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< ai-taxonomist >


A WebComponent within AI-Taxonomist project to identify plants|frog|anything in any web pages.

This WebComponent follows the open-wc recommendation.



Demo of the Web Component

Recommended usage

  1. Get an API Key for Pl@ntNet here.
  2. Allow the domains on your Pl@ntNet account, for http://localhost:8000 for local development or for production website here.
  3. There are several ways to use the web components:
    1. Within a web page in HTML (example: a WordPress or a static website)
    <script src="" type="module"></script>
    <ai-taxonomist apiKey="YOUR_API_KEY"></ai-taxonomist>
    1. Within a JavaScript project (React, Vue, Svelte, Angular, etc):
      • a. Install the package: npm i ai-taxonomist
      • b. Import the package: import 'ai-taxonomist';
      • c. Add the component: <ai-taxonomist apiKey="YOUR_API_KEY"></ai-taxonomist>

Advanced usage

You can also use your own server, for this you can specify the server endpoint like so:

    <ai-taxonomist apiUrl="" apiKey="XXXXXXXXX"></ai-taxonomist>    


  • apiUrl: (default: the server url to call, either local or remote
    Example with a Local url (the server will need to add the API key):
    <ai-taxonomist apiUrl="http://localhost:3000"></ai-taxonomist>
  • apiKey: the API key to use, if not added by the server. On Pl@ntNet API you currently cannot use the apiKey directly due to CORS being checked (so you need to add a proxy at least, cf server nginx config).
    Example for Pl@ntNet:
    <ai-taxonomist apiUrl="" apiKey="XXXXXXXXX"></ai-taxonomist>
  • backendFormat: (default: pn) backend format of the API: pn (PlantNet), c4c (Cos4Cloud) or carp (CARPESO)
  • maxImages: The number of images the user can upload for a single identification, default to 5.
  • removePlantNetBranding: (default: false) if true, the component will not display the PlantNet logo and the link to the PlantNet website.
  • Attachments: You can attach HTML elements to each result, for example if you want to let the user select the correct taxon. This can be achieve using an HTML <template> as follows:
     <template id="aitaxonomist-attachments-template">
             button {
                border: 1px solid #8888FF;
                background: transparent;
             button:hover {
                filter: brightness(1.2);
         <button>SELECT SPECIES</button>
    <ai-taxonomist> </ai-taxonomist>
    You should NOT attach a click listener on your side. The AiTaxonomist component will listen for the click and fire a new event named aiTaxonomistAttachmentsClick which contain the selected taxon details in event.detail:
    document.addEventListener('aiTaxonomistAttachmentsClick', (e) => {
        alert('Attachments clicked: ' + e.detail.taxonName)
    The detail will contain the properties listed on ResultType.


  • Dark Mode: you can override dark mode by specifying either prefer-dark or prefer-light in the <ai-taxonomist> class element. Doing so will either force the dark/light mode to stay in dark/light mode no matter what the user preference is.

Development / contributions

Start the development server

npm start

This should open http://localhost:8000 in your browser.

Linting and formatting

To scan the project for linting and formatting errors, run npm run lint

To automatically fix linting and formatting errors, run npm run format


Update the version:

npm version major|minor|patch

Publish the version pn NPM:

npm publish