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Merge pull request #215 from pixlise/feature/quant-fit
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pnemere authored Apr 26, 2024
2 parents 6b91e2b + ba4d3fb commit 060db79
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Showing 5 changed files with 8 additions and 734 deletions.
257 changes: 4 additions & 253 deletions api/filepaths/filepaths.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ package filepaths

import (


// This package contains all file paths that the PIXLISE API should ever need to access. All been centralised
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,11 +101,6 @@ const RootDetectorConfig = "DetectorConfig"
// TODO: remove that
const PiquantConfigSubDir = "PiquantConfigs"

// Get a PIXLISE detector config file path given the config name
func GetDetectorConfigFilePath(configName string) string {
return path.Join(RootDetectorConfig, configName, "pixlise-config.json")

// Get a detector config path (used by PIQUANT) given the config name, version and optionally a file name. If file name is blank
// then the directory path above it is returned
func GetDetectorConfigPath(configName string, version string, fileName string) string {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,82 +130,12 @@ const RootPixliseConfigPath = "PixliseConfig"
// Auth0 PEM file which API uses to verify JWTs
const Auth0PemFileName = "auth0.pem"

// Gets dataset list file (which UI shows as tiles).
// NOTE: This is regenerated every time Datasets/ changes by lambda function: dataset-tile-updater
func GetDatasetListPath() string {
return GetConfigFilePath("datasets.json")

func GetDatasetsAuthPath() string {
return GetConfigFilePath("datasets-auth.json")

func GetPublicObjectsPath() string {
return GetConfigFilePath("public-objects.json")

// Config contains the docker container to use for PIQUANT. Separate from config.json because users can configure this in UI
const PiquantVersionFileName = "piquant-version.json"

// Contains a list of Dataset IDs to ignore when generating dataset tiles. This is hand
// maintained, only used when we have a bad dataset is downloaded that will never be usable
// This way we can prevent it from being written to <Config bucket>/PixliseConfig/datasets.json
// Just a work-around for having OCS fetcher put files there without our control. If a bad
// dataset download happens, there's no point in showing a broken tile for it forever!
const BadDatasetIDsFile = "bad-dataset-ids.json"

// Getting a config file path relative to the root of the bucket
func GetConfigFilePath(fileName string) string {
return path.Join(RootPixliseConfigPath, fileName)

// User Content Bucket

Root directory for bucket containing all user-created content
- UserContent/
- ----<user-id>/
- --------ElementSets.json - User created element sets
- --------DataExpressions.json - User created expressions
- --------RGBMixes.json - User created RGB mixes
- --------<dataset-id>/
- ------------ROI.json - User created ROIs
- ------------Tags.json - Dataset tags
- ------------SpectrumAnnotation.json
- ------------multi-quant-z-stack.json - The current z-stack on multi-quant panel
- ------------Quantifications/
- ----------------<quant-id>.bin - The combined.csv file converted to protobuf binary format by quant-converter
- ----------------<quant-id>.csv - Copied from Job Bucket/JobData/<job-id>/output/combined.csv
- ----------------<quant-id>-logs/ - Copied from Job Bucket/JobData/<job-id>/piquant-logs/
- ----------------summary-<quant-id>.json - Quant summary file
- ------------LastPiquantOutput/ - Last output of fit command
- ------------ViewState/ - User view states for each dataset. This stores UI info about how the view was configured
- ----------------quantification.json - The quantification loaded on UI top toolbar
- ----------------roi.json - Colours assigned to ROIs on the UI
- ----------------selection.json - The users current selection of PMCs and/or pixels on UI
- ----------------analysisLayout.json - What widgets go where, top row/bottom row
- -----------------<panel-type>-<location>.json - States of various UI panels and where they are
- ----------------- See: GetViewStatePath()
- ----------------- Workspaces/
- --------------------<workspace-name>.json - View state files (like up one directory) flattened to a file and given a workspace name. Note the file also contains the workspace name, the file name may have been modified for saving, eg removal of /
- -------------------- See: GetWorkspacePath()
- -------------------- WorkspaceCollections/
- --------------------<collection-name>.json
- -------------------- See: GetCollectionPath()
- ----shared/ - All shared objects go here. Kind of like if they belong to a user called "shared". NOTE: User diffraction/roughness files are shared by default!
const RootUserContent = "UserContent"
const elementSetFile = "ElementSets.json"
const rgbMixFile = "RGBMixes.json"
const roiFile = "ROI.json"
const tagFile = "Tags.json"

// Multi-quant z-stack file name
const MultiQuantZStackFile = "multi-quant-z-stack.json"

const annotationFile = "SpectrumAnnotation.json"

const RootQuantificationPath = "Quantifications"

