This is my way of doing it. It probably differs a lot from how everyone else would go around doing it. But i like to have control of my block views within my theme, not within the block itself. The reason for that is i tend to build sites differently each time with different type of layouts but still want to be able to reuse blocks.
An example, is a block with an editor and an image. I keep the basics to the extension but then how it would look on the website i wanna be able to control within my theme because on different websites, the block itself would be styled in different ways, but i always need an editor and an image block.
I start with following Ryans suggestions here.
php artisan make:addon my_company.extension.awesome_block
use Anomaly\BlocksModule\Block\BlockExtension;
php artisan make:stream blocks awesome_block
This is how i write my block extension which allows me to keep the views of my block within my theme and the blocks directory.
namespace Pixney\WysiwygImageBlockExtension;
use Anomaly\BlocksModule\Block\BlockExtension;
use Pixney\WysiwygImageBlockExtension\Block\BlockModel;
use Anomaly\SettingsModule\Setting\Contract\SettingRepositoryInterface;
class WysiwygImageBlockExtension extends BlockExtension
protected $provides = 'anomaly.module.blocks::block.wysiwyg_image';
protected $model = BlockModel::class;
public function getView()
$settings = app(SettingRepositoryInterface::class);
$setting = $settings->get('streams::standard_theme');
$this->wrapper = $setting->value . '::blocks/global/wrapper';
return $setting->value . '::blocks/wysiwyg';
<div class="m-wysiwyg {{ block.classes }}">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 col-md-10 col-xxl-8 mx-auto">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="m-wysiwyg__content">
{{ block.content.render|raw }}
<div class="a-section -{{ block.extension.value.slug }}">
{{ content|raw }}