS infrastructure and stores state in an S3 backend using a DynamoDB table for locking. The top-level terraform directory contains AWS infrastructure that applies to all components. Each component may have additional terraform files for deploying AWS resources, see each components for details.

To deploy:

  1. Edit terraform.tfvars for environment to deploy to.
  2. Edit terraform_conf/backed-{prefix}.conf for environment deploy.
  3. Initialize terraform: terraform init -backend-config=terraform_conf/backend-{prefix}.conf
  4. Plan terraform modifications: terraform plan -out=tfplan
  5. Apply terraform modifications: terraform apply tfplan

{prefix} is the account or environment name.