Expand All @@ -224,41 +146,20 @@ func GetQuantPath(userId string, scanId string, fileName string) string {
return path.Join(RootQuantificationPath, scanId, userId)

const quantLastOutputSubPath = "LastPiquantOutput"

// File name of last piquant output (used with fit command). Extension added as needed
const QuantLastOutputFileName = "output_data"

// File name of last piquant output log file (used with fit command)
const QuantLastOutputLogName = "output.log"

// Retrieve path for last outputs, eg last run fit command (command is actually "quant"), sits in here with its log file
const rootLastQuantOutput = "LastQuantOutput"

func GetUserLastPiquantOutputPath(userID string, datasetID string, piquantCommand string, fileName string) string {
if len(fileName) > 0 {
return path.Join(RootUserContent, userID, datasetID, quantLastOutputSubPath, piquantCommand, fileName)
return path.Join(rootLastQuantOutput, datasetID, userID, piquantCommand, fileName)
return path.Join(RootUserContent, userID, datasetID, quantLastOutputSubPath, piquantCommand)

const viewStatePath = "ViewState"

// TODO: Move files directly in ViewState/ into their own directory, eg Last/ because
// currently we have to check what we're deleting if resetting view state for example

// Sub-dir containing all workspaces. These are saved copies of view states
const ViewStateSavedSubpath = "Workspaces"

// Sub-dir containing all workspace collections. These are flat files containing all workspaces they were created from
const ViewStateCollectionsSubpath = "WorkspaceCollections"

// Gets user content file path by user id and file name
func GetUserContentPath(userID string, fileName string) string {
return path.Join(RootUserContent, userID, fileName)

// Gets user content file path for a given dataset id. Also requires user id, and the file name
func GetUserContentDatasetPath(userID string, datasetID string, fileName string) string {
return path.Join(RootUserContent, userID, datasetID, fileName)
return path.Join(rootLastQuantOutput, datasetID, userID, piquantCommand)

// Name of user manually entered diffraction peaks file. NOTE: this file only exists as a shared file!
Expand All @@ -269,13 +170,6 @@ const DiffractionPeakManualFileName = "manual-diffraction-peaks.json"
// OTE: this file only exists as a shared file!
const DiffractionPeakStatusFileName = "diffraction-peak-statuses.json"

Root directory containing all user activity stored, to track clicks and user flows for research purposes
- Activity/
- -----------<datestamp>/<GUID>.json - User activity files (things captured by middleware logger)
const RootUserActivity = "Activity"

// Job Bucket
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,42 +208,6 @@ func GetJobDataPath(datasetID string, jobID string, fileName string) string {
return path.Join(RootJobData, datasetID)

Root directory for all job statuses. These are stored separately to JobData so we can easily list all jobs and
query their statuses
- JobStatus/
- ----<dataset-id>/<job-id>-status.json
const RootJobStatus = "JobStatus"

// Job status file name suffix. Appended to the job ID
const JobStatusSuffix = "-status.json"

// Retrieves the path of a job status file for given dataset id and job id. If job id is blank, this just
// returns the root of all job statuses for the given datset id
func GetJobStatusPath(datasetID string, jobID string) string {
if len(jobID) <= 0 {
return path.Join(RootJobStatus, datasetID)
return path.Join(RootJobStatus, datasetID, jobID+JobStatusSuffix)

Root directory for all job summaries. This is stored separately to JobData so we can easily list all jobs
and get their metadata (summary) files
- JobSummaries/
- ----<dataset-id>-jobs.json - Summary files describing all jobs for a dataset
const RootJobSummaries = "JobSummaries"

// Job summary file name suffix. Appended to dataset ID
const JobSummarySuffix = "-jobs.json"

// Gets the job summary path for a given dataset ID
func GetJobSummaryPath(datasetID string) string {
return path.Join(RootJobSummaries, datasetID+JobSummarySuffix)

// Artifacts Manual Upload Data Source Bucket
Expand All @@ -372,21 +230,6 @@ const DatasetCustomRoot = "dataset-addons"
// File name for dataset custom meta file containing the title and other settings
const DatasetCustomMetaFileName = "custom-meta.json"

// Get the custom meta file path for a given dataset ID
func GetCustomMetaPath(datasetID string) string {
return path.Join(DatasetCustomRoot, datasetID, DatasetCustomMetaFileName)

// Get the custom image path for a given dataset ID. Note imageType must be one of UNALIGNED, MATCHED or RGBU
func GetCustomImagePath(datasetID string, imgType string, fileName string) string {
// NOTE: We assume imgType is valid!
s3Path := path.Join(DatasetCustomRoot, datasetID, strings.ToUpper(imgType))
if len(fileName) > 0 {
s3Path = path.Join(s3Path, fileName)
return s3Path

