Download the new firmware binary from here https://playground.github.io/liquid-prep-web-tools/wifi-ble/firmware.bin
Turn on ESP32 by pluging it to a computer via USB cable
On your computer, change the WiFi to join “esp32ap”
Once your computer has joined “esp32ap”, a portal should pop open.
If the portal didn't pop open, you can access the portal by going to
Select "Configure New AP" from the menu options
Your WiFi AP should be listed as one of the options
Select the WiFi you would like join
Provide the passphrase to join your WiFi, if you want to assign a static ip to the sensor, uncheck "Enable DHCP" then key in the proper values.
Click "Apply" to save the settings. After it's saved successfully, join back to your home WiFi.
You can now access the ESP32 UI by going to http://the-assigned-ip-of-this-esp32/_ac/update
Choose the file (firmware.bin) you have downloaded
Click "Update" to upload the new firmware.bin. If upload is successful, it will reboot itself. Congratuation! You're done.