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int3 edited this page Mar 5, 2012 · 23 revisions


  • Choose a sexier name (Wikipedia's List of Coffee Beverages, and the pages it links to, might provide some ideas)
    • There has to be a pun on coffee and java. It's a requirement.
  • Write the one page tech report (due Wednesday 2/22)
    • Assuming we're not doing the thing in Word, let's check the file in here in a separate 'bare' branch (like gh-pages).
  • Everything else

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Pretty-printing the function call chain

Pipe the output of into some temp file, and then:

#! /usr/bin/env python

lines = open('tmp').readlines()

indent = 0
for l in lines:
  l = l.strip()
  if 'entering' in l:
    print ('  ' * indent) + l
    indent += 1
  elif 'method end' in l:
    indent -= 1
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