Root directory to store uploaded dataset "raw" artifacts. These are then read by dataset importer
to create a dataset in the dataset bucket
Expand All @@ -399,102 +242,10 @@ to create a dataset in the dataset bucket
const DatasetUploadRoot = "UploadedDatasets"

// Gets the path to a file in the dataset upload area, for a given dataset id and file name
func GetDatasetUploadPath(datasetID string, fileName string) string {
return path.Join(DatasetUploadRoot, datasetID, fileName)

// Artifacts Built Bucket - where we go to download built PIQUANT, etc

PIQUANT binaries root file - this kind of went unused and is likely not working because
our build process doesn't write to the bucket any more
- piquant/
- ----piquant-linux-*.zip - Built PIQUANT executables (zipped)
const PiquantDownloadPath = "piquant"

// Some specific helper functions for better searchability/grouping

// Getting element set file path for a user
func GetElementSetPath(userID string) string {
return GetUserContentPath(userID, elementSetFile)

// Getting RGB mix file path for a user
func GetRGBMixPath(userID string) string {
return GetUserContentPath(userID, rgbMixFile)

// Getting ROI file path for a user and dataset
func GetROIPath(userID string, datasetID string) string {
return GetUserContentDatasetPath(userID, datasetID, roiFile)

// Getting tag file path for a user
func GetTagPath(userID string) string {
return GetUserContentPath(userID, tagFile)

// Getting multi-quant z-stack file path for a user and dataset
func GetMultiQuantZStackPath(userID string, datasetID string) string {
return GetUserContentDatasetPath(userID, datasetID, MultiQuantZStackFile)

// Getting spectrum annotations file path for a user and dataset
func GetAnnotationsPath(userID string, datasetID string) string {
return GetUserContentDatasetPath(userID, datasetID, annotationFile)

// Getting view state file path for a user, dataset and file name. Note if file name is blank, this just returns the directory
func GetViewStatePath(userID string, datasetID string, fileName string) string {
if len(fileName) <= 0 {
// Just return the root of this
return path.Join(RootUserContent, userID, datasetID, viewStatePath)
return path.Join(RootUserContent, userID, datasetID, viewStatePath, fileName+".json")

// Getting workspace file path for a user, dataset and workspace ID. Note if id is blank, this just returns the directory
// Validates ids to make sure they are valid (because the id is actually part of the file name)
func GetWorkspacePath(userID string, datasetID string, id string) string {
if len(id) <= 0 {
// Just return the root of this
return path.Join(RootUserContent, userID, datasetID, viewStatePath, ViewStateSavedSubpath)
// ensure it's a valid file name
id = fileaccess.MakeValidObjectName(id, true)
return path.Join(RootUserContent, userID, datasetID, viewStatePath, ViewStateSavedSubpath, id+".json")

// Getting collection file path for a user, dataset and workspace ID. Note if id is blank, this just returns the directory
// Validates ids to make sure they are valid (because the id is actually part of the file name)
func GetCollectionPath(userID string, datasetID string, id string) string {
if len(id) <= 0 {
// Just return the root of this
return path.Join(RootUserContent, userID, datasetID, viewStatePath, ViewStateCollectionsSubpath)
// ensure it's a valid file name
id = fileaccess.MakeValidObjectName(id, true)
return path.Join(RootUserContent, userID, datasetID, viewStatePath, ViewStateCollectionsSubpath, id+".json")

// Helpers for forming certain file names

// QuantSummaryFilePrefix - summary files are summary-<jobid>.json
const QuantSummaryFilePrefix = "summary-"

// MakeQuantSummaryFileName - Given a quant ID, generates the file name: summary-<jobid>.json (use this for searchability/consistency)
func MakeQuantSummaryFileName(quantID string) string {
return QuantSummaryFilePrefix + quantID + ".json"

// QuantFileSuffix - quant files are <jobid>.bin
const QuantFileSuffix = ".bin"

Expand Down
30 changes: 0 additions & 30 deletions api/filepaths/filepaths_test.go

This file was deleted.

13 changes: 0 additions & 13 deletions internal/cmd-line-tools/v3-importer/main.go
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Expand Up @@ -398,19 +398,6 @@ func main() {
fmt.Println("Skipping migration of diffraction peaks...")

// NOTE: we don't actually migrate them any more... new world is too different. Just left
// here for completeness/documentation of what was tried, and it does still clear the
// View States DB collection!
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
fmt.Println("View States...")
err = migrateViewStates(userContentBucket, userContentPaths, fs, destDB)
if err != nil {

// Wait for all
Expand Down

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